you booked....and didn't show

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Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Okay, but, perhaps the situation never would have arose if the SP had been on time in the first place. As such, I think there may be plenty of blame to go around in this missed rendevous of love. :)
As long as prior notice is given of a minor delay, it should be ok, especially for a two hour session (there's more flex time there).

I've notified my SPs if I was going to be a few minutes late all the time, and vice versa, without any problems. It's not cause for cancellation.


Active member
Jan 20, 2010
As long as prior notice is given of a minor delay, it should be ok, especially for a two hour session (there's more flex time there).

I've notified my SPs if I was going to be a few minutes late all the time, and vice versa, without any problems. It's not cause for cancellation.
Okay, well, he should have been more flexible I guess. But aren't no shows pretty common in this industry?
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Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
mb2010 said:
The larger question looms 'should hobbiests have to deal with this kind of abuse on an escort review forum'?

mb2010 said:
Its strange, but I thought the sign on the Terb wall said escort review board, not hobbiest review board. My mistake, please carry on.
Please tell us you're pulling our leg, you can't be serious.

Okay, well, he should have been more flexible I guess. But aren't no shows pretty common in this industry?
I've been in this industry for a very long time and I can assure you without hesitation, the ladies in this business put up with more no shows than you can imagine. the number of shows that the guys put up with compared to the ladies is such a smaller percentage relatively speaking. As Shauna says, it's lost opportunity for the ladies and thus no money made, for the guys, it's a waste of time but no money spent.


Sep 10, 2008
Please tell us you're pulling our leg, you can't be serious.

I've been in this industry for a very long time and I can assure you without hesitation, the ladies in this business put up with more no shows than you can imagine. the number of shows that the guys put up with compared to the ladies is such a smaller percentage relatively speaking. As Shauna says, it's lost opportunity for the ladies and thus no money made, for the guys, it's a waste of time but no money spent.

In my experience, I'm batting about 20% for no-shows and it is frustrating as hell. And, depending on travel time, my wasted time costs me more $$ than the fee would have been. Contrary to Mr. Fun, my time is worth $$, no different than the SP's. I have no idea what % is normal for SP's, but it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't a bit higher than 20%.

Depending on the excuse I receive, I usually never use that agency again.


Jun 25, 2010
My problem with this thread (and note I haven't booked Shauna for a few months now, and am not the no show in question) is that it is an SP giving shit to a hobbiest. The larger question looms 'should hobbiests have to deal with this kind of abuse on an escort review forum'?
This is not abuse...I simply started this thread because, the Terbite in question did what he did...I had two other clients screwed because of what happened..simply making a point of how easily one can screw it up for the others. Some times the sp is always to blame when we have to cancel. Just making a point..Sorry If I have offended anyone!!! Wasn't my intention!


Jun 25, 2010
Okay, but didn't she mention that she was the one who was 15 minutes late? Maybe the guy thought, well, she's ten minutes late - probably not coming - fuck this shit, I am going home. Not necessarily unreasonable.
No..I had communication with him...I let him know Well before the appointment that I was running behind...He wasn't waiting anywhere...


Apr 7, 2005
This is not abuse...I simply started this thread because, the Terbite in question did what he did...I had two other clients screwed because of what happened..simply making a point of how easily one can screw it up for the others. Some times the sp is always to blame when we have to cancel. Just making a point..Sorry If I have offended anyone!!! Wasn't my intention!
Don't apologize. You have the right to your opinion.
If people don't like it..... well...... I suppose they can just change the channel or piss off whatever comes first.


Jun 25, 2010
Don't apologize. You have the right to your opinion.
If people don't like it..... well...... I suppose they can just change the channel or piss off whatever comes first.
Thanks....I just don't want to be known as one of the "unreliable" ones...cause I don't roll like that. If it was a hh appt??? This thread wouldn't exist. I try to accomodate as many clients as I can...this week being very busy ...I was just a from the great reading on this thread...I have come to the conclusion..some feel no matter's the SP'S fault...which is fine..I myself take full responsibility for my own actions and mistakes..and take the consequences that go along with them!! I am over it....I said my peace, and now... going to have a best day ever!! lol!!:)


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Bottom line: time is money. Sp's and clients alike need to be respectful of each other's time. In my experience, there are many sp's out there with little to no respect for our time. They do not care about double or triple booking clients knowing full well that some of them are going to get the shaft. The good ones and the ones who care about their reputations obviously don't do this!

Personally, it is a huge turn-off for me when an sp is running late. Does that give me the right to stand her up? Absolutely not. Depending on the reason and her attitude, I might keep the appointment or I might cancel it and never book with her again. In this case, I think Shauna has every right to be upset. It sounds to me like he had every intention of deliberately standing her up and that is plain rude, disrespectful and totally un-called for!!

What For

Jan 4, 2010
I think the issue here is that we talk about courtesy all of the time. She probably cut him some slack for the first little while because she was already late, so Shauna probably sat around for a few minutes expecting that he would still come. He didn't. If he was pissed that she was late.........should have said up front and cancelled = no thread. If he got cold feet, should have called and cancelled. I'm sure Shauna has no shortage of guys who are looking for cancellations......= no thread. If he got caught in traffic or someone called and he had to go somewhere......make the call and she can backfill the second hour.......= no thread.

I had a 2 hour appointment booked with a cold, called her the day before and cancelled........= no thread, just a PM back telling me she hopes I feel better soon. I could have simply not shown up and wasted her time, I haven't seen her before, she doesn't know me......what's the big deal right? Well it matters to me and it should matter to all of us.

This wasn't a review, this was calling someone out for being a dick and not showing enough respect for other peoples time just as we hobbiests will and should do when an SP stands us up. It sucks both ways.

It's no wonder some SP's don't want to even book a 2 hour appointment for the first appointment as they don't know what they are walking into and I've experienced this recently and I completely respect why an SP would feel this way. Why tie up your day with the potential of losing 2 hours out of it you don't even know the guy?

It's a simple concept and I'll never understand why people can't live by the standard of common courtesy.


Active member
Nov 20, 2001
It's a simple concept and I'll never understand why people can't live by the standard of common courtesy.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely, that is the fundamental point here, forget all of the details!! The guy doesn't have the basic common courtesy to return a message - in today's world of instant communication, there is no excuse. Where there is a will, there is a way and he could have let her know he was not showing up if he wanted to.

The silver lining - I believe in Karma and fate - if you treat people like this, at some point it will come back to bite you and you only have yourself to blame.
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