G20 Gestapo pigs face revealed in new videotape.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Hey Not T-boy

I wanted to post this article myself but you beat me to it! You should change the name of the thread because half the people wont even look at this thread. Anyways, this has my undivided attention until they I.D the cop and decide what to do. I will be outraged if this police officer doesn't get seriously repremanded


Jan 31, 2005
Blair needs to be fired. He has completely lost my respect.

First, he decided one day's pay is adequate penalty for removing a badge. You can't even call that a slap on the wrist, more like wink wink, nudge nudge. That sort of response only encourages lack of discipline and further law breaking by the police.

Second, without any evidence whatsoever, he came out and made wild accusations against an individual who the SIU said had been the victim of criminal violence by the police. That's just unacceptable.

He needs to go now.


Nov 23, 2010
" toronto police are the best. I would give themblow jobs if they would allow it. Stfu about them you greasy hippies. Youderserve to be shit/beaten/arrested"
- terb membership


Feb 8, 2005
Yeah Rosie has really latched her teeth into this one and I don't always agree with her about her articles but I am behind her all the way with this one. Blair needs to quit or be fired. In fact the whole police services needs an overhaul from top to bottom to clean out the corruption.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
" toronto police are the best. I would give themblow jobs if they would allow it. Stfu about them you greasy hippies. Youderserve to be shit/beaten/arrested"
- terb membership
Well I was gonna urge the OP to avoid the pointlessly offensive language, but you showed us there's no monopoly on it. If you imagine you're supporting the police, your thought processes don't even rise to the level of your typing skills.


Jun 6, 2009
Hmm the plot thickens I must say I am lovin' Rosie for being a real pit bull on this issue GO ROSIE!!!!


It appears that his video has given the pavlovian pooches like NB another kick at the can. His response also makes clear NB claim that he should have said, 'Gestapo-like' was whooie. He meant what he said and he has raised it to another level with 'Gestapo pigs'.

Rosie's article was very well written and brought to light some very craftily worded phrases which NB seems to have missed or worse ignored in his rant;

-This sequence is far more definitive and revealing of what happened in that incident than the disputed — by Blair, anyway —YouTube video scrutinized earlier by the Special Investigations Unit. The independent agency last week concluded it was unable to identify the officers involved and could therefore not lay charges.

-But here is at least one cop who should be recognizable to anyone studying the images.
Which doesn’t mean Mr. Policeman is a member of the Toronto force, although it appears to be a Toronto police crest on his shoulder.
Many others were brought in from across the country to supplement the local crew. But they were all under Blair’s command.

-Neither this footage nor the YouTube piece show what happened only moments earlier; why Nobody drew such a ferocious response from a group of officers inside the perimeter that was simultaneously established by visored and shield-wielding cop colleagues, probably members of the Public Order Unit, given their strategic defensive positioning and the type of weapons they’re carrying.

-This past Friday, Blair retracted his comments and apologized, to an extent.

“In an effort to demonstrate the potential significance of the missing audio and video, I said police were attempting to arrest an armed criminal and that the missing video images might have shed light on the reasons force was used,’’ he said in a statement.

“This statement created a false impression that I wish to clarify. I have no evidence that he was armed or violent and all charges against the injured man have been withdrawn. I regret the false impression that my comments may have created and apologize to Mr. Nobody.’’

The second videographer was also very careful in his very measured statement and it was well put;

-When this new videotape shooter spoke with the Star on Monday, he was careful not to paint all police during the G20 protests as brutalizing. “I think there was a lot of anger on both sides. I understand how scary it was to be a cop that day and even these . . . on the video . . . it doesn’t necessarily make them bad guys. But when you have that kind of authority, you really need to exercise some self-control.


I've said before that the removal of identification is serious and should be handled thusly. I disagree that it's a firing offense. There are other serious sanctions that can be leveled. The falsification of records is also very serious and I wonder, if there were any of the interior surveillance at the holding facility, that these may shed new information on this action.

As for Fuji's rant, well it's from Fuji, 'nuff said for now.


Jun 6, 2009
Well I was gonna urge the OP to avoid the pointlessly offensive language, but you showed us there's no monopoly on it. If you imagine you're supporting the police, your thought processes don't even rise to the level of your typing skills.
On both these points, we agree OJ.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Thanks for bolding those bits blackrock; they make it clear there's now no excuse—other than being braindead back on the day—for the officers in rank on either side, and the OiC not to come forward. They could clearly see the face, the shoulder flash and number of that officer, as well as "…what happened only moments earlier; why Nobody drew such a ferocious response".

It's well beyond time that those who participated in the billion dollar policing debacle mismanaged by Harpo's Barrie Bunker exercised just a bit of the mature citizenship the videographer showed in that last sentence.


Jun 6, 2009
Thanks for bolding those bits, blackrock. Of course the shoulder flash and the face were clearly visible to the cops in rank on either side. With that much ID info, they have even less excuse for silence. Just as I can't imagine police being so braindead they didn't know who they were supervising, or lined up with, so I cannot imagine they'd not have noticed, "…what happened only moments earlier; why Nobody drew such a ferocious response".

Now we can expect a rush of, "oh I didn't realize it was my part of the scene that was being discussed; here's what I saw and who I saw doiing it."

All good points and I have little doubt that an officer could give the name of his officer in charge and a short list of the various officers that may have been to either side of him during certain times of the day, but they were joined at the hip for an entire day or at a particular location. In a scrum like that on the video, who's on your left and who's on your right would be at best, a guess. No officer is going to or be expected to make a guess and get another officer in deep. Remember some members of the public basically want their heads on a pike and nothing less


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You only need to identify one rotten egg to get him to spew out all the other rotten eggs. Just threaten him with the end of career unless he coughs up the other cronies. I actually agree that the ones not wearing badges should not be fired, but they should be docked the ENTIRE G20 pay packet of about 7K for not reporting for duty. Any officer that filed an arrest report under a false badge should face criminal charges and be fired as soon as possible.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
To any gentle readers offended by my use of the term "Gestapo pigs" all I can say is ACHTUNG Oinken Oinken!!! lol.


Jun 1, 2010
Toronto Police are ready and waiting to fulfil the role of Gestapo. They have proven it with their actions, words, and refusal to face their accountability. All they need now is the legislation, and as times get worse, you know it's coming.


Nov 23, 2010
You only need to identify one rotten egg to get him to spew out all the other rotten eggs. Just threaten him with the end of career unless he coughs up the other cronies. I actually agree that the ones not wearing badges should not be fired, but they should be docked the ENTIRE G20 pay packet of about 7K for not reporting for duty. Any officer that filed an arrest report under a false badge should face criminal charges and be fired as soon as possible.

Threaten the pig with jail and no PC. He's gong to GP for three days to face those he beat up without weapons and mano a mano. Forcing a pig to actually act like a real man usually makes them shit their pants.

You sheep of Toronto got exactly the police force you deserve. You are a bunch of wimps with no backbone to stand up to tyranny. Have fun with the police state.Better pray you're loved one decides you got to fat and old and is fucking a younger man and she decided she's a 'domestic violence' victim. Than you will see how great the TPS investigative skills are.


Feb 8, 2005
Here is a great link to show that the police themselves disguise themselves as the black bloc so they can justify their use of force. Often times initiating the vandelism, just in time for the media to catch it http://www.davidicke.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-84142.html

Just another reason I think cops are motivated by greed for their own paycheques and overtime. Why is it that a cop gets a 10% raise when teachers get 1% a year?


Jun 1, 2010

Threaten the pig with jail and no PC. He's gong to GP for three days to face those he beat up without weapons and mano a mano. Forcing a pig to actually act like a real man usually makes them shit their pants.

You sheep of Toronto got exactly the police force you deserve. You are a bunch of wimps with no backbone to stand up to tyranny. Have fun with the police state.Better pray you're loved one decides you got to fat and old and is fucking a younger man and she decided she's a 'domestic violence' victim. Than you will see how great the TPS investigative skills are.
Is THAT what happened to you?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Toronto Police are ready and waiting to fulfil the role of Gestapo. They have proven it with their actions, words, and refusal to face their accountability. All they need now is the legislation, and as times get worse, you know it's coming.
They have to improve their clothing and grooming though...because whatever one may think about the Gestapo, they were one dapper group of Nazis ...lol


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
It appears that his video has given the pavlovian pooches like NB another kick at the can. His response also makes clear NB claim that he should have said, 'Gestapo-like' was whooie. He meant what he said and he has raised it to another level with 'Gestapo pigs'.

Rosie's article was very well written and brought to light some very craftily worded phrases which NB seems to have missed or worse ignored in his rant;

-This sequence is far more definitive and revealing of what happened in that incident than the disputed — by Blair, anyway —YouTube video scrutinized earlier by the Special Investigations Unit. The independent agency last week concluded it was unable to identify the officers involved and could therefore not lay charges.

-But here is at least one cop who should be recognizable to anyone studying the images.
Which doesn’t mean Mr. Policeman is a member of the Toronto force, although it appears to be a Toronto police crest on his shoulder.
Many others were brought in from across the country to supplement the local crew. But they were all under Blair’s command.

-Neither this footage nor the YouTube piece show what happened only moments earlier; why Nobody drew such a ferocious response from a group of officers inside the perimeter that was simultaneously established by visored and shield-wielding cop colleagues, probably members of the Public Order Unit, given their strategic defensive positioning and the type of weapons they’re carrying.

-This past Friday, Blair retracted his comments and apologized, to an extent.

“In an effort to demonstrate the potential significance of the missing audio and video, I said police were attempting to arrest an armed criminal and that the missing video images might have shed light on the reasons force was used,’’ he said in a statement.

“This statement created a false impression that I wish to clarify. I have no evidence that he was armed or violent and all charges against the injured man have been withdrawn. I regret the false impression that my comments may have created and apologize to Mr. Nobody.’’

The second videographer was also very careful in his very measured statement and it was well put;

-When this new videotape shooter spoke with the Star on Monday, he was careful not to paint all police during the G20 protests as brutalizing. “I think there was a lot of anger on both sides. I understand how scary it was to be a cop that day and even these . . . on the video . . . it doesn’t necessarily make them bad guys. But when you have that kind of authority, you really need to exercise some self-control.


I've said before that the removal of identification is serious and should be handled thusly. I disagree that it's a firing offense. There are other serious sanctions that can be leveled. The falsification of records is also very serious and I wonder, if there were any of the interior surveillance at the holding facility, that these may shed new information on this action.

As for Fuji's rant, well it's from Fuji, 'nuff said for now.
Clearly the person who shot this video is intimidated by the thuggery of the Gestapo. :

“I wish I didn’t have to get involved. I don’t want the police force to be mad at me.’’

Of course Blackie... you will ignore this. Perhaps in your twisted utopia you LIKE having a Police state where the citizens FEAR the police.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
All good points and I have little doubt that an officer could give the name of his officer in charge and a short list of the various officers that may have been to either side of him during certain times of the day, but they were joined at the hip for an entire day or at a particular location. In a scrum like that on the video, who's on your left and who's on your right would be at best, a guess. No officer is going to or be expected to make a guess and get another officer in deep. Remember some members of the public basically want their heads on a pike and nothing less
OK. So a buncha the Malvern crew whale on a guy, break his nose and cheekbone so he spends three days in hospital, and the cops have really quite good videos from bystanders that show faces. But because it will be 'ah gee just so hard' to get gang members to rat each other the cops give up on the case? That's what they're doing when the gang is the TPS (or some visiting thug-buddies).

We spend over half our taxes on these incompetents; clearly the money's wasted if that's their best serving and protecting. Or is that meant to read "To serve and protect ourselves"?

In the TPS I believe it's a responsibility of command to know who is under you and what they're doing. It's certainly the case in every hierarchical organization I've ever been part of, and paramilitary ones make a fetish of it. By now TPS and the SIU should have, from the OiC, the names of all who might have been involved. Or is TPS really that badly administered, and were the G20 cops really that far out of control?
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Active member
Feb 20, 2004
Those who seek trouble will find it. I have no problem with civil disorder being punished. Wanton destruction of property and anarchy are not virtues I admire. If you're willing to participate be prepared to accept the consequences.
Toronto Escorts