Apparently it's been used in Europe; first time in Canada.
It just happens to be linked through the CBC site. The CBC has nothing to do with how it works.It's a load of CBC pro liberal bullshit
It put me as economic right/socially liberal, pretty far away from any of the major parties so it at least it got that right but it has the liberal party as my closest party which caused me to through up in my mouth a little. The problem is this compass doesn't allow you to place a weight on which questions/polices are most important to you. I place more importance on a having a party that's that's fiscally right not the tax and spend like drunken sailors of NDP and Liberals. I don't agree with the Conservative view on marijuana or gay marriage but since I don't smoke pot and gay marriage is legal now with no real plans to change that they are not something I really factor in while choosing which party to vote for.
No mater how I tweaked the "your position" settings at the end it still put me closest to the liberals and well I'm sorry CBC but you are wrong. I've read the Liberal platform and I'm not a fan of big government spending, I believe in private health care and lower tax cuts for business. Just looking at their platform there are just so many deal breakers: increased spending for the CBC!!! are you kidding me I don't want any of my money going to something I never watch or have any interest in watching. Keeping the long-gun registry and although it's not there anymore I wouldn't be at all surprised if they tried to sneak in a national day care program if they ever got in again. They may fool some people sitting in the center acting so innocent trying to appease everyone in the land with their hand outs, more money for seniors, more money for students, more money for family, singles and unions. Well to be fair the conservatives have the same song and dance but replace unions with prisons.
I did make me kinda said to see I was so far away from the greens. I strongly agree that there should be a carbon tax but me and the greens differ on almost everything else. It's too bad Jim Harris is gone the greens have gone so far to the left on the economic scale. I don't understand why, if they would have stuck with Harris's eco-capitalist polices instead of trying to compete with the NDP, Liberals and Block on the left they may actually have a chance and a chance at my vote. I've voted for the libertarian party the last 3 elections, more of a protest vote than anything since the party is run by idiots but I just can't in good conscience vote for any of the 4 major ones.
I just really hope the communist brainwashing corporation doesn't report the results of this poll as news because it is really fucked up.
I got tied with the Liberals and Conservatives and had the NDP the furthest away.Very interesting. Not because I was closest to the Liberal party (which didn't surprise me), but because I was further away from the NDP than the Conservatives.