But to answer the OP.
200 k at your age is pretty good and you're probably more responsible than 90 percent of the rest of the people at age 40, but realisitically, if you want to retire at 60 and figure you're going to live another 20 years - simple straight line math tells you if you want to "make" 50 grand a year when you are retired (not exactly "big time" in Toronto), then you need a million bucks in your RRSP by age 60. Yeah, you can add Canada Pension and all that, but it's not a lot.
I know Iknow, it's not a straight line thing, It's a geometrical series, blah blah blah. But I'm not about to break out my Grade 12 math text books.
For the ordinary guy to save up a million bucks - it is pretty tough.
If you put 20 grand away every year (not easy), for the next 20 years - that's 400 grand. Now the hardest fucking part - no econmic meltdowns that cut your RRSP in half. You might end up with a million bucks in your RRSP.
My worst nightmare is to end up in a home somewhere, sitting in soiled diapers all day with a drool bucket hanging around my neck, watching the TV with no volume and my savings being eaten up at an ever increasing rate to the point where I'm still alive, but my money is gone.