gas and hydro


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
so here i am listening to the news last night on the radio while at work. i hear that some fucking lunatic said that he might light his oil fields on fire. so the gas company decides that just in case he does they are going to raise the price, whether he does or not the price is up. as of yet he has not which makes me wonder WHY THE FUCK IS THE PRICE UP. even farther into the subject he only supplies 2% of the oil to north america so WHY THE FUCK IS THE PRICE UP. the 12th largest supplier of oil says maybe and they raise the price. between alberta and texas we can cover anything he decides to light up so again i ask WHY THE FUCK IS THE PRICE UP.

so you might say to yourself, self lets go buy an electric car. well not so fucking fast there budday. the gov't sued the hydro company for 18 million cuz they said they over charged people for interest on late fee's. they lost the 18 million and had to pay court fee's as well. the gov't felt bad for them losing that money so they said "hey we feel bad for taking that cash away from you but you broke the law and we had no choice, just raise your rate and take the money the legal way". so starting next month your hydro bill is gonna go up 6.2%.

so you lose on gas, you lose on hydro, you lose on h.s.t straight up you just fucking lose. which leads me to the question what are we are a population as a whole going to do about it ? nothing that's fucking what, we are gonna sit back and say "it is what it is" and keep paying till you sign your entire paycheck over. look at the bright side though, the ttc is now an essential service.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
As Simon says, petrol prices are fucked up. Why?

The (too) easy version fed to us by 'it's the market' types: world crude oil markets tighten when inventories are cut. Add in ludicrous details about quotas, distribution costs, taxes, refinery maintenance. Basically, this is a supply-demand theory.

But as Simon says, Libya might cut supply so why do prices rise before they do?

Because the real reason for price rises is more often the role of speculators. Yes, OPEC can cut supply and prices will rise, but it has been estimated that over 60% of petrol prices are related to the role of financial speculators. Crude oil futures contracts are traded on oil exchanges in London and NY, and lately Dubai too. Many of those contracts are purchased by speculators, which are really agglomerations of investors, who are neither producing nor consuming the commodity directly, but are instead making profit via derivatives, hedge funds and so on by betting on price changes. So prices rise due to speculation, and thus you see why speculation about Libya might result in prices rises, because speculation drives 60% or so of price changes anyway. By the way, rampant speculation leads to oil companies stockpiling inventories, creating the perverse situation of increased supply and increased price.

There is also an addition to the speculation theory. It says that ordinary folk going about their business provide little incentive to distributors to keep prices low. I read a paper that claimed consumers will actively search for low prices when prices spike, but do not search when prices fall. Thus petrol stations raise prices immediately if falling supply or speculation leads to high prices, but lower them slowly when costs fall, because consumers do not search for deals as much when prices are falling (inefficient markets due to lazy consumers).

can you short the life of a speculator?


Jun 6, 2009
Somebody told me it was called Rachet Economics. Valid or not that's the word. Just another way of spelling 'gouge'.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Somebody told me it was called Rachet Economics. Valid or not that's the word. Just another way of spelling 'gouge'.
a few years ago, i think during the pretend fuel shortage of "hurricane katrina" gas went from like .80$ to 1.40$ then dropped to .95$ and everyone was happy it went down. then last year it went to 1.15$ then dropped to 1.00$. it is projected to go back to 1.40$ this summer so that means what ? when it drops to 1.20$ we will think we are getting a deal again. gas now does not cost more to refine than gas 2,3,4,5 hell even 10 years ago. i am gonna go as far to say it is probably cheaper to refine now with the advances in technology. yet they hike it and lower it to higher than it was before because they know the population as a whole will just fucking take it. if the cost of fuel goes up, the cost of everything goes up. do you really think any owner of any company is gonna eat the new cost of having things delivered. not a chance, it all falls on us the consumer because we fucking take it and no one is gonna say anything different.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Don't need a small car, convert your Buick. This happened in Toronto a few years ago.

What are you doing about it, Simon?
what is 1 person gonna do about anything? unless there is a mass revolt we will continue to get bent over and we will continue to take it.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Obama has admitted that the U.S. is addicted to oil... Sadly no matter what us consumers do... the fighter jets/ tanks etc run on petroleoum. Now China wants the 'American Dream'


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
So you're just going to whine about it in lowercase letters?
i can be annoyed by it in any size of letters i want. what are you gonna do about the ass pounding you are taking?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
You don't like the price - drive less.

I live downtown and walk a good deal or take the tube. If I'm working at home, I can easily go a week without driving to the point where the brake rotars start to rust over.

Most North Americans want to live the fat cat suburban lifestyle. Big fucking 5000 ft2 house in Vaughn or Markham, 3 car garage, SUV's and other assorted gas guzzling dinosaurs, drive everywhere in areas spread out over miles and miles of bullshit. Fuck, they don't even want sidewalks on their streets or bike lanes for crying out loud.

Well, if that's the lifestyle you covet, then you need to pay for it.

In a way, high gasoline prices are fucking great because they will encourage people to re-evaluate the bullshit suburban lifestyle and it will encourage the purchase of more fuel efficient vehicles, and new tecnologies.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
You don't like the price - drive less.

I live downtown and walk a good deal or take the tube. If I'm working at home, I can easily go a week without driving to the point where the brake rotars start to rust over.

Most North Americans want to live the fat cat suburban asshole lifestyle. Big fucking 5000 ft2 house in Vaughn or Markham, 3 car garage, SUV's and other assorted gas guzzling dinosaurs, drive everywhere in areas spread out over mile and miles of bullshit. Fiuck, they don't even want sidewalks on their streets or bike lanes for crying out loud.

Well, if that's the lifestyle you covet, then you need to pay for it.

In a way, high gasoline prices are fucking great because they will encourage people to re-evaluate the bullshit suburban lifestyle and it will encourage the purchase of more fuel efficient vehicles, and new tecnologies.
and people with kids in your dream world?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
and people with kids in your dream world?
So there's no kids in the inner city?

LOL I wonder what all those small people are that I see in the school yard around the corner from my house??

The Dream world is the suburban bullshit world.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
If Libya blows its oil fields the world looses 16% of its oil which Saudi Arabia has said it can easily make up and will.

Libyas oil goes predominantly to Italy so logically the prices in Canada have to go up. It's a legitimate reason to raise prices.



New member
Jan 23, 2004
You don't like the price - drive less.

I live downtown and walk a good deal or take the tube. If I'm working at home, I can easily go a week without driving to the point where the brake rotars start to rust over.

Most North Americans want to live the fat cat suburban lifestyle. Big fucking 5000 ft2 house in Vaughn or Markham, 3 car garage, SUV's and other assorted gas guzzling dinosaurs, drive everywhere in areas spread out over miles and miles of bullshit. Fuck, they don't even want sidewalks on their streets or bike lanes for crying out loud.

Well, if that's the lifestyle you covet, then you need to pay for it.

In a way, high gasoline prices are fucking great because they will encourage people to re-evaluate the bullshit suburban lifestyle and it will encourage the purchase of more fuel efficient vehicles, and new tecnologies.

I'm totally with you. I did the downsizing thing myself a few years ago; chucked the big house, liberated myself from the evil bank and now rent. A simplified life is the only way to go.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009

I'm totally with you. I did the downsizing thing myself a few years ago; chucked the big house, liberated myself from the evil bank and now rent. A simplified life is the only way to go.
i ditched the house and the big car myself. so the increase in hydro means nothing to me but it is still annoying.
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