Theocratic encroachment on Society
As an organization dedicated to reason, science, free inquiry and respect for basic human rights, the Center for Inquiry of Southern Arizona (CFI-SAZ) is troubled that our governor and primarily Republican state legislators enact into law clearly unscientific, religion-based bills generated by the influential Center for Arizona Policy (CAP).
This Phoenix-based fundamentalist Christian lobbying organization got its start in 1995 with a stated goal to protect and defend "conservative and pro-family views." As detailed on its website (, however, its clear intention is to impose its biblical worldview on all Arizonans.
Indeed, 84 bills (22 in the past two years) advanced by the Center for Arizona Policy have become law. No CAP-opposed bills were passed. It should come as no surprise this was due to overwhelming support from Gov. Jan Brewer and Republican House and Senate legislators.
In 2010, The Arizona Capitol Times, a nonpartisan newspaper covering state politics and government, reported that "insiders" judged CAP and its president Cathi Herrod among the most influential lobbying organizations and lobbyists in Phoenix.
Has theocracy come to Arizona? This possibility should concern believers in other faiths and the estimated 760,000 Arizonans who, according to the 2008 American Religious Identification Survey, are nonbelievers.
CFI-SAZ aligns with other national groups such as Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Freedom from Religion Foundation and Secular Coalition for America. We are all fighting to keep religion out of government.
Our focus is to remind elected representatives that they were placed in office not by a particular God or religious organization, but by the pluralistic and multicultural voters of Arizona.
We insist that all legislative decisions on women's reproductive issues, gay rights, adoption, stem-cell research and sex education in schools, among others, be based on reason and science (rational thought).
This stance acknowledges universally accepted facts and evidence which, to date, have provided us with the best understanding of our world. In our view, this approach has been responsible for the greatest advancements in human health and happiness.
By contrast, many Christian fundamentalists claim that fertilized human eggs have souls, homosexuality is a choice, creationism/intelligent design is science-based, abstinence education is effective, euthanasia is murder and the United States was founded on and should be guided by Christian scripture. These are uniquely religious positions. Because these claims are totally unsupported by sound evidence, such positions should be excluded from public policy decision-making.
To be clear, CFI-SAZ respects any religious group's right to lobby lawmakers to support initiatives consistent with their beliefs. Additionally, we do not take the position that policies and bills are necessarily flawed because they emanate from faith-based thinking.
However, when publicly elected officials swear to their God to defend and uphold the secular Constitution of a constituency of many and no faiths, yet demonstrate a non-negotiable commitment to advance their personal beliefs, they have revealed a serious conflict of interest. They should recuse themselves from public office.
If you believe as we do that laws and public policy must be based solely on logic, science and testable evidence, please share that conviction with your state legislators.
Dr. Gilbert D. Shapiro is a Tucson podiatrist, foot surgeon and spokesman for The Center for Inquiry of Southern Arizona