@Themexi: I was going to write you off, but you seem to be speaking more thoughtfully and making actually thought provoking points so I will offer you this:
I'm not just 'throwing' in ANY argument for the sake of arguing against your point. I don't need to. I stand behind what I say, so let's get that clear right off the bat...
..When I was refering to the 'best interests of the child' it was to make the case for a woman who decides to keep the child and whether or not the Father should financially support it. In this case, yes making the father pay for the child's provisions is in it's best sake as rather than your previous and still standing argument of "Well I didn't want the "thing" to begin with so I'm going to fuck off and "hide" and let the mother raise it on her own"......
...You do make a semi- case for adoption however you're still not off the hook legally. It was your further attempt of shirking responsibility under the guise of "Well it's not the best interest me for me have it-oh AND the child's- so wouldn't it be better if some other family took care of it"? This is proven by your tearing out of the gates with a "Fuck this shit, anti-man legal system, I'm not keeping this thing I didn't want, I'm running away" attitide from the get go...any many posts after. Adoption was just a secondary thought...
.. The case for whether or not you should be deemed responsible to pay for YOUR child is not based on you wanting to give it up for adoption and ESPECIALLY NOT BECAUSE IT "INCONVENIENCES YOU" and it never will be ...
..Adoption can be a wonderful option for children, and for parents who feel unfit to raise them but ultimately if that is not the route that is chosen(nobody can make this an opttion) you are still the biological father and are legally on the hook to pay for support...
....Having a child out of wedlock is just not a viable way to determine the parents are unfit.The legal system doesn't work like that, as there are millions of single mothers/fathers in this world who are raising children. Some are raising them great, others are shit parents. And guess what buddy, married couples aren't doing do great in the "raising kids" dept themselves either but they still have to take care of them. So while we can make assumptions and play to ideals as to 'WHO' would be the better parent, unless adoption is the chosen option, the courts view the biological parents(YOU) as primary guradians and the best ' fit' until further proven ... So guess what? You're STILL on the hook...
..What it comes down to is this: You knock any girl up, escort or not and she decides to keep it, you're on the hook plain and simple. Only the courts can determine if she's unfit to raise it through proof of neglect, not bc you don't want to be financially responsible and never bc it simply inconveniences you. Who the mother is and your complete unwillingless to raise this kid, make for a sad situation, but until the courts have proof of your kid being neglected, you are still the father and are responsible for it I'm afraid so you and 'your life' get put on hold for the next 18yrs-yep that's what happens when you become a father-even an unwilling one. The only way to guarantee this is to not have sex, you keep arguing against this, but I'm sorry, its still true as there is no such a thing as an 'insurance policy' for sex-whether you pay for it or not...