Greece given world's lowest credit rating


Apr 24, 2005
"I've done nothing wrong. I've never taken out a loan in my life. So why should I pay now?
Can't say I blame him. It's not his fault that he is a citizen of a poor country or that he wasn't born into a rich family. Why should he suffer?


Senior Member
They lied about the condition of their national economy .......
You can thank Goldman Sachs.

"As Greece got on the heroin of borrowed money, Goldman was the crack dealer" Mark Kirk, US Senator


Jan 31, 2005
Can't say I blame him. It's not his fault that he is a citizen of a poor country or that he wasn't born into a rich family. Why should he suffer?
I wonder if he was one of the majority of Greeks who cheated on his taxes, though. I wonder whether he enjoys riding on the free subway and the subsidize rail. I wonder what other government over-spending he was enjoying during the party years.

Plainly the rich won biggest. Many of the wealthiest in Greeks managed to get their incomes mdae legally tax exempt.

Still, the whole country was having quite a party, living well beyond its means, and financing it all by going deeper and deeper into unsustainable debt. They HAD to know it couldn't last.


May 28, 2011
They are acting like spoiled brats whose credit cards got taken away.
They wished that they had credit cards but Greece, and Europe is plagued by tax evasion, and illegal activities. For example, from Ukraine tobacco and women are trafficked towards Austria, and from Romania illegal immigrants are transferred, from Croatia and Serbia weapons and drugs are being imported. Greece, counterfeit money, credit cards, counterfeit goods sold by illegals.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein


Senior Member
The high levels of borrowing in Greece relate to Greece's social and class structure and the form the Greek economy has assumed over the last few decades. Also, the Greek states' systematic inability to implement a fair system of taxation.

The IMF, EU and the ECB are dictating their policy through an unconstitutional memorandum. The Greek government in collaboration with these foreign lenders has turned against its own people with harsh austerity measures. The measures taken are stabilization measures to prevent Greece from defaulting. These are not measures to reduce debt, but the aim is clearly to protect the lenders and banks.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel, only unemployment, lack of medicine/healthcare and poverty. This is what the MAJORITY (working class) Greeks are facing.

What Greece needs is their very own Rafael Correa. Someone with big balls to stand up to the IMF/EU/ECB and deliver a very big 'GENTLEMEN GO FUCK YOURSELVES' and bring in the chopper to airlift the current Greek government out of there.


Bless the contrarians, the resisitors, the objectors!


Jan 31, 2005
Sara, do you include in the "MAJORITY (working class) Greeks" all those civil servants being paid three times the going wage for their work? All those middle class Greeks who refused to pay their taxes?


Senior Member
Sara, do you include in the "MAJORITY (working class) Greeks" all those civil servants being paid three times the going wage for their work?
No. I'm not sure that they are paid three time the going rate, whatever they are paid is too much though. Greece has a population of roughly 11 million people of which 750,000 are civil servants. It is a well known fact that half of them are useless losers whose parents are connected or are in the position of paying bribes and secured these jobs for them.



May 28, 2011
The Greek gov't is a joke and I mean "Pasok", George Papandreous along with his father and grandfather. They don't have a clue as how and what to do to put Greece back on track. They're bunch of thugs destroying people's lives and should be shot and pissed on. The politicians for the past 50 years have promised and given properties, monetary, future jobs along with other bribes to Greek citizens to cast their their vote for "Pasok" Socialism. They knew since 80's when they entered the Euro zone what would happen in the future but it would not effect them since they would no longer be in office. It is now time to find these politicians and prohibit them from politics as a warning to the current and future politicians that we will not put up with this. Greece is corrupt, and so is EU and U.S. Fortunately for U.S, Canada is holding up the eagles wings from disaster. Politicians make our beds.


Apr 24, 2005
I wonder if he was one of the majority of Greeks who cheated on his taxes,
One of the Greek protestors was interviewed by a U.S. TV network (CNN?). He said he cheated on his taxes because he didn't want his money to be pissed away on a bloated bureaucracy. (Or, to repay foreign lenders?)


Apr 24, 2005
There is no light at the end of the tunnel, only unemployment, lack of medicine/healthcare and poverty. This is what the MAJORITY (working class) Greeks are facing.
Sorry to be so blunt, but remember the old Russian proverb: "Beggars can't be choosy."


Senior Member


Jan 31, 2005
One of the Greek protestors was interviewed by a U.S. TV network (CNN?). He said he cheated on his taxes because he didn't want his money to be pissed away on a bloated bureaucracy. (Or, to repay foreign lenders?)
Did he also refuse the government services offered to him? Did he somehow insist on paying when he rode the free subway?


Sounds like disaster capitalism hard at work.
Sounds like disaster government spending to me!

In 2009, Greece had the EU's second lowest Index of Economic Freedom (after Poland), ranking 81st in the world.[51] The country suffers from high levels of political and economic corruption and low global competitiveness relative to its EU partners.[52][53] The Greek economy faces significant problems, including rising unemployment levels and an inefficient government bureaucracy.[54]

Greece will likely experience something similar to what Argentina did when it defauted in 2001 - everythign kind of implodes, the middle class gets decimated, people start foraging at dumps, it ain't pretty.


Senior Member
Did he also refuse the government services offered to him? Did he somehow insist on paying when he rode the free subway?
No, but he asked what float you were riding in tomorrows parade.....he has some tzatziki for you. LOL.


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