Undercover cop who went native with eco-warriors used double life to seduce women


New member
Dec 27, 2004
As a base for an eco-warrior, Tamarisk, a traditional narrowboat, could hardly have been better. **Bobbing gently on the water inside Nottingham’s gated **Castle marina, the craft provided a private sanctuary for plotting operations.

The captain was ‘Mark Stone’, an unkempt, long-haired mountaineer committed to direct action against environmental targets. And it was aboard the pristine green and black Tamarisk, in a haze of cannabis smoke, that he held court with fellow members of the underground network.

Mark Stone, of course, was an alias. In **disclosures that sent tremors around anarchist groups worldwide, it emerged this week that his real name is Mark Kennedy, a tattooed former police constable inserted deep undercover by a secretive police unit whose extra**ordinarily high-risk tactics are at best risky, and at worst downright reckless.

In a plot that already has Hollywood agents clamouring for his authorised story, Kennedy spent seven years at the heart of shadowy groups linked to violent protests at political summits, power stations and public demonstrations. Using a false passport, he held meetings with anarchist leaders in 22 other countries, gleaning sensitive details about operations involving underground groups from around the world.

He chained himself to power stations; climbed cranes to unfurl protest banners; acted as official driver on missions; and constantly asked his fellow underground activists which target they would hit next.

And every ten days, in a career that began in 2003 and ended last year, Kennedy relayed this critical intelligence to his police superiors, who operate from the fifth floor of an anonymous-looking building near New Scotland Yard in Central London.

But, infamously, this undercover eco-cop went native. A trial of six fellow anarchists was **dramatically halted this week after Kennedy revealed that he was racked by remorse over his betrayal — and offered to give evidence for the defence of the accused campaigners, having quit his job with the Metropolitan Police in disgust at his own actions.

In leaked emails, Kennedy, 41, oozed self-pity. ‘I hate myself so much,’ he said after his cover was blown. ‘I betrayed so many people. I owe it to a lot of good people to do something right for a change. I’m really sorry.’

Yet there is another dramatic twist to this bewildering tale of the secret police spy who changed sides. For it transpires that Kennedy’s fondness for living on the water was not simply because it was suitably ‘alternative’, and added to his cover story.
No, equally important for this undercover police spy, the narrow boat provided the perfect base for liaisons with impressionable young female activists — carefully-planned operations which were not always strictly in the line of duty.

For it was aboard Tamarisk, as well as in private homes and hotels throughout Europe, that Kennedy indulged what police sources describe as his Achilles’ heel: his penchant for sleeping with women, even when it was not necessary for his undercover role.
Indeed, the Mail can today reveal that it was sex that finally proved his undoing. So concerned were his superiors by his ‘erratic’ sexual conduct that they mounted a covert operation against Kennedy, their own undercover operative.

Having become increasingly convinced that Kennedy was not telling his police handlers everything about his undercover life, surveillance cameras were installed aboard Tamarisk. The spy was being spied upon by his own handlers — and the four-man surveillance team were horrified by what they saw.
‘He was having sex with another activist,’ a senior police source told me. ‘It was all there on the **surveillance tapes.
‘There had been concerns about this undercover officer. That was the first concrete evidence that he had been going too far.’

While there are no official police guidelines on sexual conduct **involving undercover officers, known by other officers as ‘ghosts’ or UCs (for undercover), any signs of **behaviour that is not necessary for the job sets alarm bells ringing among superiors.
With the handling of Kennedy now under intense scrutiny, it has emerged that these compromising tapes formed part of a growing raft of evidence that saw Kennedy removed in 2009 from his £50,000 role as a police CHIS — covert human intelligence service — and also provides a crucial insight into how the £2 m operation ended in such disaster.

‘He had become a bit of a prima donna,’ says our senior police source. ‘You’ve got a guy selected for the job who should really be driving a panda car. He gets good money and special payments, and his own back-up team. He can dress how he likes, get up when he likes, and he doesn’t have to answer to anyone. But at the same time, he’s got money and **status in his own undercover world. ‘It’s not just a question of someone going bad — it’s a question of whether they can do the right thing and resist the temptation to abuse their position. This UC clearly **struggled with that temptation.’

According to fellow activists, that is an understatement. Twenty-six-year-old Anna is one of the fellow activists whom ‘Stone’ — who was nicknamed ‘Flash’ on accounts of the large sums of cash he always waved around — managed to seduce. It is not just his undercover role that disgusts her, it is the sexual exploitation by a paid agent of the State.

‘If somebody was being paid to have sex with me, that gives me a sense of having been violated,’ Anna said, adding that she knows that Kennedy also slept with other activists.
After first meeting ‘Flash’ in London in 2005, Anna claims to have had sex more than 20 times with the man she is now horrified to realise was an undercover policemen. She first encountered him at ecological protests in Iceland, Germany, Spain and Ireland, and was aware that he had a reputation as a womaniser.

‘He had so many friends and **relationships with people in the movement that I’m questioning whether this was a tactic — or part of his task — to become more trusted or respected within the scene.’

While undercover officers routinely joke about their ‘horizontal interrogation techniques’, the reality is that Kennedy’s tangled love life was **making a difficult undercover operation more complicated.
‘The way you are living says a lot about your state of mind,’ explained another police source with knowledge of the operation. ‘If you are drinking too much, or using drugs when there is no need to for your cover story, or having sex in a **compulsive manner — that all **suggests you’re not coping.’

It transpires that Germany, and Berlin in particular, was a favourite hunting ground. The city had become a magnet for protesters due to its good transport links.
Matthias Monroy, a political researcher for an MP with the ultra-Left Die Linke party, said: ‘He found himself private dwellings in the city and formed sexual relations with some women.’

Ashamed of sleeping with the enemy, the women involved are reluctant to speak, saying they would never have gone to bed with Kennedy if they had known he was a policeman.

‘They won’t ever come forward to talk,’ added Monroy. ‘None of these girls would like people in the movement to know they slept with a policeman.’

Across Europe, there is now a frantic scramble under way among anarchists to find out what the policeman discovered — and whom he slept with.

That much became apparent last year after further dramatic events below decks of the Tamarisk. A girlfriend visiting the boat found a **passport containing Kennedy’s real identity. The woman, whom we shall call Isla, also discovered evidence that ‘Mark Stone’ had a wife and teenage son in London.

Confronted with irrefutable **evidence, Stone — aka Kennedy — did what he always did when **challenged about his womanising: he denied everything.
But Isla was not convinced, and carried out her own investigations. After passing her concerns on to six other senior members of the group, these activists — whose names have not been disclosed — summoned Kennedy to a meeting.

After first denying everything, Kennedy broke down in tears and confessed. But even then, he was prepared to betray others. He told them the name of another female activist who was also really a ‘ghost’, causing mayhem to the secret police operation.

In a message posted on an **environmental website, a ‘friend of Mark’ wrote yesterday: ‘Mark is taking a rest abroad with his **family, and is planning to write a book about his experiences. ‘He wishes it to be known that the whole episode has deeply upset him, and he now wishes for him and his family to be left in peace. Best wishes to all those in the activist movement. He hopes that they will forgive him eventually.’
That is unlikely to happen.

Signing himself ‘Not a Friend’, another activist replies: ‘Does he think he is the aggrieved party? Mark is taking a rest abroad with his family? Would that be the same family he’s been cheating on all these years?
‘I doubt you will ever find peace yourself because you will never have the guts to face up to us all for what you have done. **** you were never anyone’s friend.’
On that much, at least, all sides — police, anarchists, ‘violated’ lovers, cheated-on wife — can surely agree.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...uce-idealistic-young-women.html#ixzz1B8v7sz6Q

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I saw a show one time on outlaw bikers. I belive it was the Banditos, but could be wrong.

Anyway, the cops succeeded in getting one of their own in undercover. He was down and dirty with the bikers for years.

On the show, he was very conflicted about having done his job as an undercover cop. It was clear that he felt a sense of "brotherhood" with many of the bikers (though not all). At one point, he told a story about how his mother passed away and he went to her funeral and all the other bikers were "there for him" in terms of support and when he got back from the funeral, he told the story about how one by one, they all came up to him and wrapped their arms around him and told him how sorry they each were and how much they loved him (no homo).

Anyway, the guy started tearing up when he told that story.

It would only be natural that a person working deep under cover would start to feel a sense of kinship with those he was sent to betray and in the end, guilt would be a natural emotion.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
i envy that he got all those easy women.
It's not worth the price the guy paid.

His life, his career, his wife and family and even his soul.

Ass is not worth more than $120 / hh. Never forget that.
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