Toronto Girlfriends

Professional Fantasy Girl Considers Another Occupation


New member
Nov 8, 2010
toronto canada
I have been an escort on and off for 7 years. I have mixed it up with a 9-5 job in the real world in the past, but over this year been solely an escort.

I'm very much a people person, love the life of being an escort and have adjusted very well that is now its my full time job. Sometimes I wonder what would I do without it.

The money, hours, sex (of course) flexibility and meeting some incredible people are all pros. The cons are the stability and addiction to money, having relationships in the real world and explaining what you've been doing for a year when applying to new jobs.

I have walked away many times and had normal jobs.

My question to any other girls, clients or hobbyist....besides working in a sex store
Is there another jobs that compares to being an escort in the real world?

Look forward to hearing from you all.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
There are lots of jobs where you get screwed. LOL


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
No jobs that I can think of, but owning your own business will allow you the same flexibility and (hopefully) financial rewards of escorting.

What kind of business? That depends on what you're good at and what you want to do.

Nazia Noor

New member
Jun 5, 2010
I think that there are jobs that compare to being an escort in the real world, but it depends on what you are really passionate about. Finding that area of interest is key. From my personal experience, when I found the passion in what I do other than this, it made it not feel like work. If you are really good and passionate about your interest, the money will follow. You just have to be smart enough to identify those professional opportunities that provide better financial rewards, and know when to move on from other positions.

You may not be able to find sex in another position unless you are sleeping with your colleagues.....but you can always find a man to keep around ;)

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
You can wind down you addiction to the money by putting it in an investment for the future like an apartment building. This way you have some satisfaction that you are achieving some financial security for later in life. I know a lady that worked as a masseuse for 25 years and along they way earned herself 2 small apartment buildings ( 6 and 8 apts )


Feb 8, 2005
Welcome to the real world. It is nothing like what you have been experiencing.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I'm impressed that you're successful on your own terms and you enjoy your job.
It sounds like the pros far outweigh the cons and there's no reason you can't continue for many more years.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
I think with all your experience and when you have enough saved up you can start your own agency. It's great to be your own boss, especially if you really enjoy this line of work and want to stay in the business. ;)


New member
Sep 15, 2010
I think as you get older, the job role starts to change a little.
Today I don't think I'd like to do what I did 5 years ago...
The way I would think about this is like this... 'what would make me happiest when I'm 25-30-35-40-45 ...'. Maybe you could then use those job descriptions as a roadmap and actually plan for it.

I have been an escort on and off for 7 years. I have mixed it up with a 9-5 job in the real world in the past, but over this year been solely an escort.

I'm very much a people person, love the life of being an escort and have adjusted very well that is now its my full time job. Sometimes I wonder what would I do without it.

The money, hours, sex (of course) flexibility and meeting some incredible people are all pros. The cons are the stability and addiction to money, having relationships in the real world and explaining what you've been doing for a year when applying to new jobs.

I have walked away many times and had normal jobs.

My question to any other girls, clients or hobbyist....besides working in a sex store
Is there another jobs that compares to being an escort in the real world?

Look forward to hearing from you all.


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
Good for you for exploring the possibilities. As someone else suggested...invest your earnings for your future. Fewer and fewer people find jobs with benefits and pensions...investing in real estate that will have a positive cash flow and build your equity by having your tenants paydown your mortgage is the way to go!
You can make alot of men happy by continuing to do what you are doing while building a future while you look for a new "passion" in your life.
Be only get to go around once! (as far as we know!) :eek
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