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Tipping: why is 10% not perfectly adequate?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
In Ireland TIpping is frowned upon..In fact bartenders and others are insulted if you tip them. They feel it is below if your giving a few quid to a 'servant'

Having said that..they are paid an excellent wage to slug Guinness!!
I can assure you that from what I saw in Italy and France, the wait staff had no such issues taking tips from a North American.

Frankly, I felt really wierd leaving no tip.

Unless I saw on the bill a fee for "Service" (in the UK you might see 12%) I'd still leave a tip.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009

i just add 5$ for every 10$ i spend. seems to always work and no one complains that i hear anyway.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

i just add 5$ for every 10$ i spend. seems to always work and no one complains that i hear anyway.
A 38% tip (your figure of $15.00 on $40.00) I would think that they would kiss you.


Active member
May 3, 2006
If you work out what waitresses are getting on an hourly basis, it can be ridiculously high. and yes, I do know that the basic wage is low and they have to share, but waitresses can still earn $40 or more per hour. I find that over the top for a pretty low-skilled job.
They might earn $40 per hour during the lunch hour rush, but they might also be sitting around the rest of the day. Also, if you really think it's a 'pretty low-skilled job' you should try it for a day or two!


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
well tipping is part of dining out you can always cook your own food at home much cheaper!
why is it mandatory though ? why is it the customers responsibility to make up for the lack of wages the owner wants to pay. should tipping not be an extra for good service ?

what about delivery drivers that bring you your pizza ? if the place charges a "delivery charge" that should go to the driver and i should not have to tip.

(read my above post to see what i do for tipping i am usually in excess, i am just playing devils advocate here)


New member
Apr 1, 2007
I am very happy to tip a server or barkeep when the service is good.

What's more, I've been able to get tables at times when the restaurant is "full" because waitstaff and bartenders remember that I tip well (min. 20%).

Point is you're tipping them so the next time you go you'll get even better service.

For the record, I've never worked in a restaurant or bar.

*edit to add*

Wasn't there a restaurant in Toronto some time ago (like, years) where the owner of the establishment would not pay his waitstaff, but they could keep 100% of their tips? I remember hearing something about it on the radio but have no idea if that actually took place.
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It's bizarre how some seem to think it is triple horrible not to tip over 10%, yet in a lot of countries it isn't necessary at all.

If waitresses get minimum wage, and so do burger joint employees, as well as Tim Hortons employees, grocery store employees, etc etc ad nearly infinitum, - then exactly why do waitresses deserve the huge bonus of tips, and the others don't? And in spite of what some have written about sharing it etc, I know several waiters waitresses and they both say the money is far better than anything else.

Low skilled? Yes, it isn't that bad, I've worked construction as well as a variety of other manual labour jobs, including picking fruit, and I assure you that I would have happily been a waiter for the same wages, NOT MORE!


Jan 31, 2005
burt, the thing is, tipping is already baked into the cake.

If we wanted to change the practice now we'd have to up the salaries for wait staff, and up the prices on the menu. If you pay the current prices and wages and then DON'T tip, then these people aren't earning a reasonable income for what they do. Really, all menu prices should just be raised 15% and wait staff paid a 15% "commission" on their sales, with no tips paid. There could be a line added to the bill to reassure people that the staff is getting paid.

I don't have any particular objection to a regime in which wait staff are fully paid from salary, but that's not something you can change just by not tipping.


I wish that restaurants would just pay the staff a fair rate and that way "tipping" is not necessary. Tipping is not a global thing. You do not do it in many countries in Europe for example.

Think of this - waiter/waitress might spend a total of 5 minutes on your order. That means that they can serve 12 people per hour. 12 x $5 on average for two people table is $60 per hour. Say the waiter/ress gives $20 for the staff kitty - they still make $40 in tips. At their $10 minimum wage and you get $50 per hour. Pretty good for waiting tables. This is more than I earn.
You got it EXACTLY right - thats my point, it is waaay too much in some cases.

I think the countries where they add around 13% automatically, AND you have the right to decline it if the service was poor have it right. Then again there are a lot of countries that don' t have it at all, and gee, somehow they still have waiter/waitresses as good as the rest.


Point is you're tipping them so the next time you go you'll get even better service.
I don't WANT better service. I don't want BAD service, but I don't want them pretending to be my best friend, chatting about this and that, laughing at everything I say as though I am Chris Rock - take my order, bring me my food, bring me my bill, take my money, give me change. iIf I go to dinner with someone, I want THEM as company, not the restaurant staff.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
As someone who works as a bartender I give the benefit of a doubt to someone when they go cash and carry for their drinks, don't tip on the first fine, don't tip on the second try getting a third. If you complain I say " I think you've had enough tonight sir " and not only will managerment back me up but so will the police and province, because you have alcohol on you breath and have now gotten belligerent. Why fuck with someone who gives you something you put in your mouth.
So you cut a customer off after 2 drinks and blame it on provincial legislation when really its because he didn't tip you. The next guy, who did tip you, does not get cut off after 2 drinks. Sounds like westendman is the belligerent one. Care to share the name of your establishment? You needn't worry. I won't be going there as a customer. Oh, and I tip quite well.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
So you cut a customer off after 2 drinks and blame it on provincial legislation when really its because he didn't tip you. The next guy, who did tip you, does not get cut off after 2 drinks. Sounds like westendman is the belligerent one. Care to share the name of your establishment? You needn't worry. I won't be going there as a customer. Oh, and I tip quite well.
i used to be a bouncer and people would tip us so they wouldn't get tossed out, but then they wouldn't ti[p the bartender and would get cut off and they would run to us and cry that they tipped and should be aloud to drink. just told them flat out we ain't kicking you out but you can't drink no more. the best is when they would tip one of us but not the rest and when he would get kicked out we would be conveinently gone.


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002

i just add 5$ for every 10$ i spend. seems to always work and no one complains that i hear anyway.
To me that is the reverse of how you should do it, i.e, a smaller bill should have a higher percentage tip as it is almost as much work to serve a $20 meal as a $100 meal. I tip 20% on the first $20 and 10% on the remainder.

$20 meal = $4 tip
$50 meal = $7 tip
$100 meal =$12 tip

Also I tip on the tax in amount although same say it should be on the tax out amount.


Active member
May 3, 2006
Have to wonder how much prices would actually go up if tips were eliminated. Sure, you can pay the wait staff 15% more, but then you have payroll taxes, I.E., CPP etc. on top of that. Then the servers are going to be pissed off because they used to hide half their tips from the taxman, so now their take-home is less. So you have to raise their wages even more which then results in more payroll taxes...

By the time you're done, the only person better off is McGuinty and friends...and the servers will all be unionized and you'll be sitting there watching them sleep instead of serving...
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