More new girls


New member
May 2, 2011
Minaj is definitely a time waster and not worth the effort as far as I'm concerned!! That I can say based on personal experience.
The other two girls I can't comment on. But based on what I have read about them, in my opinion they are all fly-by-nighters looking to make some quick money with a complete disregard for professionalism or repeat business. The only thing they really have going for them are their looks, if that.

Just my two cents...


Jan 22, 2011
Id like to start by saying to Mr. CFP, if you actually took the time to look at my posts you would notice i post everyday moday to friday. I have only ever worked twice at night at that was to accomadate my regular clients. Its really unfair of you to give your input about my seriousness of this business when you dont even do your research. I doubt you have even every tried to book with me. And trust me, if you had, you have nothing but nice things to say.
Forgone- a waste of time would be me responding to you.
DJ1470-- Its very Juvenile of you to come on here and isult my name. Everyone else finds it to be sexy. Would you prefer i use something like Candi, or Cookie? lol. Because i can call myself whatever you like.
Some people should not come on here and give an input on an SP they know nothing about. I am new to this yes, however i take it serious, give fantastic customer service and always make sure my "friends" leave satisfied.
Perhaps you should all give me a try.. ;)

Whayt about Cameltoe Annie? Cameltoes are sexy as fuck


New member
Jun 19, 2006
Id like to start by saying to Mr. CFP, if you actually took the time to look at my posts you would notice i post everyday moday to friday. I have only ever worked twice at night at that was to accomadate my regular clients. Its really unfair of you to give your input about my seriousness of this business when you dont even do your research. I doubt you have even every tried to book with me. And trust me, if you had, you have nothing but nice things to say.
Forgone- a waste of time would be me responding to you.
DJ1470-- Its very Juvenile of you to come on here and isult my name. Everyone else finds it to be sexy. Would you prefer i use something like Candi, or Cookie? lol. Because i can call myself whatever you like.
Some people should not come on here and give an input on an SP they know nothing about. I am new to this yes, however i take it serious, give fantastic customer service and always make sure my "friends" leave satisfied.
Perhaps you should all give me a try.. ;)
You and your pal Minja don't have the business skills to operate a 5 customer paper route. And you did waste my time.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Id like to start by saying to Mr. CFP, if you actually took the time to look at my posts you would notice i post everyday moday to friday. I have only ever worked twice at night at that was to accomadate my regular clients. Its really unfair of you to give your input about my seriousness of this business when you dont even do your research. I doubt you have even every tried to book with me.
You're right, I have not and definitely won't. I don't recall having said that. My opinions are based on my experience with Minaj. I think I was clear about that.

But, have you ever heard the expressions: "Birds of a feather flock together" or "guilty by association"? That is why I can deduce that if you are "working with" Minaj and in my opinion she is a time-waster and unprofessional, then you (and anyone else who chooses to work with her) may be as well.....


New member
Mar 28, 2011
You're right, I have not and definitely won't. I don't recall having said that. My opinions are based on my experience with Minaj. I think I was clear about that.

But, have you ever heard the expressions: "Birds of a feather flock together" or "guilty by association"? That is why I can deduce that if you are "working with" Minaj and in my opinion she is a time-waster and unprofessional, then you (and anyone else who chooses to work with her) may be as well.....
Your response is a matter of opinion. You sound very disgruntled!!!! U have your opinion of Minaj....Your opinion!!! So save your Bird a flying in a flock to someone else!!! You have proven in past threads of your Jump on the Banned wagon against Minaj!!!( that were banned and withdrawn from the board). There are plenty out there that love them both!!(Minaj and Atlanta).
Speaking of expressions...Have you....ever heard of..GO TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET???? You can assume association as much as you want..but fact are very mistaken!!!
Why do you continue to book with Minaj...when you have all this pent up B>S against her??? You text her 2 days ago and got pissed because she wasn't avail for you at 8 pm..when she answered, and was done for the said ...0 for 2?????. I have seen your texts to should tell the Board "THE TRUTH"!!!!


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I would just like to also note... this board has turned into nothing but a negative S&*T storm...
I used to log on every day multiple every time I read a post , it's alsmost like ten different murder stories!!
Is this not supposed to be fun???? Is it not about feeling good and satisfing???

Don't love us.....but..god damn it.....Respect what we do to some point....Most of us give the same respect...but ya..shit happens.. !!!
WE can take the hobbiest excuse....but our's are not acceptable..
At the end of the day...WE have families and responsibilities just like you"s do.....
Am I asking or saying too much???
I understand negative reviws..That's what this board is here for..the good and the bad!! I myself welcome them, I then can fix what to some may be a problem. I can also thank those who give a great review!
But..all and all...Most Sp's read this board(from area). When we read nothing but bitching and crying....What do you expect us to do..when you call saying you are from terb??? Shutter in our Stelletos??......OR...Treat everyone the same?
I offer respect and discresion.....Is that not what you want???
From self experience.....I love my clients,,,want to take some of them home them and respect them....listen to their "horrible" lives!!! But I enjoy it!!! Some girls may be new...It's not a life you adapt to over night....If you have something negative to can still be said respectfully...they will then learn to "learn" from it!!
Just saying..only my some may be simple..but to some may be, an eye opener!!



New member
Feb 15, 2008
Why do you continue to book with Minaj...when you have all this pent up B>S against her??? You text her 2 days ago and got pissed because she wasn't avail for you at 8 pm..when she answered, and was done for the said ...0 for 2?????. I have seen your texts to should tell the Board "THE TRUTH"!!!!
Minaj must have me confused with someone else she screwed over!! I can assure you that I have not attempted to contact her since the day I saw her, which was over a month ago. And I can assure you that the last thing I would want to do is repeat with her!! I saw her once and once was enough.

Like I said before, birds of a feather flock together. I think it is admirable that you are sticking up for her Shauna, but it is you who needs to get her facts straight. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not communicate by text....EVER!!! I will leave it at that because I suspect that this thread is also headed for the "wastebasket". So why bother??

BTW, why are you even on here? Weren't you banned?


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Minaj must have me confused with someone else she screwed over!! I can assure you that I have not attempted to contact her since the day I saw her, which was over a month ago. And I can assure you that the last thing I would want to do is repeat with her!! I saw her once and once was enough.

Like I said before, birds of a feather flock together. I think it is admirable that you are sticking up for her Shauna, but it is you who needs to get her facts straight. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not communicate by text....EVER!!! I will leave it at that because I suspect that this thread is also headed for the "wastebasket". So why bother??

BTW, why are you even on here? Weren't you banned?
Why bother????? POINT MADE!!!!
Quit with your Rant!!! I am done with my wasting time!!! To each his own...happy hobbing and FUck an SP today.....signing out!!! PEACE!!!


Feb 20, 2010
I would just like to also note... this board has turned into nothing but a negative S&*T storm...
I used to log on every day multiple every time I read a post , it's alsmost like ten different murder stories!!
Is this not supposed to be fun???? Is it not about feeling good and satisfing???

Don't love us.....but..god damn it.....Respect what we do to some point....Most of us give the same respect...but ya..shit happens.. !!!
WE can take the hobbiest excuse....but our's are not acceptable..
At the end of the day...WE have families and responsibilities just like you"s do.....
Am I asking or saying too much???
I understand negative reviws..That's what this board is here for..the good and the bad!! I myself welcome them, I then can fix what to some may be a problem. I can also thank those who give a great review!
But..all and all...Most Sp's read this board(from area). When we read nothing but bitching and crying....What do you expect us to do..when you call saying you are from terb??? Shutter in our Stelletos??......OR...Treat everyone the same?
I offer respect and discresion.....Is that not what you want???
From self experience.....I love my clients,,,want to take some of them home them and respect them....listen to their "horrible" lives!!! But I enjoy it!!! Some girls may be new...It's not a life you adapt to over night....If you have something negative to can still be said respectfully...they will then learn to "learn" from it!!
Just saying..only my some may be simple..but to some may be, an eye opener!!

Three cheers for Vash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well written and to the point,I can't believe how negative things have been out here lately either!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Jan 2, 2011
ok, lemme get this straight...minaj or atlanta, showed vashtvay, a private communication between a client and sp????? Am I understanding that correctly? What I also don't know is vashtvay an sp or client??? Either way it doesn't matter, the sp just crossed the line showing any private communication to a third party. Strike those two off the list as 'will never do". This is yet another reason I refuse to communicate via text or email. Simply a trust issue, and that crosses the line for sure.

..edit...reread vash's posts and I see she's an sp....still doesn't change the fact the sp's are sharing private client info


Mar 4, 2004
The Great White North
I've partaken of the Minaj Atlanta duo and had a fantastic time! Both girls were very into one another ... in other words the duo was fully interactive. Both girls are HOT and quite open to suggestions. The only downside was that it wasn't GFE, as advertised. That being said, I would absolutely repeat.


Feb 20, 2010
ok, lemme get this straight...minaj or atlanta, showed vashtvay, a private communication between a client and sp????? Am I understanding that correctly? What I also don't know is vashtvay an sp or client??? Either way it doesn't matter, the sp just crossed the line showing any private communication to a third party. Strike those two off the list as 'will never do". This is yet another reason I refuse to communicate via text or email. Simply a trust issue, and that crosses the line for sure.

..edit...reread vash's posts and I see she's an sp....still doesn't change the fact the sp's are sharing private client info
Pipelayer You seem shocked at the idea SP's "might" be sharing info, First point "we share info about them all the time" second point " SP's being the oldest profession on the planet,they have probally been sharing information since the " Carrier Pigeon" and Telegram came to be" It's part of the business,Case in point ,Have you ever seen the movie "Unforgiven"with Eastwood and Hackman????? My suggestion is always be respectful,treat the girls the way you would want to be treated,and they will only have good things to say to each other,Just my 2 cents!!!!!!


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Pipelayer You seem shocked at the idea SP's "might" be sharing info, First point "we share info about them all the time" second point " SP's being the oldest profession on the planet,they have probally been sharing information since the " Carrier Pigeon" and Telegram came to be" It's part of the business,Case in point ,Have you ever seen the movie "Unforgiven"with Eastwood and Hackman????? My suggestion is always be respectful,treat the girls the way you would want to be treated,and they will only have good things to say to each other,Just my 2 cents!!!!!!
Ok, this post bothers me a bit. It's as Pipelayer was suggesting, if what he is describing is true. It's very unprofessional to be sharing client information when the SPs so often claim discretion. Furthermore, before people jump on us for reviewing sps, "we", at least ideally, only discuss them insofar as to say "this girl was awesome, I highly recommend spending time with her," "I didn't have quite the blast I usually do, visit at your own risk," or "Halpz I gat teh muggingz." Finally, just because people do something inappropriate for long periods of time doesn't make the action any less wrong. I will note an important exception, which is when, for example, a client behaves very poorly/violently and all the other SPs must know for their safety.


Feb 20, 2010
" I will note an important exception, which is when, for example, a client behaves very poorly/violently and all the other SPs must know for their safety."

This is exactly my point,treat the girls with respect and the same way you would want to be treated and why I quoted the movie.


New member
Mar 5, 2010
I would rather slide down a razer blade into a puddle of iodine while being forced to watch a royal wedding than take on a job as an sp. I would imagine the guys who consistently bash the sp's are only seeing them as any other woman they have met would never put up with their crap. I can't imagine how difficult it can be to try to please that kind of person. Having said all that did any of you terbies dvr the royal wedding, I missed it....:)


Jan 17, 2004
Having said all that did any of you terbies dvr the royal wedding, I missed it....
Being a proud, born and bred Brit, I watched the wedding in real time. All along I was wondering how Prince Billy and slutty Katherine were going to consummate their marriage. As Billy was about to ejaculate, he probably said (in a very proper English accent) “Katherine my dear, I’m arriving, I’m arriving”. ;)


New member
Mar 5, 2010
Funny, I can't say I have ever heard a proud, born and bred brit say something that witty.........that's freakin hilarious!


New member
Mar 5, 2010
That dude on your sig is thinking to himself right now......."I wish I hadn't taken that viagara, I am having a difficult time arriving.
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