Biopsy Results are in. :(


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
For those who have been asking about my Son and his Health problems........He got the test results back from the biopsy.
It appears his immune system is attacking his kidneys. He has a ton of scar tissue on them and it is getting worse. He is now taking a new steroid medication to help combat the immune issue. He will be getting regular injections for a hormone he is lacking, one that is causing the fatigue. The condition is called iga nephropothy. He will need dialysis and/or a transplant at some point in the future. He is very worried and pretty down, he had so many plans for his career that have to be put on hold. Ugh.
I am not doing so well at the moment but am trying to be strong and positive for him.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Totally shitty...

Sorry to hear the news. I hope that something can be done for your son to cure his condition.



May 10, 2005
I hope for the best for you and your son. Try to take it day by day and focus on the here and now.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
It's amazing what they can do with transplants these days, just keep being positive.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
God bless your son and you. I don't anything about this condition or the prognosis or treatments, but if steroids can help, tell him to be patient and try to learn as much about this condition as possible to get the best treatment and to abide by a lifestyle that doesn't exacerbate it. I know someone with MS and he can barely move around. It's debilitating. Is your son mobile?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Very sorry to hear this news. However, you do now have a name to put to it also Toronto does have excellent hospitals. Hopefully this will not affect your son's summer plans.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Thank you all for your kind words and your support.
Aardvark, Unfortunately he will not be going to the Algonquin Site this summer, his health is too precarious at the moment.
Yes GP he is mobile.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Thank you all for your kind words and your support.
Aardvark, Unfortunately he will not be going to the Algonquin Site this summer, his health is too precarious at the moment.
Yes GP he is mobile.
Very sorry to hear all this. I hope that his physicians are able to stablize him, and that things go well for University etc. . . .

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Have you tried looking into natural cures?? If he's missing a hormone all he has to do is take either adrenal or orchic glandulars (or both).
They're available for cheap at a store called "supplements plus" on bloor st. Genestra makes both:

Doctors are basically errand boys run by the pharmaceutical companies, all they wanna do is sell you expensive patented drugs when much cheaper natural remedies are available


May 12, 2008
Have you tried looking into natural cures?? If he's missing a hormone all he has to do is take either adrenal or orchic glandulars (or both).
They're available for cheap at a store called "supplements plus" on bloor st. Genestra makes both:

Doctors are basically errand boys run by the pharmaceutical companies, all they wanna do is sell you expensive patented drugs when much cheaper natural remedies are available
Fuck you, you stupid motherfuck.

OK, I apologize for that. Now, to the OP.. how terrible, and how terrifying. I sincerely hope that a transplant is a possibility sooner rather than later. Good luck to both you and your son. Have faith in Canada's system.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Have you tried looking into natural cures?? If he's missing a hormone all he has to do is take either adrenal or orchic glandulars (or both).
They're available for cheap at a store called "supplements plus" on bloor st. Genestra makes both:

Doctors are basically errand boys run by the pharmaceutical companies, all they wanna do is sell you expensive patented drugs when much cheaper natural remedies are available
You're the same guy that would have voted for Donald Trump, right?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Fuck you, you stupid motherfuck
You mad???

Sorry, but I forgot to say if his disease is testosterone related he can take adrenal or orchich glandulars. I wasnt thinking about the kidney, in that case maybe you should look into kidney glandulars:

Just so you know, glandulars are sold as drugs in Germany by some pharmacies. They are regulated by "Kommission E".
Plus they are cheap, so what do you have to lose??


Madeline Rhodes

Den Mother Extraordinaire
Jul 23, 2010
LadyTy... My heart and soul hopes this all turns out well.

Now... Phil C. McNasty... STFU!

Let me tell you a bit about taking supplements over taking lifesaving medication. I know of people who have gone that route. They should still be consulting with a Naturopathic Doctor.

Clearly you just started spouting your rhetoric before you actually LOOKED to see what this young man is dealing with.

Let me assist you out of your hole you've dug:

IgA nephropathy
Nephropathy - IgA; Berger's disease

Last reviewed: August 12, 2009.

Nephropathy refers to damage, disease , or other abnormalities of the kidney. IgA nephropathy is a kidney disorder in which antibodies to a protein called IgA build up in kidney tissue.

It is also called Berger’s disease.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

IgA is a protein that helps the body fight infections. IgA nephropathy (Berger's disease) occurs when too much of this protein is deposited in the kidneys. IgA builds up inside the small blood vessels of the kidney. Structures in the kidney called glomeruli become inflamed.

IgA nephropathy (Berger's disease) is a form of mesangial proliferative nephritis.

The disorder can appear suddenly (acute), or progress slowly over many years (chronic glomerulonephritis).

Risk factors include::

* A personal or family history of IgA nephropathy or Henoch Schonlein purpura, a form of vasculitis that affects many parts of the body
* Caucasian or Asian ethnicity

IgA nephropathy can occur in persons of all ages, but most often affects males in their teens to late 30s.


There may be no symptoms for many years.

Symptoms include:

* Bloody urine that starts during or soon after a respiratory infection
* Repeated episodes of dark or bloody urine
* Hand and feet swelling
* Symptoms of chronic kidney disease

Signs and tests

IgA nephropathy usually is discovered after one or more episodes of dark or bloody urine in a person with no other symptoms of kidney disorder.

There are no specific changes seen during a physical examination. Occasionally, blood pressure may be high or swelling of the body may be present.

Tests include:

* Creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) to measure kidney function
* Urinalysis will show blood and protein in the urine
* Kidney biopsy confirms the diagnosis
* Urine immunoelectrophoresis


The goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms and prevent or delay chronic renal failure.

Medicines may be given to control high blood pressure and swelling (edema). Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are used. Controlling blood pressure is the most important measure to delay kidney damage.

Corticosteroids, other immunosuppressive drugs, and fish oil have also been used to treat this disorder.

Salt and fluids may be restricted to control swelling. A low to moderateprotein diet may be recommended in some cases.

Some people will need to take medicines to lower their cholesterol.

Eventually, many patients must be treated for chronic kidney disease.

Support Groups

For additional information and support, see the IgA Nephropathy Support Network website (

Expectations (prognosis)

IgA nephropathy progresses slowly. In many cases, it does not progress at all. High blood pressure, large quantities of protein in the urine, and increased BUN or creatinine levels (blood tests that reflect kidney functioning) indicate a higher risk for progression of the disorder.

About 25% of adults with IgA nephropathy develop end-stage kidney failure within about 25 years.

* Acute nephritic syndrome or nephrotic syndrome
* Chronic kidney failure
* End-stage kidney disease

Calling your health care provider

Call your health care provider if you have bloody urine or if your urine output decreases.
With this condition... The inclusion of any supplements which might in turn actually boost the immune system would likely speed the process of his disease. Do you get it yet?

Do I ever love foolish people.


P.S. LadyTy the one thing I would recommend you look into is fish oil - I took that to maintain my kidney function while on some meds that are notoriously brutal and damage the function and it kept me within the range they would allow me to continue with treatment.


Apr 8, 2011
I have only had a little bit of contact with you LadyTy, we have chatted a little bit here in terms of you helping me out. But you seem to be a very nice, warm person, and I would also safely estimate a very very loving person to those you know. If you talking to me made me feel quite a bit better with just that tiny little dose of LadyTy, I can't imagine just how much you can do for your own son in terms of full on Mothers love. No doubt it will be paramount to him. I wish you and your son the best and my heart goes out to you both. Sending good vibrations your way baby.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Hey LadyTy, so sorry to hear the news. I wish your son all the best in a speedy and safe recovery. Remain strong during this time(I know easier said than done) and know that we are all hear cheering you on. May God bless the both of you.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
LadyTy... My heart and soul hopes this all turns out well.

Now... Phil C. McNasty... STFU!

Let me tell you a bit about taking supplements over taking lifesaving medication. I know of people who have gone that route. They should still be consulting with a Naturopathic Doctor.

Clearly you just started spouting your rhetoric before you actually LOOKED to see what this young man is dealing with.

Let me assist you out of your hole you've dug:

With this condition... The inclusion of any supplements which might in turn actually boost the immune system would likely speed the process of his disease. Do you get it yet?

Do I ever love foolish people.


P.S. LadyTy the one thing I would recommend you look into is fish oil - I took that to maintain my kidney function while on some meds that are notoriously brutal and damage the function and it kept me within the range they would allow me to continue with treatment.
Nice potty mouth, chickie.

First you say "inclusion of any supplements which might in turn actually boost the immune system would likely speed the process of his disease".....and then you recommend she should look into fish oil.


Wizard Merlin

Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
Wishing you and your son all the best.

Phil, why are you turning this sombre moment for ladyTy into some carnival side show.

Do you not have any respect or tact?

LMAO??? you're one messed up dude.
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