La Villa Spa

What's the one stock pick you will make this year?


Active member
Nov 17, 2002
LOL, I know, I know.

Having said that, when I hear calls and puts, I immediately think of you two. :eek:
Understanding options trading is very very worthwhile. It changed my world. I wish I had started trading options much earlier, I would be much better off today.


New member
May 18, 2009
i play the juniors. but for bigger stocks. i'm playing the rise in smartphones and tablets.
ovti - omnivision
they have the largest marketshare and technology lead in cameras for the products. you are about to see front and back cameras on all smartphones and tablets. as well as more tv's being built with cameras as well. last year one tablet existed. this year, 96 new tablets were debuted at ces last week in vegas.
sndk - sandisk
pure flash memory company. flash will be used for its low power consumption in smartphones already. the tablet market will be all flash based, which didn't exist before. and the third thing will be the beginning of cloud computing. massive data centres are being built, apples should be ready soon. the data centres will be flash storage as its more reliable than hard drivs and low energy consumption. thus saving a company money in the long run on power use, making it more worthwhile than using a hard drive which is cheaper at the beginning. its the beginning of massive growth for these guys.
I thought about the flash memory market. The strange thing though is Apple only uses Samsung for it's flash memory (iphone and ipad). I think a lot of the smartphones use Toshiba. So I don't know where Scandisk fits in for future growth.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
As for you Lauru, I'm already up 28% this month on a 60/40 portfolio ... how you doing asswipe.

I am doing just fine, thank you
However I made no comment wrt any information you mentioned in this thread, yet you fell compelled to insult me.

Lets get a couple of things clear
You and I disagree on investment philosophies.

You can:
1. Act like an adult and accept the fact that others opinions may differ from yours or
2. Allow your over sized ego to fool yourself into thinking that you and only you can be correct and act like fucking obnoxious fool by hurling vial and nasty insults toward anyone who dares to question what you say

Keep beating your chest and bragging to the world about what a investment genius you are.
At one point you might actually convince someone other than yourself.

So you made some money this month, good for you.
That does not give the right to insult me or anyone else

I have no desire to engage in a flame war with anyone, but I will respond to unwarranted and unwelcome insults.

Grow up!
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New member
Aug 12, 2010
my stock pick is CNAM (China armco metals) made 30%+ over a couple of days and am still in it. Thank you China, I love you.


Active member
Nov 17, 2002
i am doing just fine, thank you
however i made no comment wrt any information you mentioned in this thread, yet you fell compelled to insult me.

Lets get a couple of things clear
you and i disagree on investment philosophies.

You can:
1. Act like an adult and accept the fact that others opinions may differ from yours or
2. Allow your over sized ego to fool yourself into thinking that you and only you can be correct and act like fucking obnoxious fool by hurling vial and nasty insults toward anyone who dares to question what you say

keep beating your chest and bragging to the world about what a investment genius you are.
At one point you might actually convince someone other than yourself.

So you made some money this month, good for you.
That does not give the right to insult me or anyone else

i have no desire to engage in a flame war with anyone, but i will respond to unwarranted and unwelcome insults.

Grow up!
here we go again !!!!!!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Language, gentlemen, language. This is not the political forum.


Dec 5, 2001
On the right
Look I just put my point of view regarding an investment that I've made for this year based on the topic of this thread and I get name calling from certain assholes ... you disagree who gives a f#ck, I certainly don't. If you don't think Citi is worth 6.00 in one years time don't do the investment, if you do, well then you would be foolish to miss this opportunity ... BTW assholes when you look at the open interest and activity on the 5.00 Jan/12 calls I'm not alone thinking that Citi will get to 6.00. As for you Lauru, I'm already up 28% this month on a 60/40 portfolio ... how you doing asswipe.

Wish I had the nuts to buy C at a buck back in '09. Thought about it....


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Unwelcome insults --- you and that other asshat deserve it. First off this thread was about picking a stock for the year and what do you and that other asshole do --- is go out of your way to be insulting or try belittle any idea I may have.
Please point out exactly where in this thread I insulted or belittled you prior to your attack on me.

You started this with ignorant and snide remarks asshole and hijacked the thread ... this thread is about offering ideas on Companies this year ... if you have nothing to offer then fark off.
Again please show exactly where in this thread I made any ignorant or snide remarks prior to your attack on me.

You cant because I did not make any such remarks in this thread, prior to your attack on me.

Let me make it very clear
I am going to type slowly so even you can understand

If you do not insult me and I chose to respond it will be civilized and respectful.

If you insult me be prepared for some backlash and in Spades
And I am starting to get more than a little pissed off.

1. Now get your facts straight.
2. You may consider not talking down to others. You come across as an know-it-all (nobody likes a know-it-all)
3. Do not tell me to fark off, if you do not like what I post ignore it, but I will post as I see fit, which is in most cases is generally respectful.
If I am insulted, then the response its not so respectful. (Exactly how hard is that to understand?)

Finally, I do not give a rats ass about the details behind your Citi trade or any other trade you make
And I do not give a rats ass if you like US financial or not. (Risk reduction ??? You must have detailed knowledge of their loan books - But if it works for you and you are the all knowing resident genius- it must be right)

I prefer just to reduce risk by looking elsewhere than US financial.
You will harp on about the opportunity missed, so what, there are a ton of opportunities, many of which do not have the bad loan risk of US financials

You see this is the point where others may not agree with you and that is going to happen in life
It does not mean I do not respect the time and effort you may have spent on this idea.
I just do not agree with the idea and will not act on it
But hey, as I have said all along, I hope you make a lot of money trading it.

BTW phrases such as
"if you actually knew anything"
are cheap, fucking childish and ring of that superior tone which is not at all welcome

BTW - 2
are you really going to argue that in a years time that Citi has no chance of reaching 6.00 and that junior miners, which you don't say anything about, have a better chance.
Please point out exactly where I made any reference to Citi or junior minors?
Again get your facts straight and understand exactly who you are insulting and why

I would think if you can logically monitor your options positions you should be able to figure out exactly who you are insulting and why

If you have being paying attention you would know that until now I have never ever indicated any of your specific trades is good or bad.
And I certainly not going to spend any amount working through the math of the details

You must have an ego the size of New York if you think I spend more than a millisecond looking at the details of any of your trades

Had you been more of a easy going sort, I might have looked, as it is always possible to learn from others
But I fear the only thing I can learn from you is bad manners and how big an ego one can get.

Lighten up on the insults and we can comfortably ignore one another

Keep insulting me and well.............
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Feb 16, 2005
I thought about the flash memory market. The strange thing though is Apple only uses Samsung for it's flash memory (iphone and ipad). I think a lot of the smartphones use Toshiba. So I don't know where Scandisk fits in for future growth.
toshiba and sandisk have a had a ten year plus partnership.


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
I thought about the flash memory market. The strange thing though is Apple only uses Samsung for it's flash memory (iphone and ipad). I think a lot of the smartphones use Toshiba. So I don't know where Scandisk fits in for future growth.
1 Solid state hard drives, and 2 removable storage. 1 is emerging, 2 seems to be declining due to peripherals having mobile cloud access. Sandisk is Toshiba to a certain extent. Toshiba makes what says Sandisk on it.

My pick: Flextronics


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Aecon Group (ARE) if you believe every dog has its day. :eek:

Otherwise, NYX could be interesting.
I have a reasonable position in ARE but the 3rd quarter results were a bit disappointing and it has languished until recently. I was tempted to sell it but I hung on because of the huge backlog of work they've got on their books. It remains to be seen if they can execute more profitably going forward. Can you expand a bit on "if you believe every dog has its day"? Does that mean you think it's a dog or that it will do well?


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Can you expand a bit on "if you believe every dog has its day"? Does that mean you think it's a dog or that it will do well?
Every dog has his day. :p

Same scenario for RY under $50. The Jury is still out for MFC.

WRT ARE, do not be surprised UPOD will finally help the share price, say all the way to $12. Competitors like STAN and SNC in Canada, FLR in the US are fully to over valued IMHO.

Be patient and more importantly don't be greedy and emotional.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
Picks for 2011

I bought PZG at 1.49 closed today at 3.69
i bought SMD at 1.45 closed today at 3.15
I was told recently to by VAX which i did at .56 down a bit but it is early, as well byv which is down a bit All gold stocks.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Well as we can all see JL has nothing to offer this thread but cheap comments. Everyone else is pointing out stocks, all he can do is jump in with snide remarks in support of a critic who clearly knows nothing about Citi.

As for learning something from me JL --- you're rather stubborn 2 page attack on me in a previous thread accusing me of things I didn't say left me left me with the opinion that you are a rather unsophisticated investor and the following crack proves it:

Detailed knowledge of loan books???? Really this is your answer ... well Citi has to file with the SEC and loan quality is kind of big thing with Banks along with other things. We will see the state of Citi in it's next filings but previous reports have been encouraging. In addition ... risk reduction is on the trade itself, not the US economy ... the risk you are talking about is portfolio risk ... again another example of hyper ignorant remarks that tend to put words in my mouth that I didn't say and if you are as good as you think you are ... you would understand this but I have come conclusion that you have enough information that you can talk a good game but when you really analysis what your saying it's really a lot of nothing.

To be clear I'm not investing in Citi as a risk management tool for the US economy, I'm investing in Citi for the reasons I gave in post 3. Also what don't you understand about Junior miners and Citi leaps ... this thread has several recommendations on Juniors ... you chose to critic me and Citi calls, because you have an aversion to options that is based on ignorance while ignoring the multiple risks associated with Juniors.

As for my ego ... against a loud mouth and unsophisticated investor like yourself ... guilty, everyday of the week and twice on Sundays. Now speaking of ego's have the last word ... if you don't have an ego then get out of the thread, unless of course you have a Company or trade you like that you wish to share with us all, which of course is the point of this thread.

Like I said earlier
Keep pounding your chest and one day someone besides your self might be impressed.

As for your Citi calls, I do not give a shit what you like, get over yourself.

I am confident in my own Investment style, abilities, education experience and track record and I do not need to prove a god-dam thing to you.
It would be pointless as you obviously know it-all, don't you?

After all you can tell exactly how sophisticated an investor is by his posts?
No chance you might be incorrect, no chance anyone can have a differing style from you and still be a knowledgeable and successful investor?

If you believe that you are a fool

Do not tell me to get out of this thread, I will post as I please.
Exactly who do you think you are?
I guarantee you I will respond should you continue to insult me, so show a little respect or show a little restraint


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Yep, like those pet food dot coms I planned on shorting back in '99... ah the memories.
Another lesson: always have significant cash on hand to invest during those unusual period.

For 2009, anybody could generate gain as long as you have cash on hand, say after maximizing TFSA and RRSP contributions. That's possible simply by hmm hobbying less. :p
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