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Best 2011 summer movie you've seen so far?


Feb 12, 2002
In order of my personal preference of "good"

Transformers - Enjoyable movie - horrible dialog though, and Rosie makes Megan look like a seasoned oscar actress
Thor - Don't know enough about the comic to comment on the storyline per se, but the movie had good mix of action, romance and comedy...and Natalie Portman!
X-Men - Actually I liked it just as much as Thor. Interesting backstory to the other X-Men movies. Highlight - Huge Jackman's Cameo. January Jones, good to look at, acting...blah.
Green Lantern - I had high hopes for it but came out disappointed. Story way too incoherent. Even Blake Lively didn't save the movie for me. The only redeeming thing was Ryan
Reynold's witty performance.

I don't have high hopes for Captain America, but what I do look forward to is Marvel's now standard bonus scene during/after the credits. This should be the last bonus scene before they come out with The Avengers so hopefully it'll be a good one.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
I would probably have to say Super 8. Just a great, nostalgic movie. Got a little weak toward the end, but still a damn good movie. Some of the best children's acting I've seen in awhile
X-Men was also pretty good, and I wasn't expecting it to be, especially after the twin horrors that were X-Men 3 and Wolverine. Jennifer Lawrence who played Mystique quickly has entered my top 5 in terms of hottest actresses. And I had plenty of fun dreams about January Jones's tits after that one. Maybe it's because I gave up on Mad Men about a season in, or maybe I was just focused too much on Christina Hendricks, but I had no idea January was that stacked.

Thor was entertaining, but instantly forgettable. I never read the comics so I wasn't really invested in the character that much
Fast Five was very very good at what it was, a dumb, entertaining action movie with cool cars and badass characters.
Hangover 2 was predictably not as good as the original. It's not as bad as some people make out to be, but it followed the first movie too closely, and unlike the first one, some of the main characters actually pissed me off. Alan, in particular, went from a entertaining, socially retarded man-child from the first one to a complete asshole, and not that funny, in the second one. I mean, he knowingly drugged all of them again. Really, they couldn't have made up another explaination for the complete memory blockage that didn't make it look like a complete asshole? Also, I love the fact that very likely Ed Helms's character now most likely has AIDS from the tranny Thai hooker that banged him, and somehow that's hilarious. Also, the poor kid who now has no future in either surgery or violin-playing because he lost a finger. The movie had a bit of a malicious tone that wasn't in the first one.

I still haven't seen most of the recent big ones, like Green Lantern, Bad Teacher, Horrible Bosses or Transformers. I expect
Transformers will be loud, dumb and stupid in a hilarious way, although hopefully the rumors about it being better than the last one are true. Still can't fully get aboard the Rosie Huntington train, although a video I saw of her giving a dude a lapdance in her Victoria's Secret get-up went a long way. Still I would vastly prefer Megan Fox to be back, I think she's much hotter than Rosie
I'll probably see Harry Potter just to say I saw it. I liked the books, hated the first two movies, and have only seen snippets of the last five when I visit my little cousins (they eat, sleep and breathe all things Harry), but I do want to see how it ends on screen. I'm very excited for Captain America though, I think it has the chance to be the best superhero movie this year. (Not that the bar is too high)
I'm also irrationally excited for the new Planet of the Apes movie. I'm sure it'll be kinda lame, but I like the idea of apes kicking the shit of people.
Also, Cowboys and Aliens, not just because it looks sorta cool, but for Olivia Wilde.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Midnight in Paris was OK
kinda a homage to Hemingway's Moveable Feast


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Is Limitless considered a summer film? Loved the flick.
I liked it too. Saw Super 8 and Horrible Bosses.

Heard Midnight in Paris is good but it doesn't have a high rating. I think Limitless is my best one so far. I have yet to see Transformers, Thor and Green Lantern. Usually I'm good to catch all the flicks, but I've been busy.


Jun 11, 2011
Toronto Canada
Transformers 3 and Hangover 2


Mar 12, 2006
Did not see the original Hangover, but having been to Bangkok several times, found the sequel to be funny. Mike Tyson is hilarious.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Heard Midnight in Paris is good but it doesn't have a high rating.
um it has 8.1/10 imdb rating...probably higher than all the other movies mentioned in this thread


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
um it has 8.1/10 imdb rating...probably higher than all the other movies mentioned in this thread
It's a Woody Allen film isn't it? I would think that IMDB is a tad biased for someone as influential as him.

It wasn't so high on NOW Magazines' movie reviews (which I've found to be pretty reliable). Perhaps the critic doesn't like WA. My friend saw it and liked it so that's good enough for me.


Jun 11, 2011
Toronto Canada
X men is the best by far - Fassbender just dominates his scenes with intensity. Jennifer Lawrence is sensational as well.
X-Men First Class was okay but being a comic book fanatic myself I could have made a better X-Men movie in my sleep. Magneto will always be a comic book legend in my mind however they could have picked so many powerful mutants to introduce in this movie and the ones that they ended up picking were not all that impressive with the exceptions of the White Queen and Havoc. What happened to Sinister? Apocalypse? The Legendary Phoenix? The Unstoppable Juggernaut? and the list goes on... They should not have called that movie X-men First Class... They should have called it "Magneto The beginning of a Legend"


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I'm surprised no one mentioned Source Code given the high rotten tomato grade. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was a decent flick but I don't understand why people thought it was that great.
I actually thought that Hangover 2 was the biggest disappointment of the summer -- it had basically the same jokes as the first one (with a lot of tranny jokes). I knew that Transformer 3 wasn't going to be good and it wasn't (but at least it was better than Transformer 2). And Thor was better than Green Lantern.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
All of them suggestion.An older movie,I think 2009,Requiem For a Dream.Best movie I have ever seen. I guarantee you'll like it,and think about it for a long time after watching.
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