Nutty Ruling: Air Canada ordered to create nut-free buffer zones on planes


New member
Dec 27, 2004
OTTAWA—The Canadian Transportation Agency has released a decision outlining how Air Canada should accommodate travellers with peanut or nut allergies.

It says that when the airline has at least 48 hours advance notice of a traveller with these allergies, it must create a buffer zone around the person.

The onboard snack and meal service would not provide nuts or peanuts to any passengers within the buffer zone, and airline personnel would inform those passengers that they can only eat peanut-free and nut-free foods.

The airline’s next step is to let the transportation agency know within 10 days whether it intends to implement these accommodation plans.

If it does intend to introduce them, the airline has 30 days to submit a formal policy on peanut and nut allergies for the agency to review and approve.

If Air Canada decides not to go along with the agency decision, it must file arguments within 30 days demonstrating that the accommodation would result in undue hardship, or submit a proposal for a reasonable alternative.

In economy class seating, the buffer zone would include the bank of seats in which the person with allergies is seated, as well as the banks of seats directly ahead and behind.

If there is a bulkhead in front, then the buffer zone would just include the bank of seats in which the person is seated, as well as the bank of seats behind.

The decision released Tuesday addresses applications to the agency by Dr. Sophia Huyer and Rhonda Nugent, on behalf of her daughter Melanie Nugent, regarding difficulties they’ve experienced related to peanut and nut allergies while travelling with Air Canada.

“Simply put, it is neither practical nor possible to ban all substances to which any person may be allergic in a mass transportation system, nor is it feasible to eliminate all risks,” the agency said in its ruling.

“Taking this into account, the nature of reasonable accommodation is that the carrier, recognizing the severity of allergy, must take such measures as are effective to reduce the probability of contact with an allergen.”


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Note to self: bring own bag of nuts on plane to eat lol.

When I was in grade school the school used to provide everyone with peanut butter and jam sandwiches. WHY does it seem so many people are allergic to so many things in the last 20 years? It must be environmental contamination or food additives.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Someone has to claim to be allergic to anything but nuts, and demand a nutty buffer zone around them.

Moronic judges.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
As someone who is allergic to peanuts the smell of them in a confined space can cause me to react.

The reaction is not as bad as if I were to ingest them but it will cause respiratory distress.

Because of this when I fly I need to take several Benidryl before I fly.


Well-known member
I ,for one ,thought that this buffer was already in place.I flew Air Canada last christmas and I took my nuts out mid flight and within 2 minutes I had a 5 seat buffer in front and behind me(actually, the folks across from me were pretty much squeezed up against the bulkhead also).To me , the rule already seemed in place.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
As someone who is allergic to peanuts the smell of them in a confined space can cause me to react.

The reaction is not as bad as if I were to ingest them but it will cause respiratory distress.

Because of this when I fly I need to take several Benidryl before I fly.
Papa, I'm sorry that you're so afflicted, however, this decision is complete horseshit. People who are that allergic to anything, should take responsibility as you do and deal with it.


Nov 11, 2004
Papa, I'm sorry that you're so afflicted, however, this decision is complete horseshit. People who are that allergic to anything, should take responsibility as you do and deal with it.
Yes, and many have allergies far more severe than that, and a few benadryl isn't going to cut it. Nut allergies are potentially fatal, a situation exacerbated when you're in a confined space hurtling through the air at hundreds of miles an hour away from emergency medical services. This decision sounds eminently reasonable, requiring ample notice for the airline and providing for only a limited buffer, rather than a complete banning of the products on the flight.


& the living is easy
Apr 1, 2008
Papa, I'm sorry that you're so afflicted, however, this decision is complete horseshit. People who are that allergic to anything, should take responsibility as you do and deal with it.
is it not as simple as respect for those with a severe allergy?
Shooter, would it make you feel better to sit there eating your nuts, possibly leaving the wrapper in the seat pocket, & having another passenger have a severe reaction or possibly even die because it's horseshit?

if the person near me on a plane could die becaue of an allergy to something, I will refrain.

simple really isn't it.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Yes, and many have allergies far more severe than that, and a few benadryl isn't going to cut it. Nut allergies are potentially fatal, a situation exacerbated when you're in a confined space hurtling through the air at hundreds of miles an hour away from emergency medical services. This decision sounds eminently reasonable, requiring ample notice for the airline and providing for only a limited buffer, rather than a complete banning of the products on the flight.
And what happens if you're not sitting in the buffer zone and are allowed to eat peanuts. Then, you get up to go to the washroom and, walking throught the buffer zone, touch someone sitting in a buffer zone aisle seat who has a sever peanut allergy?

is it not as simple as respect for those with a severe allergy?
Shooter, would it make you feel better to sit there eating your nuts, possibly leaving the wrapper in the seat pocket, & having another passenger have a severe reaction or possibly even die because it's horseshit?

if the person near me on a plane could die becaue of an allergy to something, I will refrain.

simple really isn't it.
I might never leave my house if I followed this line of reasoning. How do I know that something I throw in a public trash container won't be touched by someone who might have a servere allergic reaciton?

Here is just a short list of food products that may contain peanuts:

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif][SIZE=+2]Foods Commonly Containing Peanut[/SIZE][/FONT]

Baked Goods - doughnuts, pastries, breads, muffins, cookies, anything in a bakery that uses peanuts could be cross-contaminated with peanut protein
Baking Mixes
Chocolate - candy bars, chocolate chips (many may contain peanut traces)
Ice Cream
Candy - nougat, many candies may contain peanut traces
Snacks - crackers, granola, rice cakes, caramel corn, snack mixes
Nut butters
Sauces - peanut can be used as a thickener, satay sauces, pesto
Asian Food - stir fry, sauces, egg rolls
Veggie burgers

I'm sure that there are many more that could be added to the list!

I'm not trying to be insensitive; just saying that the ruling does nothing more than create a false sense of security for people who, unfortunately, suffer from peanut allergies.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Some of us have perfume allergies. Too many times I have been stuck beside someone spraying the damn stuff on themselves. GRRRRR!


Aug 6, 2006
As someone who is allergic to peanuts the smell of them in a confined space can cause me to react.

The reaction is not as bad as if I were to ingest them but it will cause respiratory distress.

Because of this when I fly I need to take several Benidryl before I fly.

Why are so many people having peanut allergies lately?


New member
Sep 15, 2001
I am not sure why the OP gives a thumbs down to this accommodation for people with nut allergies. This is a serious allergy that some people suffer. Do we give the thumbs down to wheelchair ramps too because we shouldn't have to make accommodations for people who are different from us? Thumbs down for special parking for the handicapped or pregnant women because it means we can't park wherever we want? Thumbs down for priority seating for the elderly on the TTC?


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Nutty Ruling: Air Canada ordered to create nut-free buffer zones on planes
I wonder if that means I will not be allowed on those flights ?:rolleyes:


Jun 6, 2009

Why are so many people having peanut allergies lately?
PS could probably put better light on this, but I don't think it's any more prevalent than before. It's just been given a higher profile. I remember buds in the one room school house that I attended had it, but they were given any special treatment except our being aware of their situation, similar the the students who had epilepsy. As to it being more severe now, that may be something to consider.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Note to self: bring own bag of nuts on plane to eat lol.
Another note to self; Bring one, or more, of those small sample sized bottles of cologne.


New member
Jan 26, 2004
When I was in grade school the school used to provide everyone with peanut butter and jam sandwiches. WHY does it seem so many people are allergic to so many things in the last 20 years? It must be environmental contamination or food additives.
My personal feeling is that perhaps back then it wasn't as well known and people simply died as a child.


Jun 6, 2009
I'm sure that there are people who are deathly allergic but something comes to mind that there are also some treatments for margin to moderate cases where the patient is give peanut then another day two peanuts and so forth until the effects are eliminated, but I could be wrong.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I'm sure that there are people who are deathly allergic but something comes to mind that there are also some treatments for margin to moderate cases where the patient is give peanut then another day two peanuts and so forth until the effects are eliminated, but I could be wrong.
That was Dr. Doris Rapp's theory

As a teen I saw her as an allergist. First thing she said is buy my book and it is all in there.

IMHO she was a quaick and would have made a pitiful duck dinner
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