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Harpo accuses UN of anti-semitism.....



The thing about the worlds attitude towards Israel that gets me is that some groups are riduculously unfair to them, and others go the opposite way.

For instance, you have the Canadian labour groups who feel compelled to make pokes at Israel all the time, passing resolutions on this and that condemning Israel, while they completely ignore humjan rights violations all over the place. In my view they also ignore the reality of what it is like to live in hostile territory.

Then you have the US groups, the religious right who think Israel can do no wrong, and the power of the jewish lobby in 'Washington etc. Noone seems to have a CALM, rational approach to the whole thing.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
The thing about the worlds attitude towards Israel that gets me is that some groups are riduculously unfair to them, and others go the opposite way.

For instance, you have the Canadian labour groups who feel compelled to make pokes at Israel all the time, passing resolutions on this and that condemning Israel, while they completely ignore humjan rights violations all over the place. In my view they also ignore the reality of what it is like to live in hostile territory.

Then you have the US groups, the religious right who think Israel can do no wrong, and the power of the jewish lobby in 'Washington etc. Noone seems to have a CALM, rational approach to the whole thing.
As it happens I think that Harper has a fairly balanced approach. Although he is certainly supportive he is at time critical and does not simply accept the actions of Israel without criticism. The problem with many countries at the UN is that unless you condemn all actions if Israel you are castigated.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Are you seriously suggesting he is wrong?
Of course he is. SOME of the obvious players are anti-semites...but I don't think Brazil is one of them. Many like the EU are opposed to Israeli policies but I don't think you can call them anti-semites. A great deal of hatred againt Israel is caused by Israeli arrogance ,Israeli war crimes and oppression. Compound that with Israel being kinda like a "jewish apartheid lite" state... it makes it even worse. Frankly the only thing I agree with Harper is that there will be another holocaust. And the behaviour of Israel pretty much makes it inevitable. The US just agreed to sell Saudi Arabia 60 more F-15E's, they have 60 Eurofighters, and another 77 F-15 E's about 80 Tornados....bla bla bla...the US is arming the Arab world pretty heavily. If Israel do not see the set up here they are pretty stupid.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
As it happens I think that Harper has a fairly balanced approach. Although he is certainly supportive he is at time critical and does not simply accept the actions of Israel without criticism. The problem with many countries at the UN is that unless you condemn all actions if Israel you are castigated.
yeah for you balance = Israel is always Portugal won the US seat, they are part of the EU, and the EU has criticized Israel MANY times... so you are full of rubbish as usual .


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Of course he is. SOME of the obvious players are anti-semites...but I don't think Brazil is one of them. Many like the EU are opposed to Israeli policies but I don't think you can call them anti-semites. A great deal of hatred againt Israel is caused by Israeli arrogance ,Israeli war crimes and oppression. Compound that with Israel being kinda like a "jewish apartheid lite" state... it makes it even worse. Frankly the only thing I agree with Harper is that there will be another holocaust. And the behaviour of Israel pretty much makes it inevitable. The US just agreed to sell Saudi Arabia 60 more F-15E's, they have 60 Eurofighters, and another 77 F-15 E's about 80 Tornados....bla bla bla...the US is arming the Arab world pretty heavily. If Israel do not see the set up here they are pretty stupid.
You have just proved his point.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You have just proved his point.
you are a bit slow here aren't you.... sure Israel has a lot of enemies, no one would deny that. But to meet them with force, to humiliate the weak and to remain the Jewish state will only work while Israel has American protection. Without that, Israel simply CANNOT SURVIVE. They cannot remain stronger then the Arabs forever. That kind of arrgance will lead to disaster, sooner or later. Israel is like Japan early in is a similar scenario being played out in slow motion.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
The UN general counsel and any number of its committees ahve been rabidly anti semetic for the last 20 years. Durban 1 and 2 come to mind, as well as the UNHRC believe it or not. A balanced approach is the only way that both the Isralies and the Arabs will be able to survive.

The US for the most part supports Isreal, it won't change regardless of who is in the white house, get over it.

The Arab league and various other pan national bodies need to lose the Israel must be destroyed part of their charters, the Isrealis need to stop expanding in the disputed areas, and the Arabs and the Isrealis need to come to an agreement on the Palistinians, that guarentees Isreali security and the Palistinians welfare.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003

Eric Blair

Sep 4, 2010
Harper and the knee jerk, Isreal can do no wrong crowd conflate two ideas into one. Anti-Semitism and support for Isreal. These two items have no relationship to one another. Until the 1920s Zionism opposed the creation of Isreal. There are major Jewish groups in Isreal and the diaspora who are highly critical of Isreali policy.

Isreal needs to return to the green line boundary, remove from its constitution the idea that Isreal is a Jewish state, the very idea is racist, remove all laws that favour Jews over Isreali Arabs, abandon forever, the idea that the West Bank is a part of Isreal, remove every single settlement from the west bank and allow the right of return for Palistinians chased out of Isreal in 1948.

If they can't do this I could not give a rats ass if there is an Isreal of any type in 20 years or not.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I don't suppose that you look in the mirror much.
If you have read my posts you will see that I am on record as saying the Palis are lying scum so yeah I think I have a much more balanced view then you do.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Harper is dead on. The U.N. is an archaic institution with little relevance anyway.
Which would render its resolution creating Isreal to be NULL AND VOID. Ergo you are saying Israel is not a legitimate state? Lifes a bitch ain't it. lol


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Of course he is. SOME of the obvious players are anti-semites...but I don't think Brazil is one of them.
Lets see should our hypothetical Jewish family immigrate to Brazil or to Canada or the U.S.? Where do you think that anti-Semitic remarks are considered less reprehensible.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
You know quite a lot for someone who can't correctly spell the name of the country. it's Israel. Not Isreal.

Harper and the knee jerk, Isreal can do no wrong crowd conflate two ideas into one. Anti-Semitism and support for Isreal. These two items have no relationship to one another. Until the 1920s Zionism opposed the creation of Isreal. There are major Jewish groups in Isreal and the diaspora who are highly critical of Isreali policy.

Isreal needs to return to the green line boundary, remove from its constitution the idea that Isreal is a Jewish state, the very idea is racist, remove all laws that favour Jews over Isreali Arabs, abandon forever, the idea that the West Bank is a part of Isreal, remove every single settlement from the west bank and allow the right of return for Palistinians chased out of Isreal in 1948.

If they can't do this I could not give a rats ass if there is an Isreal of any type in 20 years or not.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Lets see should our hypothetical Jewish family immigrate to Brazil or to Canada or the U.S.? Where do you think that anti-Semitic remarks are considered less reprehensible.
I have not heard of any significant anti-semitic activity in Brazil... frankly, people would come to Canada or the US because we speak english and Brazil is Portuguese and poorer then us.. but if I was Jewish and did not need to worry about economic considerations.. you can BET YOUR ASS I would go to Brazil over Canada... FUCK YEAH!!! Darker skinned jews would also be almost completely invisible in Brazil.. they would just blend jewish hotties would blend right in as well lol.
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