Ex-Harper Aide, Escort Linked To Deal

herelookin (pt2)

New member
Jan 4, 2008
OTTAWA - One of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s former top advisors is now the subject of an RCMP inquiry for allegedly using his insider connections to land federal contracts worth millions and shovel some of that money to his fiancé, an escort that goes by the name of Leanna VIP, the Aboriginal People’s Television Network said.

APTN is set to broadcast a special on March 25 that says Bruce Carson, 66, was trying to use his political connections to land a deal from the feds that would have seen an Ottawa-based company win a multi-million dollar deal to supply water filtration services for First Nations.

Twenty-two-year-old Leanna VIP, whose real name is Michelle McPherson, works for that company, APTN said.



http://aptn.ca/pages/news/2011/03/1...escort-on-first-nations-water-deals-document/ (This link has video of Bruce Carson)


Apr 21, 2009
Its unfortunate if an SP's identity is revealed in such a fashion but I guess that risk always exists if you're associated with someone such as a politician or well known individual or businessman. If they get caught with some wrongdoing the SP's identitymay also be uncovered. It's the risk we all take.


May 5, 2008
Is she still in the business? Isn't she engaged to this dude? I don't like the sleazy reporting the Citizen and the Sun are doing but the poster above me is right: There is always the risk...like they say don't lie with the dogs if you don't want to get up with the fleas.


May 4, 2010
Ottawa is an especially risky spot from an sp's point of view, what with all the high profile politicians, diplomats etc., who are constantly under the microscope from the press looking for a story, opposition parties looking to make political hay, and various other special interest groups trying to discredit those that don't agree with them. This is a very anonymous business, most of the men don't use their real names, so a lady really has no idea who the gentleman she is seeing actually is, and could potentially end up in the middle of a very public scandal. Frankly I'm surprised this type of thing doesn't happen more often.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
This girl has learned to be resourceful from a very early age (apparently).
Believe me, she won't give a rat's-ass about how you think you feel - she's got the money to heal the wounds. She's laughing at you.
This Bruce Carson guy is a player. They are made for each other, but he's the one that's gonna feel the burn up the fudge-chute. That's what you get when you play with the political big boys.


Jan 11, 2002
The PM is taking credit for being prompt in referring this indiscrection to the Mounties. I would on the other hand be suspect that this wasn't known about in government circles already, and to be fair maybe his staff didn't inform him. It's called plausable deniability.

I'm a cynic and think Harpers refferral was prompted not for any lofty reasons but because it was about to become public when released in the media. As for Leanna getting in the news, what do you expect when you're ripping off the taxpayer.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Its unfortunate if an SP's identity is revealed in such a fashion but I guess that risk always exists if you're associated with someone such as a politician or well known individual or businessman. If they get caught with some wrongdoing the SP's identitymay also be uncovered.
This is beyond ridiculous. She willingly participated in this scheme. This is NOT at all the same situation as what happened in the states where that politician was outed using escorts, and the escort was outed. She was actively involved in the scheme.


Active member
May 11, 2009
On the one hand I feel kind of bad for Leanna. She was arguably one of the best reviewed providers on the "other" site, you can still see them now though I wouldn't be surprised if they took them down soon. I never had the chance to meet her, but many accounts say that she had a good head on her shoulders and had ambitions outside of escorting. I don't think anyone deserves to be outed this way.

On the other hand, I feel very strongly against government/political corruption and waste. If the allegations that Bruce Carson was using his influence to get her a large commission on a government contract are true, I would be extremely outraged.

Getting sort of off-topic, I'm not as dubious as others are about their relationship, despite their difference in ages. She's quit escorting, they have a house (and baby?) together, he put himself on the line to line up a big contract for her. Who's to say it isn't love?


Oct 11, 2008
I spent enough time with Leanna. I liked her, but for the same reason you'd read a cheesy novel or watch a mindless action flick - she was fun, but virtually no depth going on there. Always made me laugh reading on the pink board when some guys would say she was intelligent and a great conversationalist. She wasn't bright or cultured at all, and talked alot because she was an ADD kid. Her great ambitions for the future were about running a business. Not doing any of the work, just owning it and employing others to do so under her. Shit like starting a hair salon, but without doing that annoying stuff like taking styling or business courses.

On top of that, she was a manipulator. I looked past that and ignored it, just played along sometimes because I thought it was cute in a way, or laughingly told her that that shit's not going to go anywhere with me. She was looking for a white knight, the guy who would come along and give her anything she wanted when she wanted. I understood that mentality because she had literally grown up having men paying to be with her, all the while treating her like gold. I've never been with any SP that tried as much as she did to take advantage of as many situations as possible. She was never a bitch about it though, always sweet in her typical dopey way.

From the looks of things, it appears she found a guy that fell for it. Maybe it is love, but only she knows that, right? One thing I do know is that the likelihood of these 2 people together having an intellectual connection is ZERO. Ignore any bias you have for political parties or politics itself, this guy was once a top advisor to the leader of our country. She said 'like' a lot with an obvious emptiness behind her pretty eyes. You wouldn't be bringing her to any functions that didn't involve Jägerbombs. And she was supposed to be the face of the water filtration company when it came to these deals? That would be laughable, especially for her bank account since 20% of nothing would be nothing.

I still like the girl and hope she's doing ok and coping with the fallout from this - but I don't feel sorry for her at all and neither should anyone else.
Jul 28, 2006
Well said O-dog. I too enjoyed her company, but not the conversation LOL.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
I think they have alot in common, they both screw ppl for a living. LOL

This kind of stuff happens all the time, its just used when needed to shuffle govt around a bit. Its part of the game and par for the course. All of these politicians have skeletons in their closets.. This guy happened to have a few garter belts, fuck me boots and likely a couple of double ended dildos to go along with it.


Active member
Jul 16, 2003
There's a couple who are together because of love. Her love of money. His love of 22 year old chicks riding his 66 year old c...

herelookin (pt2)

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Carson’s fiancee says ex-PMO aide never lobbied Harper officials

OTTAWA — Moments after Bruce Carson, the former top adviser to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, fielded questions about influence peddling at a television news studio, he called his escort-turned fiancee and broke down in tears.

“Bruce said to me ‘I can’t believe they’re bringing up lies like this.’ We have been bawling and crying on the phone all week but we’re going to stick through it, together, no matter how distraught this has made us,” said Michele McPherson said.

“Did I meet a lot of Bruce’s political friends at dinners? Yes, I was brought along to all the dinners as his date but it was never about business. The most I got was like ‘Hi, how are you doing.’ It had nothing to do with business. In fact, I was working on clean water for aboriginal communities before Bruce came along,” McPherson told the Citizen Thursday night.



Jul 31, 2008
“Did I meet a lot of Bruce’s political friends at dinners? Yes, I was brought along to all the dinners as his date but it was never about business. The most I got was like ‘Hi, how are you doing.’ It had nothing to do with business. In fact, I was working on clean water for aboriginal communities before Bruce came along,” McPherson told the Citizen Thursday night.

Is that believable?


New member
Nov 7, 2008
Well she says...

“After turning my life around I was so happy when I found out I was pregnant. A new life, the thought of raising a child and having the opportunity to work with a company doing something good motivated and inspired me."

This was in May 2009 and even though she was still working as a escort (which she did up to July 2010) it does say she was involved with the clean water company for quite some time.
Jul 28, 2006
Actually she was still working as an escort into the fall of last year and her last ad promoting her services on the other board was August of last year. The only lies being printed out there are the ones coming from her and her mother. She is crying because she got caught and has to kiss the potential 80 million away. She is not crying because her `company` can no longer help those poor children her mother compared her too earlier in the week.

How she believes there was no conflict of interest or influence pedaling going on with Carson opening doors for them shows just how uneducated she is.

In the interest of full disclosure I have been with her a few times, she was ok.
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