Vaughan Spa

80% of married men are cheaters. Do you agree?


Jan 11, 2011
About 8-10 years ago, I was listening to talk radio and the host shared information on 2 North American polls. The question in the studies were - Have you ever cheated on your spouse at some point over the course of the marriage? Cheating was defined as any physical contact - including kissing.
The studies showed that 82-85% of married men said that they had cheated as compared to 20-22% of women.

I remember at the time thinking - no way! Those numbers are messed up. no chance that 8-9 out of 10 have cheated. Impossible! Today, I know those numbers are accurate.
I know, for a fact, that 7 out 10 of my closest married male friends have enjoyed some extracurricular. The other 3, I don't know.

Every time I'm with a mpa or stripper, etc. part of my conversation is to find out how many of their clients are married. Without exception, I've never heard anyone say that less than 75% of their clients were married. NEVER.

I know that my circle of friends and my conversations with people from the industry doesn't make it a scientific study.
But I now believe that there is something to those polls from many years ago.

I'm interested to hear what other TERB members think.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Other than saying that obviously most of the people I know must be in the 20 percent. . . . what should I say?


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
First of all, you can't infer overall trends from personal experience. Perhaps you know men who have cheated but your friends may not represent the average population in this matter. As a hobbyist yourself, you might tend to get along better with other men who like to have multiple sex partners.

Secondly, An SP may see 80% married men but that does not mean that 80% of married men see SPs. Perhaps 80% of Hobbyists are married but Hobbyists may not be in the majority of the can't tell from being on TERB where non-hobbyists tend not to participate.

Lastly, I'd be interested to know how that poll would have wound up if kissing was not considered cheating. In my view, a kiss is just a kiss. many cultures are quite liberal about kissing between friends. Whoever added kissing to the cheat list may have been more uptight than the population as a whole.

In short, I can't say that I belive the poll because it's too vague and without proper substantiation.

Anyway, we each hobby for our own personal reasons and it's difficult to group us into one category.


Apr 8, 2011
I wasn't a cheater for 17 years, and had the opportunity a plenty. Then I found out she did, and it comes out she did it because she I thought I was cheating, but I wasn't. She had been lied to. Now I am and am quite sure she is not. On her bequest we spent $45 K in marriage counselling over the course of two years, and I kept thinking the whole time how I wanted to F the counsellor lol.

I consider cheating anything I would want to hide from her between another woman and I. And I think people should stop focusing on cheating so seriously and concentrate more on the motivations behind it. I was pretty surprised at myself at not being upset at all about the actual sex, but more the reasons for it. Sex with someone else is not inherently bad in my opinion, its all the other things tied to it.

The 'opportunity' to cheat plays a big part. Some people don't because they aren't given the opportunity for whatever reason.


Jan 4, 2009
I think the number might be higher than that if you count in those who didn't admit it. The only few who are not cheating are those who are still struggling financially. Most of the well off people I know have always have some stories to tell. It is hard not to cheat when things are so easily accessible thru internet in these days.


Jan 11, 2011
First of all, you can't infer overall trends from personal experience. Perhaps you know men who have cheated but your friends may not represent the average population in this matter. As a hobbyist yourself, you might tend to get along better with other men who like to have multiple sex partners.

Secondly, An SP may see 80% married men but that does not mean that 80% of married men see SPs. Perhaps 80% of Hobbyists are married but Hobbyists may not be in the majority of the can't tell from being on TERB where non-hobbyists tend not to participate.

Lastly, I'd be interested to know how that poll would have wound up if kissing was not considered cheating. In my view, a kiss is just a kiss. many cultures are quite liberal about kissing between friends. Whoever added kissing to the cheat list may have been more uptight than the population as a whole.

In short, I can't say that I belive the poll because it's too vague and without proper substantiation.

Anyway, we each hobby for our own personal reasons and it's difficult to group us into one category.
Blue S - You're absolutely right that perhaps 80% of hobbyists are married but it doesn't represent everyone. But I brought up this thread because I remember that radio show clearly and i remember the host being surprised by these numbers and was questioning if it was possible that they could be accurate. All I'm saying is that the older I get and the more I see, I'm less surprised by those numbers.


Nov 9, 2004
Under the bed
I never hobbied while I was married but I did screw a lot of pretty women - mostly married ones - back then. I think I was an adrenaline junkie more than anything else. I'm more faithful to my SP right now than I was to my ex-wife - for different reasons, none emotional.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
About 8-10 years ago, I was listening to talk radio and the host shared information on 2 North American polls. The question in the studies were - Have you ever cheated on your spouse at some point over the course of the marriage? Cheating was defined as any physical contact - including kissing.
The studies showed that 82-85% of married men said that they had cheated as compared to 20-22% of women.
I believe the 80 percent of married men. Maybe 70% at the minimum.

HOWEVER, not for one nanosecond do I believe that 20 to 22 % of married women cheat. I would wager that it's pretty close to the same as married men.

Stating the obvious here, but, for every married man "cheating", he's cheating with a woman.

Statistically speaking it is very doubtful that all those "cheating women" are sex workers, or single women fucking married men. There just are not enough sex workers around or single women willing to have sex with married women (who are all the single guys fucking then?)

The women in your survey are lying. Simple as that. Women lie all the time about shit like that. If you handed a woman an anonymous survey about something like that, she could be married and fucking 6 different guys every week and she will still put down that she has never cheated. She'll figure that its either some sort of trap and she will get nailed admitting that she's fucking around on the old man, or she's in classic denial.

An interesting statistic A DOCTOR told me once that 10 percent of the people out there - their real father aint the man that that their mother is married to.


Nov 9, 2004
Under the bed
james t kirk said:
An interesting statistic A DOCTOR told me once that 10 percent of the people out there - their real father aint the man that that their mother is married to.
I'm a medical researcher. It's higher in N. America and I believe closer to 30% in the UK.


New member
Oct 20, 2007
Polls and surveys are all dependent on demographics.

When people report results such as "82% of men cheat", they need to also report what type of men they are surveying.

-Social Status?
-Which venue did the survey take place (i.e. was it on TERB? lol)?

I mean, if all the participants of your survey were fat men with an income $100 K+, and the survey was done on TERB; would that survey really be a fair representation of "ALL men"?

I think not...


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
If 80% of men cheat then the math would be 80% of women cheat.When women say only 20% takes 2 to tango.


May 19, 2009
IMO it depends on where you live. If you live in a large metropolitan city you would have a great percentage of cheaters. Different upbringings (values and morals), more temptation, more corruption, city life tends to be a lot more stressed (High cost of living, family, making ends meet). "Work hard play hard". Seeing an SP can be a great stress reliever. It's kind'a like going on vacation and getting away from the rat race so that you can recharge your batteries. In the case of a married hobbist, it's only for an hour or 2 which can be a quick fix stress reliever.

Having said all that I would personally never do it. If you're having troubles in your marriage try and work things out. If you can work things out end it. I know it's easier said then done but this is your life. It's a one shot deal, why live your life in misery. Better to be alone then have that, no? That's type of situation whether you believe it or not will take years off your life.
Another thing that I don't think cheaters think about is... what happens if they contract an STD or worse AIDS? Then they infect their partner.
A number of years back one my neighbors died of AIDS (Seriously) and I remember he was dating this really hot woman and while he was seeing her he was sleeping with other women. No one knew he had AIDS until he died and had the autopsy. To make a long story short his GF luckily didn't contract the disease. But she was extremely lucky.
Who knows if he had unprotected sex or not? Maybe, maybe not? Maybe one of the girls he slept with had a cut in her mouth, bleeding gums, canker soaks etc. and then went down on him? Who knows....


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2009
How many users are on this website minus that from the Sp's.

That number should give you an idea of how Many men cheat while god watches our dirty work.


Jan 11, 2011
Absolutely. Who do they think all those married men are cheating with????
The 20-22% of women!
I don't think those percentages are far off. Take into account that I heard this 10 years ago. Today the number might look like 80% to 30%
Also consider massage parlours, sp's, and sc's are there for men. Out of the 7 friends that I mentioned that have had extracurricular, only 2 were outside this industry. 1 was a 6-month affair and the other 3 years and still going. The other 5 were all mp, sp or sc stuff.
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