About airport security...

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
So with all the stuff in the news this AM about the guy who didn't want the security dude touching his "junk", I got to thinking about all of the crap that we do through when we're flying, and whether they ever actually catch anyone trying to smuggle bombs or other weapons onto planes.

It seems like any time there is a close call, the perpetrator is already on the plane... the shoe bomber for example.

Has anyone ever seen any statistics on the number of "attacks" that were prevented when the screening people caught someone in the act?


New member
Feb 28, 2007
People alsways have the option of not flying, airtravel is not a right.

That said if the politically correct corps of social disorder could get out of our lives they might actually be able to target the people most likely to be terrorists. The current terror war is not being waged by 6 ft tall norwegians with blue eyes and blond hair.
Have an extra close look at the people who match the profile of terrorists, and yes I did say profile, putting the salesman who flys several times a week through the ringer because you don't want to appear to be specifically looking for Muslims is stupid and a waste of time and resources.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Nobody smuggles bombs on to planes anymore. They Fed Ex them from Yemen now.

And I think that after 9/11, anyone who tries to hijack a plane will get his ass kicked immediately. Passengers would have to assume they're suicide hijackers, and would just have to attack to save themselves...
Very Interesting.
Reading that article, it seems that one major difference (apart from the actual procedures) is that the security personnel are highly trained in the "art" of identifying people that are acting in an "abnormal" way. In Canada, security personnel are one stop up from mall cops. I got into a "debate" last year over an item which contained a battery. The woman would only say (in barely understandable English) "not authorized".

Eventually she was sidetracked by the backlog of passengers so I just repacked my gear and walked off. I have travelled with that same piece of gear dozens of times and it was always "authorized"... Including through the US. At least the security people there are Homeland Security types so presumably somewhat more qualified... right?


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Airport security types are run by private companies.

More qualified? Not for $10 an hour.
In Miami airport, I watched a US soldier traveling in civilian clothes (on a civilian flight headed to the Middle East where he was to take a military plane in to Iraq), get grilled by a DHS "security" officer who was inspecting his luggage. She was FREAKING out because in the army kit bag he was trying to turn in (as checked baggage, no less) he had camouflage clothes, a helmet, and a frag vest - all in US Army disruptive pattern. "What is all this military gear for? What are you planning to do with it?"

"Ma'am, because I'm in the Army. Here's my military ID."

"Why would you have this kind of gear with you?"

Thankfully, another "security" officer came over and told her to let him be.

Ya, the best and brightest.
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