Are you married? If an SP approached you and your wife in public and said hello to you, would you stammer a bit trying to come up with the lie to explain how you know this girl who is obviously 20 years younger than you and from a different background? What are you going to do when wifey idles up to your side and says, "Hey, care to introduce me to your friend here?"If I had an SP tell me to never look/talk to her in public I would wished I never dated her for a second--even for free.
Just saying. What does a simple hello hurt, and on a bus, really high class people she hangs with.
Oh, the SP is so embarrassed, she didn't see you were with your wife--who knew, you were grocery shopping, and wifey was over picking up the veggies while you collected the fruit.
What makes you think it's any different for an SP? After you say hello to her, and her new boyfriend--who doesn't know about her job--walks up, stares at you, and says, "Care to introduce me to your friend?" what do you say? Do you bolt, and make her look really fucking bad? Or stand there like an idiot and hope the two of you can get your lies straight?
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