FAIL!! Lawyer draws up contract to limit 12-year-old's ice time — player quits team


Active member
Sep 11, 2004

Lawyer draws up contract to limit 12-year-old's ice time — player quits team
By Neate Sager

Minor hockey has the seldom surpassed knack for turning respectable members of society who appear sane do things which are insane. The latest case in point came courtesy of a Toronto lawyer who actually tried to limit the ice time of a 12-year-old player on his son's peewee A team — the second-lowest level of competitive play — as the Toronto Star's Robert Cribb chronicled it.

Going to that extreme at a level of youth hockey one step above a rec league is on a higher level of fail than — wait for it — the player being female. Oh, and she ultimately had to quit the team:

"The controversy that seized the Toronto Ice Dogs PeeWee A club ... emerged last month at a parents’ meeting called by George Atis, who has a child on the team, but is not part of the coaching staff.

"The Thornhill lawyer drafted the agenda which included this item: 'Kayla Watkins — Player Ability Limitations and Suggested Options.'

" 'It is now 14 games into the season and I have noticed that Kayla’s play has not improved,' the agenda reads. 'It is at the point where many of the team members do not want to play on this team if this situation is not addressed.'

"Atis then details two possible options for consideration, either moving Kayla from defence to forward and keeping her off of power plays and penalty kills, or playing her every second shift on defence and again keeping her off special teams 'until her skating and shooting improves.'

" 'If Kayla is NOT amenable to the above options, the coach should find Kayla a new team to play on — commensurate to her skill level — for the balance of the season,' the agenda reads.

"Atis also raised concerns about Kayla changing in the same locker-room as the boys, " stating, 'there have been many "near miss' incidents where the boys have almost been exposed to Kayla.' " (Toronto Star)

Bruuuuu-tal. Atis' asininity would be just as out of line if the player he singled out was male. Twelve years old is a tough age for either gender. This is a level of hockey which really isn't about turning out the next Colton Orr, let alone Bobby Orr. Above The Law (via Greg Wyshynski) had an epic takedown, albeit with a lot of gratuitous name-calling:

"I don't buy into this weak hippie crap that says people shouldn’t even keep score at children's sporting matches. As [football coach] Herm Edwards is fond of saying, 'You play to win the game.' But the beauty of having children play sports is that they learn how to handle winning and losing. 'Everyone picks each other up' is the lesson kids are supposed to be getting out of tough losses.

"Evidently, that’s a lesson George Atis never learned. All he learned how to do was sit in the stands, nitpick, and bully little kids. He must feel like a big important man now. But really, he should pull himself out of the line-up and leave the cheering to other parents." (Above The Law)

It just boggles the mind — actually, it does not in the slightest — that a parent lost perspective so badly. This isn't a gender issue, although at some point you would think Atis would have realized that people would wonder about discrimination. It is a who-is-the-adult-here, have-you-no-shame-sir issue.

The kicker was Atis' post-hoc backpedal. Clearly realizing (as the old lawyer joke goes) he was up to his neck in cement, he tried to pin Kayla finding out on her mother and grandmother. From the Star:

"Kayla found out about everything when she spotted a copy of the agenda in her mom’s email.

" 'I was very upset. I do think parents can be over the edge,' she said.

"Atis said he never intended Kayla to see the agenda.

" 'As a parent, my heart goes out to her. If Kayla truly read this agenda by accident, it is very unfortunate ... I am mortified that Vanessa or Sheree or whoever shared this agenda with Kayla would actually do so ... I believe Kayla’s feelings could have been spared. That, to me, is the great shame in this process that Kayla would feel as she did.' "

No doubt he can't help but feel partly responsible. The great shame is he won't say it.

So it goes. Perhaps this is par for a society which has too many law school graduates and not enough people taking a skilled trade. Plumbers and electricians only stoop low in the literal sense. That is a little beyond a sports blog, though.

Neate Sager is a writer for Yahoo! Canada Sports. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @neatebuzzthenet.

Steve Harper

Mar 30, 2009
This is the very exact definition of the word "asshole".


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Kayla Watkins should hire herself a really good attorney and sue that fucker George Atis. Then he might smarten up.
I attended one of those kids games one time and was completely SHOCKED at the parents in the stands.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Are they drawn in or created by the previous years parents?

either way, those people should be humiliated by their behavior but they can't recognize it.
This phenomenon of the idiot parent is probably worthy of a PhD thesis. I suspect that it is due to multiple factors. The violence inherent in the sport. The hero status of the professional hockey player, not to mention the money that they earn. Unfulfilled dreams of the parents. The spiritually empty lives of many and the competitive nature of our society. Oh, and let's not forget Rob Ford the TTC. lol


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
It's not just Minor Hockey parents; it's in all sports and happens every year across Canada.

Mr Atis isn't a very smart individual. He violated OMHA harrassment policy as well CHA's policy and probably a few Charter rights. His actions could be construed under the CFSA as emotional abuse of a child and a chargeable offence if people really wanted to push the bar.

All sport governing bodies, city facilities, school boards and private facilities have code of conduct rules, and they are listed for everyone involved athlete, coach, official, parent and spectators to read.

OMHA Harassment and Abuse Policy.pdf

Canada has adopted a model called LTAD/LTPD Long-term Athlete Development or L-T Player Development all based on similar principles for elite and recreational play. Coaches at all levels must be certified by the NCCP level 1 to Level 3. Level 4/5 are more advanced. Usually Level 2 is the highest requirement. There is a theory, technical and practical component to each level, and in each level there is information on how to deal with parents.

Mr. Atis' evaluation of this player is invalid. Why, because he is not the coach! Unless your child is being placed at risk, the coach runs the team. If you don't like the way the team is run, you quit. Mr. Atis' actions are bullying towards the player and the coach. If Mr. Atis has so much knowledge of assessing players, he should coach instead of being the armchair athlete of a single A (just alittle advanced from houseleague) player.

Mr. Atis, do you know why there are single A programs?
Two reasons:
Small population base and/or your son wasn't good enough to play AAA or AA.

The best scenario for any team is to have a coach without a child on the team, but it's parents like Mr. Atis that keep many away from coaching. At the single A level, emphasis should be team oriented over winning (it's development play).

Maybe the team and league should just return Mr. Atis' fee and let them go somewhere more conducive to his needs and requirements. Oh yeah, I know, there's HOF mouthing off again, well I've done my due diligence and have attained L4 in 3 sports.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
This is the very exact definition of the word "asshole".
Thank you.
Here I was thinking that it matched the definition of "overly controlling douche-bag".



Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Hockey, as it is played in Canada is a thug sport, encourages thuggery and as a result attracts all kinds of scum and poor sportsmanship. IMHO the NHL is responsible for this. Allowing fighting is a JOKE at a professional level. If they really wanted to end it it would be easy as pie. Fight in a hockey game and you are gone for the season and get a 200K fine. END OF STORY. But they tolerate it, kids see it, Don Cherry the head redneck is there fanning the flames of thuggery and so we get this trashy attitude in the sport. It is sad that our national sport is played with so little class and skilled players get less attention then the thugs.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Hockey, as it is played in Canada is a thug sport, encourages thuggery and as a result attracts all kinds of scum and poor sportsmanship. IMHO the NHL is responsible for this. Allowing fighting is a JOKE at a professional level. If they really wanted to end it it would be easy as pie. Fight in a hockey game and you are gone for the season and get a 200K fine. END OF STORY. But they tolerate it, kids see it, Don Cherry the head redneck is there fanning the flames of thuggery and so we get this trashy attitude in the sport. It is sad that our national sport is played with so little class and skilled players get less attention then the thugs.
Did you read the article? It has nothing to do with fighting or thuggery. It's about a parent that has poor sportsmanship not a kid. BTW, Hockey is Canada's Winter National sport and that is since 1994. Lacrosse is Canada's Summer National sport and prior to 1994, it was the National Sport of Canada.

End of story!


Jan 16, 2007
HOF makes excellent points and I fully agree with him that parents with children on the team should not be in management or coaching positions. Typically if the child has any talent that would translate ultimately into elite hockey status then the parent is usually watching from the stands but it is the house league and A and AA levels where parents seem to coach the team with their own children as players and that is too great of a conflict for all concerned. The politics of minor hockey here in Canada is undoubtedly just as severe as party politics in provincial and federal politics. Kids don't quit hockey its the interfering parents, the ultra competitve and untrained coaches that create the environmental issues that just wear out the kids. Too much drama and not enough fun. What I wanted when my son first picked up a hockey stick at age 3 was for him to learn a sport, develop friendships, understand the demands of competition and learn the life requirements of teamwork. I also wanted him to see the benefits of fitness and exercise and to play the game for the fun of it.
He went through the up and downs of tryouts,making and not making teams, winning and losing, One coach who combed his hair and fashioned his mustache such as to be a clone of the late Pat Burns.Other coaches who cared for the players and took pride in developing good young men and citizens. Hockey is Canada's identity, not a thug sport as as some may believe and those of us whose children play the game perhaps in the same fashion that we ourselves as children and youth played will understand.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Did you read the article? It has nothing to do with fighting or thuggery. It's about a parent that has poor sportsmanship not a kid. BTW, Hockey is Canada's Winter National sport and that is since 1994. Lacrosse is Canada's Summer National sport and prior to 1994, it was the National Sport of Canada.

End of story!
yes I read the article, the thuggery extends to the hockey parents. Kids are influenced by what they see and what hockey parents also glorify the BS we see in the NHL.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
The guy was a lawyer. Does it really surprise you that he was an asshole? People skills aren't exactly their strong suit...


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
yes I read the article, the thuggery extends to the hockey parents. Kids are influenced by what they see and what hockey parents also glorify the BS we see in the NHL.
Obviously you don't comprehend what the article was about! It's a playing time issue not violence!
It happens in basketball, baseball, soccer, football, hockey, gymnastics, ice-skating, team cheerleading. The kids just want to play. You're discussing an entirely different subject regarding sport. Focus on what the article says and not your opinion of professional sport.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
For some reason, idiot parents seem to be drawn to minor league hockey.
That is for sure. But minor hockey also brings the stupidity to the surface. The kids care so much about hockey, and the parents care about their kids, so everyone becomes very passionate about it. In this case, the parent involved was not just a regular idiot, but a lawyer, so the results are not too surprising.

I was at a Peewee A game the other day, by coincedence. There was a dad at ice level screaming the whole time, he was so angry. His team was losing 6-0. He was screaming things like "take the puck god-damn it". And nobody really thought anything of it, or said anything, he is just a regular rep parent.

For some kids, hockey is their favorite thing in the world, but that amount of passion, combined with the stupidity of the parents, can be dangerous.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It is easy for parents to loose balance. What might conceivably been justified at a higher level of play, is certainly not justified at this level of play.


Active member
Nov 17, 2002
I heard about this on the radio. From what I understand, this young girl was playing on a boys team. Why would a parent have her daughter play on a boys team? I am all for equality, but what a perfect way to destroy the confidence of someone so young. I understand that she now plays in a female league. I have empathy for this young lady, but what the hell was the parent thinking? Don't be so quick to judge this. You can all remember when we had to choose the least skilled player last when out of a lineup when we were kids. This girl was put in that position, and that wasn't fair to her.


Jan 31, 2005
This girl was put in that position, and that wasn't fair to her.
What makes you think she was a bad player? The teams he was on was supposedly co-ed, not a boys team. She was just the only girl that signed up, possibly because she's much better than the other girls. Who knows? I haven't see it written anywhere that her play was worse than the others--remember, this is not a top tier team. None of the players here are fantastic players.


Feb 20, 2010
Seriously.................Parents need to get a grip on reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do the math.................there are approx 800 players in the NHL............... There are approx 500,000 kids in Minor hockey in Canada,add in drafting from Russia,Europe and the USA, What do you honestly think your kids chances are??????????????????????????????? Leave the politics to the fine gentlemen in Ottawa!!!!! And let the kids have fun.......................................FUCK................... is it that difficult to sit in an Arena with your mouth shut for One hour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't even get me started on parents verbally abusing Referees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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