Toronto Passions

Greece given world's lowest credit rating

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
It's all GWB's fault ;)


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
17% interest rate is looking very attractive :) This has got to be the end of the line for Greece’s spending spree.
I would not touch that investment with a ten foot pole.
The amount of debt they have piled up is huge.

Do not be surprised if your investment gets restructured and the maturity date is pushed out by a decade
That is if they do not outright default


Senior Member
Isn't it perfectly clear that the current austerity-measures-dependent aid to Greece will simply keep the country deeply indebted to a cluster of money-lending institutions, allowing the latter to (1) influence Greek domestic politics to an ever-greater degree and (2) profit from the hardships heaped upon the Greeks?

The Greek people should 'take their lumps' and bail out of the corrupt international monetary system. A system that is obviously designed for the purpose of dispossessing individuals, companies and now entire nations. Furthermore, it is encouraging to see that at least some people (apparently not North Americans) are awake and have more than an inkling of what the real consequences are of international banking practices.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Isn't it perfectly clear that the current austerity-measures-dependent aid to Greece will simply keep the country deeply indebted to a cluster of money-lending institutions, allowing the latter to (1) influence Greek domestic politics to an ever-greater degree and (2) profit from the hardships heaped upon the Greeks?

The Greek people should 'take their lumps' and bail out of the corrupt international monetary system. A system that is obviously designed for the purpose of dispossessing individuals, companies and now entire nations. Furthermore, it is encouraging to see that at least some people (apparently not North Americans) are awake and have more than an inkling of what the real consequences are of international banking practices.

Agreed, the international banking organizations have always demanded austerity measures that have punished the poor for the excesses of the rich.


Apr 24, 2005
Agreed, the international banking organizations have always demanded austerity measures that have punished the poor for the excesses of the rich.
But, why are some countries poor? Dumb people? Dumb government? Too many raccoons?

BTW: My company did a lot of business in Brazil back when they were broke (1980's). Now they are one of the "BRIC's". Why can't Greece be a "BRIC"?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
But, why are some countries poor? Dumb people? Dumb government? Too many raccoons?

BTW: My company did a lot of business in Brazil back when they were broke (1980's). Now they are one of the "BRIC's". Why can't Greece be a "BRIC"?
I meant the poor people within the country being "saved"


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Agreed, the international banking organizations have always demanded austerity measures that have punished the poor for the excesses of the rich.
In the case of Greece it seems to have been the excesses of "the poor" or if you prefer "the not rich" that has lead to the current situation.

p.s. How is your buy-up of Greek Government Bonds going?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
In the case of Greece it seems to have been the excesses of "the poor" or if you prefer "the not rich" that has lead to the current situation.
Not bloody likely. The scam that was perpetrated to get into the Euro zone was engineered by Morgan Stanley. Not generally a representative of the poor.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Not bloody likely. The scam that was perpetrated to get into the Euro zone was engineered by Morgan Stanley. Not generally a representative of the poor.
Greece joining the Euro zone was all a conspiracy of investment bankers?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Greece joining the Euro zone was all a conspiracy of investment bankers?
It was not the poor, get it?

I knew it was a mistake to take you off ignore.


Senior Member


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
It comes down to this and I'm not sure if the Greek common folk know this or not. The EU, especially Germany and France can not afford a Greek default as that would set off a daisy chain of events with crashing Euro, other countries such as Portugal, Spain neglecting their obligations, banks and bondholder's put on credit watch etc....
So if I was a common Greek folk I would dig in my heels also because the EU has to bail them out. So why not keep taking the money while they still get it without having to make concessions.
If Greece would ever default and go back to Drachma (not likely) then they can think about austerity.
Is it fair? No. But, what is fair these days?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The scam that was perpetrated to get into the Euro zone was engineered by Morgan Stanley. Not generally a representative of the poor.
Aardie and even bottie use the lame logic used to defend our Crooked Wall St Banksters, when these lying weasels said their meltdown was the result of too many poor folks getting mortgages they could never afford to pay! They totally ignore the facts proper 'regulations' in place since the Great Depression were 'deregulated' and now Banksters were allowed to do things they were NEVER allowed to do in the past!


Apr 24, 2005
So if I was a common Greek folk I would dig in my heels also because the EU has to bail them out. So why not keep taking the money while they still get it without having to make concessions.
Shoot, so the E.U. (principally France and Germany) got "played". Guess who are the dummies in this scenario. (Sort of like Quebec "playing" the rest of Canada for the past 200 years.)


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Not bloody likely. The scam that was perpetrated to get into the Euro zone was engineered by Morgan Stanley. Not generally a representative of the poor.
Not bloody likely

The Greeks apparently do not understand that a short work week, 1/2 the work force employed by the govt, low taxes and retirement @ age 60 is a recipe for economic disaster and is simply not sustainable
Well disaster has finally hit the fan.

The parts that I find unbeleiveable is they expect a bail out and they resent the steps taken to correct the problems.

You giver far too much credit to Morgan Stanley and you read far too much conspiracy mumbo jumbo
The move into the Euro was driven by need / desire to expand trade within the member nations.

At the time I thught the Germans might regret the change to the Euro and that some smaller nation would break the covenants of the deal by runing up a pile of debt, knowing the squareheads would be forced to bail them out
(looks like I was right once again)
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