The Porn Dude



Well-known member
If Kadaffy falls, that will be three for three as far as dictators go since the beginning of the year.In the spirit of the "death pool".....which dictator do you folks think will simply say"fuck this..keep shooting until those fuckers go back to work......and then shoot them on the way home for good measure!!!.?

In short.Who is the Iron man of dictators?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
If Kadaffy falls, that will be three for three as far as dictators go since the beginning of the year.In the spirit of the "death pool".....which dictator do you folks think will simply say"fuck this..keep shooting until those fuckers go back to work......and then shoot them on the way home for good measure!!!.?

In short.Who is the Iron man of dictators?
Gadaffy is not dependent upon aid from the west, on the contrary, France and Italy profits from Libya and even the UK has oil interest there. I suspect he will kill many before he abdicates.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi saddistic bastard that he is and always has been ordered his military to open fire on his people in Tripoli!

2 pilots landed in Malta and refused to kill their fellow countrymen.
Soldiers on the ground in Tripoli were ordered to shoot their countrymen and refused, so they were shot and the bodies burned.

Italy gets 1/3 of their oil from Libya.

Chavez and Gaddafi that's a partnership made with the devil.

Pack up your shit and bunker down!

Great Big Sea sings "It's the end of the world as we know it"


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
BIG OIL is very pleased with all this and also stands to make a 'killing' from this ME and Libyan turmoil as oil prices spike due to uncertainties over there. Makes you wonder what DICK may be up to UTR in his bunker...:rolleyes:


Well-known member

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi saddistic bastard that he is and always has been ordered his military to open fire on his people in Tripoli!

2 pilots landed in Malta and refused to kill their fellow countrymen.
Soldiers on the ground in Tripoli were ordered to shoot their countrymen and refused, so they were shot and the bodies burned.

Italy gets 1/3 of their oil from Libya.

Chavez and Gaddafi that's a partnership made with the devil.

Pack up your shit and bunker down!
Great Big Sea sings "It's the end of the world as we know it"
I am soooooooooooooo fucking in!!!!!...That looked like a pretty sweet set up:).Finished house underground


Well-known member
Okay, here's a question.What if at some point Italy or France sends in trooops at Libya's request to quell the uprising? The release of the Lockerbie bomber showed oil trumps justice.At least where the U.K is concerned anyway.

I am a bit miffed at the U.S warhawks.After positively cumming in their pants over the prospect of bringing "Peace to Iraq" and being "greeted as liberators" and "spreading democracy", their silence on this particularly violent revolution is a bit curious.I mean Libya has oil too.....not that they invaded for the was for peace of course and for Iraqi children to throw flowers at them(or molotov cocktails depending on the day).Still....big oil supply.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
I am a bit miffed at the U.S warhawks.After positively cumming in their pants over the prospect of bringing "Peace to Iraq" and being "greeted as liberators" and "spreading democracy", their silence on this particularly violent revolution is a bit curious.
Where is ditzy Sarah on this???....:p


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Wonder if Gadaffy had any blackwater(XE) contracts?
Not very likely. It's as outrageous as suggesting Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley of the world have Xe contracts to protect their executives from the libertards or other undesirables. :rolleyes:

They use South American mercenaries sometimes.
Yep, like the Chileans who were ex-soldiers or commandos in Chileans Army working in Iraq for example.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Okay, here's a question.What if at some point Italy or France sends in trooops at Libya's request to quell the uprising?
Hmm...not very likely. Why would the Libyan Arabs want their former colonial master, Italy to come back??

The release of the Lockerbie bomber showed oil trumps justice.At least where the U.K is concerned anyway.
The current generation of Brits are not that savvy and smart like their ancestors when they had the Empire.

No surprise when unlike their "cut" cousin Americans, even the Arabs, they are too eager to get cozy with the nut job in exchange to insignificant amount of oil.

Maybe the Brits delude themselves they have the "advantage" since the Americans oil firms like Exxon and Chevron could not do business in Libya back then, while BP could.

I am a bit miffed at the U.S warhawks.After positively cumming in their pants over the prospect of bringing "Peace to Iraq" and being "greeted as liberators" and "spreading democracy", their silence on this particularly violent revolution is a bit curious.
Actually, those GOPers used to work in Dubya administration, except those tea party nut jobs are showing their "class" by not giving 2 cents comments or telling their successive administration what and how to do. Doubtful those used to work in previous Democrats administration would act differently if the GOP was in the same position.

It's simply an unspoken protocol. People should concern the state of the United States when people are so polarized that good tradition like this are no longer uphold.

I mean Libya has oil too.....not that they invaded for the was for peace of course and for Iraqi children to throw flowers at them(or molotov cocktails depending on the day).Still....big oil supply.
The Americans are getting "smarter" this time since they discover by unleashing QE 2, they achieve more effective than bombing your enemies back to stone age. ;)

That being said, a powerful military that could inflict serious damage at a moment notice is no substitute. Time will tell whether those Tea party nut jobs go overboard and cross the line by cutting the defense too much.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Gadaffy is not dependent upon aid from the west, on the contrary, France and Italy profits from Libya and even the UK has oil interest there. I suspect he will kill many before he abdicates.
A man with nothing to lose is very dangerous....



Jun 6, 2009
I lasted 40 minutes listening to Gadaffy's speech on BBC, at least their audio was properly synched, and his ramblings matched the UN speech. He spent so much time trying to keep his Bedouin garb, hair and glasses properly adjusted. Every time he faltered the state run tele would break away to a wide shout of the burned out barracks in Tripoli that he loves to use as a backdrop for speeches. Even the BBC broke away.

He claims he will puts Libya ablaze to keep it out of the hands of the US and Al Quiada. Wha!

What clown, a dangerous clown, but a clown just the same. The clock is ticking.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
This could get very ugly. Gadaffi appears to be out of control, but I think much of that is for effect. He wants to give people the impression he is capable of anything as a means to intimidate. Meanwhile he has lost control of a third of his country and the military in Eastern Libya have basically defected. Unless somebody close to him puts a bullet in his head, Libya could be facing a very bloody civil war. Btw they are also the biggest oil producer in Africa, and high quality oil at that. Perfect storm.


Apr 24, 2005
Meanwhile he has lost control of a third of his country
They said the same of Saddam after Gulf War I. He lost the south to the Shites and the north to the Kurds. It took the U.S. military (12 years later) to oust Saddam from power. Are any Arab or Muslim countries sending aid to the protestors?

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
This could get very ugly. Gadaffi appears to be out of control, but I think much of that is for effect. He wants to give people the impression he is capable of anything as a means to intimidate. Meanwhile he has lost control of a third of his country and the military in Eastern Libya have basically defected. Unless somebody close to him puts a bullet in his head, Libya could be facing a very bloody civil war. Btw they are also the biggest oil producer in Africa, and high quality oil at that. Perfect storm.
I have thought for some time he was loosing the plot, and it seemed to be verified by watching that video. He looked and sounded more like a rabid dog than the leader of a country.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Is Gaddaffi still called Colonel Gaddafi? A colonel cannot order the generals.
Perhaps it is time for him to promote himself to a higher rank or he will lose
control of the army.


Apr 24, 2005
Gadaffi's ties are with the Agnelli family (Fiat), they've been laundering his looted money for years.
That's nice but I repeat (for those slow on the uptake): Gaddafi and Berlusconi are pretty chummy. Of course, that might change due to current events.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Is Gaddaffi still called Colonel Gaddafi?
One of the news TV networks, forgot which one, called him Colonel Gaddafi last night. You would think by now he would have promoted himself to general....:p


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
What is most worrisome about all this is that there is no real structure or organization to how Libya is run. There is no top down structure. it is more like a line of concentric trenches that Gadaffi has surrounded himself with. When he does fall, and I believe him when he says he will die there rather then leave, the vacuum created will be far beyond what has happened in Tunisia and Egypt.
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