Speaking of Streaks...


Feb 12, 2002
I know it has lost its luster over the years, but tonight is Wrestlemania 27. It was nice to see Stone Cold and The Rock back in Wrestlemania...but the match of the night should easily be Tripe H vs. The Undertaker. Yes, it is sports entertainment...but the 18-0 streak of the Undertaker's is pretty impressive especially considering the last two matches he had with Shawn Michaels was pretty epic. Will it be 18-1 or 19-0 when all is said and done?


New member
Aug 17, 2003
I know it has lost its luster over the years, but tonight is Wrestlemania 27. It was nice to see Stone Cold and The Rock back in Wrestlemania...but the match of the night should easily be Tripe H vs. The Undertaker. Yes, it is sports entertainment...but the 18-0 streak of the Undertaker's is pretty impressive especially considering the last two matches he had with Shawn Michaels was pretty epic. Will it be 18-1 or 19-0 when all is said and done?
lol, I have been watching tonight on live stream. It hasnt been all that bad an event so far. Right now watching the Undertaker match. I think the streak stays. I think he loses it next year to Cena and he retires.


Feb 12, 2002
I didn't find this year as "exciting" as last year's. I miss the money in the bank match. That always sets a nice tone to the evening as the starting match. Not that Edge has a bad match, but it just wasn't the same...

Say what you want about the new breed of superstars of the WWE...they just aren't at the same level as the Undertaker, Triple H or HBK's...year in and year out (especially Undertaker and HBK) they deliver the match of the evening. Tonight was no exception. It is just captivating to watch them tell their stories in the ring. 19-0 after this match. I don't see him losing to Cena next year though. He'll either just retire after this match or he'll retire 20-0. It makes no sense to tarnish his legacy by losing to anyone...I like Cena but he doesn't deserve to be the 1 in the Undertaker's streak if he is to have that 1.


Feb 12, 2002
BTW, even though Taker can no longer perform the way he used to (you can just tell by the way he moves now...), he always has an extra gear for Wrestlemania. I don't know he if has another one in him though. Tonight's match honestly took a lot from him. I don't think he was faking it when he couldn't make it back to the locker room after the match tonight. He took A LOT of punishment tonight and I think he was just in way too much main to make it back on his own strength.

Of course the flow of tonight wasn't the best either...after the match of the night...we have a 6 person tag match featuring off all people...Snooki...I wonder how Michelle McCool is feeling after seeing her man in the kind of pain that he was in and now she has to go out and perform.

Trish Stratus still looks AMAZING though...


New member
Aug 17, 2003
I didn't find this year as "exciting" as last year's. I miss the money in the bank match. That always sets a nice tone to the evening as the starting match. Not that Edge has a bad match, but it just wasn't the same...

Say what you want about the new breed of superstars of the WWE...they just aren't at the same level as the Undertaker, Triple H or HBK's...year in and year out (especially Undertaker and HBK) they deliver the match of the evening. Tonight was no exception. It is just captivating to watch them tell their stories in the ring. 19-0 after this match. I don't see him losing to Cena next year though. He'll either just retire after this match or he'll retire 20-0. It makes no sense to tarnish his legacy by losing to anyone...I like Cena but he doesn't deserve to be the 1 in the Undertaker's streak if he is to have that 1.
ya the streak has become a brand in itself for the wwe and this event, but if someone is to break it, I think it will be Cena. Cena is going to be the face of the company for at least 5 more years maybe 10. Unless somebody comes along to take that top spot. Undertaker's body is in real bad shape. I wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt wrestle very much between now and the next wrestlemania and they just bring him back for that event as his retirement match.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
It would be stupid at this point to take the streak away from him , the Taker is in the twilight of his career , and beating him now would not come off as much as an acomplishment imo, and it would just end up tarnishing the streak and the Character that is the Undertaker.


Feb 12, 2002
ya the streak has become a brand in itself for the wwe and this event, but if someone is to break it, I think it will be Cena. Cena is going to be the face of the company for at least 5 more years maybe 10. Unless somebody comes along to take that top spot. Undertaker's body is in real bad shape. I wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt wrestle very much between now and the next wrestlemania and they just bring him back for that event as his retirement match.
He has already been working on a very light schedule last year, but I agree that it'll probably be even less this year. I agree with Mervyn...even though Cena maybe the face of the brand for the next few years, it still doesn't mean that he deserves to have the streak. The unbeaten streak is what made the Undertaker the legend that he is, and he'll go down as the most respected wrestler ever to grace a WWE locker room. He deserves to go out with his streak in tact.

On a lighter note, Trish had a nice little outfit on today...lots of "crack" shown :p

But yes, one of the worst ending of Wrestlemania in recent memory. Unless they continue to use The Rock in some angle, the ending was pointless. The whole anonymous GM thing is also getting ridiculous.


New member
Aug 17, 2003
He has already been working on a very light schedule last year, but I agree that it'll probably be even less this year. I agree with Mervyn...even though Cena maybe the face of the brand for the next few years, it still doesn't mean that he deserves to have the streak. The unbeaten streak is what made the Undertaker the legend that he is, and he'll go down as the most respected wrestler ever to grace a WWE locker room. He deserves to go out with his streak in tact.

On a lighter note, Trish had a nice little outfit on today...lots of "crack" shown :p

But yes, one of the worst ending of Wrestlemania in recent memory. Unless they continue to use The Rock in some angle, the ending was pointless. The whole anonymous GM thing is also getting ridiculous.
ya the ending was bad. It only makes sense if the Rock and Cena square off at the next PPV or Summer Slam. Rock is supposedly at RAW tomorrow night so we shall see where this is headed.

Undertaker .....he will definately have a say if he wants to pass the torch as they say next year. I wouldnt be surprised if did retire 20-0.

Snooki doing cartwheels wasnt bad. I laughed at that. Its a celeb match...supposed to be short and the celeb always gets the pin.


May 1, 2008
All great points made, if I may put in my 2 cents worth. I have seen every Wrestlemania, never missed 1, was at Wrestlemania 6 in TO and I think this one was the worst.
First of all, how long did the Rock do his thing at the begining, 30 mins? Shut up already!
Why have a title match so early in the show ? I mean the snookie thing should of been the first match just to get Vickie out of the way.
When you have Santino Marella in Wrestlemania, your scraping the barrel.
I really wanted to see the King kick the shit out of Cole, I mean realy hurt him for what he put Lawler through, put he didn't , he just slap him around a bit.
The undertaker match was the one I really wanted to see, but, I expected Shawn Michaels to interfere so that he and triple H would have one more feud.
If he lasts untile the next Wrestlemania, and the undertaker lasts, I could see the Rock challenging taker for the streak.
I thought the anonymous GM would be exposed

All in all a boring Wrestlemania. They really need new writers....GOD I miss the old wrestlers !

PS, I agree with Casa_Nova, Trish Stratus still looks AMAZING
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Feb 12, 2002
I think being the kind of person the Shawn Michaels is...when he says he is retired, I think it's for good this time. Must've killed him yesterday having to watch instead of being a part of it though.

I can't see the Rock getting back into the ring again. He has done decently with his movie career (though no major hits per se, he has been getting steady work). I can't see him risking getting injured by climbing back into the ring for a real match...

Again, I find this year lack lustre aside from the Taker and Hunter match. The past few years has always been set right with the money in the bank match, and they were able to get storylines out of that. Not sure why they scrapped it this year.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
I think being the kind of person the Shawn Michaels is...when he says he is retired, I think it's for good this time. Must've killed him yesterday having to watch instead of being a part of it though.

He's retired more than once, and come back.. he's a wrestler they do that :)


Feb 12, 2002
I think the circumstances are different this time. He had to retire before due to injury but he was also younger and less mature back then. If you look at HBK over the past few years, he has definitely matured a lot. Now that he's in the hall of fame as well, I think he's done with the in ring wrestling...he might still be involved in some other capacity, but I don't see him competing in the ring anymore...


May 1, 2008
I think the circumstances are different this time. He had to retire before due to injury but he was also younger and less mature back then. If you look at HBK over the past few years, he has definitely matured a lot. Now that he's in the hall of fame as well, I think he's done with the in ring wrestling...he might still be involved in some other capacity, but I don't see him competing in the ring anymore...
I agree, The Heart Break Kid is broken. To many injuries, Knee, back, head. I think what happened to Chris Benoit and the concussions are making wrestlers retire sooner if they have become famous and successful. It's only a matter of time before he is in a movie lol.
I think thats a preview of there next career. Getting old?, don't want anymore steel chairs wrapped around your head, then become a WWE movie star lol. Now if only John Cena would do more movies .


New member
Aug 17, 2003
Cena and Rock next year for wrestlemania 28.

Still think they could have done a better job with the ending last night and still have the setup for this match next year.


Feb 12, 2002
Just heard triple H talking about taker.....sounds like he wouldn't mind a rematch.....didn't taker give HBK 2 shots at him?
Yup. HBK got taker for WM25 and WM26 was his retirement match. That was the story line, the streak vs. the career. While Taker and HHH would be nice, they need to work on a story as to why. A rematch for the same of a rematch is kinda blah.

Btw, it's still a year away and a lot can happen in a year; the the main event for WM28 is set. It will be Cena vs. The Rock. I guess The Rock needs a year to get back into ring shape and to also put his movie career on hold for a bit... (if this match will indeed happen for real...)
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