Ladder Theory - How to interact with woman


Aug 17, 2008
This is the best explanation of how women and men place each other on a 'ladder' type scale and how it affects every interaction you have with the woman.

The main message to take away from this is that you should never be friends with a woman. You should try to have sex with her or if refused, walk away from any relationship with her.

You should really try reading this - it has alot of truth to it.

Every time I have treated a woman very well, I have been treated poorly. Every time I have treated a woman poorly or made it a point to tell her I would not accept friendship with her - it was to involve sex or nothing at all - I have been treated very well.


Jun 6, 2009
This is the best explanation of how women and men place each other on a 'ladder' type scale and how it affects every interaction you have with the woman.

The main message to take away from this is that you should never be friends with a woman. You should try to have sex with her or if refused, walk away from any relationship with her.
You should really try reading this - it has alot of truth to it.

Every time I have treated a woman very well, I have been treated poorly. Every time I have treated a woman poorly or made it a point to tell her I would not accept friendship with her - it was to involve sex or nothing at all - I have been treated very well.
An interesting read yes, but I'll take it that you're single.


Jun 6, 2009
No, I am married with girlfriends on the side.
You're married only on paper man. i hope you're being classy about it.

This sample conversation sounds like one that might be overheard at a school dance, if those things still exist.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
and you wonder why women say they are no good men out there. the examples that are put forth as a whole are an embarassment.
Are you suggesting that men and women don't have general dating and mating habits?

Do you find the ladder theory website sexist? If so, why?


New member
Jan 18, 2009
There is an element always missing in the websites & discussions of this nature and I've now pinpointed it - and this element explains why guys like blackrock and simon482 seem entirely oblivious to the Ladder Theory and see it as some sort of abstract attack on women. At the most fundamental level, the Ladder Theory basically applies to most people but to extremely different degrees, such that it really doesn't impact most people in any significant way. Here's why: most people are poor and/or unattractive, so most guys are never in the race for the hot girl to begin with and it's the hot girls behavior - these are the girl's that are in high demand - where you will observe the Ladder Theory to the fullest.

Poor unattractive people want power, wealth, and attractive mates just like everybody else but since the day they're born, life experience has told them that they're not among the chosen few. Most poor unattractive people become contented with this, and relegate themselves to dating and marrying other poor unattractive people. Therefore the Ladder Theory has less impact on their lives. Of course, they would jump at the opportunity for better if it was offered, but it never is, so they stick with their unattractive partners and fantasize about something better. This takes the form of celeb idol worship - watching movies, buying mags, and watching events hosted by pretty people.

For the select few among the above average or 'attractive elite', the Ladder Theory has a huge impact. Its existence is undeniable. If you've been in the rat race for prime pussy (at least what this society has deemed 'beautiful'), you've seen the Ladder Theory at work every day, for your whole life. Girls at the top of the food chain do select men based on money/power/status first, looks/attraction second, and they do bullshit about caring about anything else - a man's sense of humor, intelligence, generosity. If you're a guy with eccentric tastes in women - for example you prefer large girls to the slim figures showcased everywhere as a symbol of beauty, you are largely immune to and sometimes even be oblivious to the Ladder Theory. It doesn't exist in your world because the type of girls that you're attracted to are in abundance and will fuck your brains out without you having to fulfill the money/status/power that the Ladder Theory dictates for attracting your mate. Consider yourself very lucky. I wish that I liked girls that DON'T look like models or the modern Western version of beauty. It would make life much easier and less expensive, because it's so much less competitive. Still, I prefer spinners to the Pam Anderson fake buxom blonde type that most men seem so enamored by, so I've probably saved a ton of cash and heartache since I've never spent a dime chasing those types of women and those women appear to be the creme de la creme as far as society is concerned.

There is nothing wrong with the Ladder Theory and girls that play to it. It's not a question of right/wrong or good/bad. It's natural and makes logical sense. If you have something that most people want (ie. beauty), you get to pick and choose mates using criteria that will benefit you most. For hot girls, that means selecting a guy with money and power because money makes life good and easy.


Jun 6, 2009
GG, you might have a point, but consider the fact that a little more than 10% of the population is drop dead gorgeous, you're only applying the theory to a small group. It would be like drawing up as theory based on observations of the social life of the people who live in Hollywood, but claiming it applies to almost everyone.

I'm not oblivious. I also said it really only applies to a small group. Your comment that it applies to most people, but only impact a select few is really confusing and I'm being polite.


New member
Apr 1, 2007
No question that the ladder theory has some validity. But this
The main message to take away from this is that you should never be friends with a woman. You should try to have sex with her or if refused, walk away from any relationship with her.
... is unadulterated horseshit.

I happen to like my female friends. They add colour and spark to my life. Three of them - out of the dozen or so - are fuckbuddies as well. As for the others, they just happen to be good friends and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So thinking that the ladder theory is an all-encompassing look at male-female relationships says more about the person that believes it and less about the theory itself.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Are you suggesting that men and women don't have general dating and mating habits?

Do you find the ladder theory website sexist? If so, why?
didn't read it i was referring to him saying he has a wife and several girlfriends and i made the referance to how women say there are no good men left. with examples like that to base the whole gender on no wonder women are the way they are.


Nov 14, 2005
AND be at least 5'8". I have communicated to many p.u.a. that say for guys under 5'8" it is near impossible to provide any attraction value to women unless fabulously rich and/or famous.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
The main message to take away from this is that you should never be friends with a woman. You should try to have sex with her or if refused, walk away from any relationship with her.

Every time I have treated a woman very well, I have been treated poorly. Every time I have treated a woman poorly or made it a point to tell her I would not accept friendship with her - it was to involve sex or nothing at all - I have been treated very well.
Wow. You either have a lot of growing up to do or you're just a really big asshole.

This type of shit was entertaining when I was like, 15. You probably think The Game is a good pickup guide too. :rolleyes:

Time to grow up dude...


New member
Sep 15, 2010
That's very true. I've been listening to Carlos Xuma's Alpha Lifestyle podcasts. He has pretty much the same philosophy.

According to him, it's doesn't have much to do with how you treat a woman. Treating her badly can sometimes backfire and you may just be perceived as a jerk. It has more to do with whether she finds you "alpha" enough. In other words, if your sense of reality is stronger than hers, she will be attracted. And then if you want to have sex with her, you turn off your wimp mode (things like: its fine being friends, I'll buy you a drink, I'll be a supplicator, just so I can spend some time with you) and try and tell her that "yes, I'm attracted to you and I want you, and thats that"

This is the best explanation of how women and men place each other on a 'ladder' type scale and how it affects every interaction you have with the woman.

The main message to take away from this is that you should never be friends with a woman. You should try to have sex with her or if refused, walk away from any relationship with her.

You should really try reading this - it has alot of truth to it.

Every time I have treated a woman very well, I have been treated poorly. Every time I have treated a woman poorly or made it a point to tell her I would not accept friendship with her - it was to involve sex or nothing at all - I have been treated very well.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
didn't read it i was referring to him saying he has a wife and several girlfriends and i made the referance to how women say there are no good men left. with examples like that to base the whole gender on no wonder women are the way they are.
Yet you are a fine example of the moral man posting on a prostitute review board ....BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
AND be at least 5'8". I have communicated to many p.u.a. that say for guys under 5'8" it is near impossible to provide any attraction value to women unless fabulously rich and/or famous.
Gotta make it up in cash then....5'8" + min net worth 500K

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