Piers Morgan Tonight


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Anyone watch his shows this week?
I can't see him lasting much longer than a few months in. Big names all week, but he looks as though he's trying too hard to be so different, but his questioning is bland, he asked Howard Stern if he could re-live any 5 minutes of his life, what would it be. Then in a commercial today I noticed he asked George Clooney the same thing.
Oprah pretty much owned his ass on Monday. lol

I don't hate the guy, I'm sure he's a nice guy and seems personable, but he's out of his league.

As ironic as this sound, I never thought King was personable and likeable, but he sure could ask the right questions and engage his guests.

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
Here's an interview style question for you.

Why did you choose to go against the conventional way of doing things by posting this thread in the Lotto and Gaming section?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Shit, meant for the General lobby.
Nice one HG. lol

Mods, hhhhhhhhelp.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
Only caught his interviews with Oprah Winfrey and Howard Stern. Admittedly he did some ass kissing, but I really don't mind the guy. As long as he's got some interesting guests, I'll continue to give this man a chance.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Anyone watch his shows this week?
I can't see him lasting much longer than a few months in. Big names all week, but he looks as though he's trying too hard to be so different, but his questioning is bland, he asked Howard Stern if he could re-live any 5 minutes of his life, what would it be. Then in a commercial today I noticed he asked George Clooney the same thing.
Oprah pretty much owned his ass on Monday. lol

I don't hate the guy, I'm sure he's a nice guy and seems personable, but he's out of his league.

As ironic as this sound, I never thought King was personable and likeable, but he sure could ask the right questions and engage his guests.
Agree on both these points, however, I think back to when Conan Obrien first took over the Late Show. He was PAINFULL to watch, but NBC stuck with him and eventually he came into his own and was excellent. (Ironic when you consider what NBC recently did to him with the Tonight Show.)


Average Sized Member
Oct 21, 2005
I agree with the Captain, it is a bit painful right now, but he will get better.
He was like a little schoolgirl with Oprah. His guests right now are high profile people, in a couple of months he will be interviewing lesser known people for other reasons. It will become more of a program where he is interviewing people in the news. I think he will get much better, but has to stop asking the same questions.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
Doesn't really matter if questions are the same; as long as they are relevant questions. It's like how Howard Stern asks interesting questions that the public want to know eg. Who are you fucking? How big is your penis? etc. LOL


New member
Jan 17, 2004
One thing I don't get is that so far, if I recall, all his interviews have been recorded. So there is a heavy dose of editing involve to make it look & sound good (maybe that is the strategy). I don't get why at least some of the interviews were not live ones, with the usual 5 second delay if they want to edit out any naughty words. This seems back to "old" school interview TV like the other networks do it today. I thought cable was supossed to be different and at least with Larry King (...who I didn't really like his interview stype, plus his best before date was 5-6 years ago and he should have been long gone), it was 90% live and he had callers ask some questions, not some talking head asking them all. Too much editing (..just like photoshoping pictures) leave me with the impresssion that someone is trying to hide something from me or trying to get me to think or view a certain way as if I am incapable of making-up my own mind.

I still don't think this show will last 6 months (3 months for the ratings to tank and 3 months for CNN to save face by keeping him on the extra months). I have only watched 30 min of the first show, 5 each of the others. Since the shows were pre-recorded, during the day most of the highlights were already used by the other CNN shows or the endless promos so I felt I already heard enough.


New member
Sep 15, 2006
I only watched one show just to see Stern. I can't see him lasting too long unless his contract is cheap. Maybe he should get a Sybian like Howard and get some celeb's to try it out. I'd tune in for that!


Well-known member
I think he'll have a very rough go of it.As far as interviews go...the game really has changed.

My take on the matter is ,that in this day and age when some sweaty fat fuck can run along your car and ask the MOST obtrusive questions imaginable, AND videotape you while doing it, all the while flicking off a camera in your face why would anyone find those types of questions something they want to talk about to a huge audience?

Hence, the softball interview.Anymore more then that and the celebrity(the real ones..not the reality show trash)says"fuck this!!.I get this shit in the street from a bunch of road rats i'm running from...i'm not sitting here and listening to it now".


New member
Jan 18, 2009
All British speakers should be banished from hosting any show on American television. Their accent drives me insane.

Proper English, my ass. Cheerio motherfuckers.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Drives you insane? Weird because his accent isn't even all that thick nor heavy. There are a lot worse than him out there.



Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Disagree with you all, I think he will only get better and settle in the show for a long time. He can be quite direct and controversial, he's just feeling his way around right now. Come on, how in the world can you judge him only a few shows???? That's ludicrous, as a poster mentioned above, Conan was awfull when he first started late night, the rest is history as they say. Jimmy Fallon was the worst host I've ever seen when he first started, it was embarassing, he's still around.

Give the guy a decent chance, not just a few shows, before passing judgement.
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