Is This Why Your Vagina Smells? should i tell her ?

SS Sharla

New member
Nov 1, 2010
picketfence is right on this one. While a strong smell can mean an infection it is much more likely an imbalance in the girls ph level, esp if it is a fishy smell. I used to get this question all the time on the sexual health board I ran a few years back.

Girls have "good bacteria" called flora in their vagina that eats up any of the bad bacteria. However some women get unbalanced very easily. This good bacteria thrives at an acidic ph level. When the ph is disturbed the good bacteria can't do it's job and the bad bacteria that grows creates a smell.

The good news is that men do not catch this from women. In rare cases a man who has repeated unprotected sex with the woman may carry the bacteria but he is not himself effected by it as it can't live on him the same way it does on women.

The condition in women is known as Bacterial Vaginosis and it is cleared up in a week with the proper medication. It is always a good idea to let women know this in a tactful way as they can not always smell it themselves as it is a condition that grows worse over time. Kind of like when people with cats can't tell the cat peed on the couch. The condition itself isn't dangerous but the woman could develope pevlic inflammatory disease from it if it goes untreated for a long time, and that's not a nice thing.

Sadly some women are very suseptible to it. Simple things like lube on condoms, contact with semen, using scented soaps, douching, and non breathable underwear can all cause a ph imbalance. It is not an issue of personal hygene.

Adding acidic food to the diet can help. Yogurt with ProB, cranberry juice, vitamin C, pinapple etc. However if things are really rank it is time for some meds.

Disclaimer: Some STIs present with a discharge smell to so it's always a good idea to keep up on your STI testing anyway and discuss sexual health with your escort.

St Nick

Mar 28, 2005
Here's everybody's solution, just print this out and slip it with the money and run.



New member
Nov 27, 2006
It's a much bigger problem with civvy women. You meet a girl you like, you spend time getting to know her, and when you finally get to the main event OMG. What do you do? Hope that it's just a temporary problem? At this point you know her well enough to fuck her, but maybe not well enough to broach something like this without scaring her off. It's a tough one.
LOL, I always think about this inevitable outcome before I get serious to any civilian to whom I happen to like. :eek:


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
They must know that their pussy is stinky. If not, send her an email with a hint

I didn't want to eat and run but



Jun 22, 2010
I still cringe to this day when someone mentions "fish". First and only time I did no go thru with DATY.

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
Oh my God this happened to me with the last SP. I was doing the old front mish position and said let's go doggie. What a bad idea. The room filled with this smell that I could almost taste. Well we cleaned up but the mood never returned. Great looking gal, she tried her best to suck it back to life but no luck. :(...


New member
Sep 27, 2010
picketfence is right on this one. While a strong smell can mean an infection it is much more likely an imbalance in the girls ph level, esp if it is a fishy smell. I used to get this question all the time on the sexual health board I ran a few years back.

Girls have "good bacteria" called flora in their vagina that eats up any of the bad bacteria. However some women get unbalanced very easily. This good bacteria thrives at an acidic ph level. When the ph is disturbed the good bacteria can't do it's job and the bad bacteria that grows creates a smell.

The good news is that men do not catch this from women. In rare cases a man who has repeated unprotected sex with the woman may carry the bacteria but he is not himself effected by it as it can't live on him the same way it does on women.

The condition in women is known as Bacterial Vaginosis and it is cleared up in a week with the proper medication. It is always a good idea to let women know this in a tactful way as they can not always smell it themselves as it is a condition that grows worse over time. Kind of like when people with cats can't tell the cat peed on the couch. The condition itself isn't dangerous but the woman could develope pevlic inflammatory disease from it if it goes untreated for a long time, and that's not a nice thing.

Sadly some women are very suseptible to it. Simple things like lube on condoms, contact with semen, using scented soaps, douching, and non breathable underwear can all cause a ph imbalance. It is not an issue of personal hygene.

Adding acidic food to the diet can help. Yogurt with ProB, cranberry juice, vitamin C, pinapple etc. However if things are really rank it is time for some meds.

Disclaimer: Some STIs present with a discharge smell to so it's always a good idea to keep up on your STI testing anyway and discuss sexual health with your escort.

It seams that most would prefer to poke fun at this problem than look at constructive solutions.Sharla,you know more on this subject than I,whats your view on refinded sugar in this.From what I've learned sugar will lower the acid level in the body and sugar is everywhere and in almost everything.

SS Sharla

New member
Nov 1, 2010
Sharla,you know more on this subject than I,whats your view on refinded sugar in this.From what I've learned sugar will lower the acid level in the body and sugar is everywhere and in almost everything.
Well I can't say I know too much on the subject however I am pretty certain there is a connection. As you may know - if you want to grow bacterial in a lab quickly you line the petri dish with glucose aka sugars. So bacterial certainly thrive when glucose is added to the situation.

The most natural way to clear up BV would be to add Lactobacillus orally and vaginally. The role of Lactobacillus is to convert Lactose and Sugars into Lactic Acid so I am sure the amounts of sugars, complex carbs, and yeasts are going to play a role.

When considering what is healthy or not you would want to look at the complexity of the sugars. Yes most things have sugar but the way refined sugars and natural sugars are broken down in the body differ. Refined sugars would be considered more of a toxin. If you are talking stomach health over vaginal health you can always add Lactobacillus orally in pill form, that you get from the health food store. As far as I know it helps to create a barrier between the absorbing lining of the stomach against certain "toxins" like refined sugars and alcohol and equalizes the Ph balance.

Hope that helps.

It seams that most would prefer to poke fun at this problem than look at constructive solutions
Yes. I realized a while ago, that on here, very few are actually looking for answers to their questions. Just sit back and enjoy the humor unless someone seems to be genuinely interested.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
To the women reading. What is a tactful way to mention this to an SP? These is an SP who's company I particularly enjoy, but I don't know her well enough to broach this subject...


Jan 31, 2005
To the women reading. What is a tactful way to mention this to an SP? These is an SP who's company I particularly enjoy, but I don't know her well enough to broach this subject...
A politely worded anonymous email seems best.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
picketfence is right on this one. While a strong smell can mean an infection it is much more likely an imbalance in the girls ph level, esp if it is a fishy smell. I used to get this question all the time on the sexual health board I ran a few years back.

Girls have "good bacteria" called flora in their vagina that eats up any of the bad bacteria. However some women get unbalanced very easily. This good bacteria thrives at an acidic ph level. When the ph is disturbed the good bacteria can't do it's job and the bad bacteria that grows creates a smell.

The good news is that men do not catch this from women. In rare cases a man who has repeated unprotected sex with the woman may carry the bacteria but he is not himself effected by it as it can't live on him the same way it does on women.

The condition in women is known as Bacterial Vaginosis and it is cleared up in a week with the proper medication. It is always a good idea to let women know this in a tactful way as they can not always smell it themselves as it is a condition that grows worse over time. Kind of like when people with cats can't tell the cat peed on the couch. The condition itself isn't dangerous but the woman could develope pevlic inflammatory disease from it if it goes untreated for a long time, and that's not a nice thing.
Thank you Sharla. :) This should be made into a Sticky IMO. I get so tired of reading threads on this board about how a certain SP had a funny odor and everyone is so quick to assume that it's because they're 'dirty'. Of course, depending on the smell (a sweaty smell or smell of urine, etc. ) it could mean they're unclean but often an odor is simply an imbalance of the ph levels.

Sadly some women are very suseptible to it. Simple things like lube on condoms, contact with semen, using scented soaps, douching, and non breathable underwear can all cause a ph imbalance. It is not an issue of personal hygene.
Yes, and also swimming...a woman who swims a lot can be prone to yeast infections. And I thnk SPs are especially prone because the frequent sex and condom use can wreak havoc on the ph levels.
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