Ford doesn't understand his own "fiscal plan"


Jan 31, 2005
Ford announced his fiscal plan saying he will generate a $1.67 billion surplus without cutting services.

This is classic Ford:

The biggest spending reduction for next year is Ford’s “reduce the cost of government plan” forecast to lop $230 million off the spending column. But Ford and his policy director, Mark Towhey, both acknowledged to reporters outside Ford’s Dixon Rd. campaign office those items have not been fully identified.

“There’s a lot of belt-tightening that could be done,” said Towhey. “The city’s been trying to do a similar belt-tightening program for a couple of years with spotty success.”

He said the city pushed departments for 5 per cent cuts this year and many pushed back, missing the target. “I think the time for pushing back has ended,” Towhey said.

Pressed for one big efficiency for 2011, Ford pointed to his plan to save $67 million in salaries by not replacing half of the 6 per cent of city workers who retire annually. Told that attrition is a different line in the budget, Ford said he has no doubt he will be able to find those savings.
So he has announced a lot of numbers but he has no idea how to do it, and no idea what they mean?


Jan 26, 2010
The others aren't pretending that they will be able to print money.
Smitherman's plan on getting $100 million from the province is practically that, though.


Jan 31, 2005
Interesting and take for example Smitheran so he knows he's going to get 17 billion for the TTC and where did he say that was coming from? Maybe he knows how to print money lol
Smitherman very clearly said that building new subways would require new debt, along with funding from the Province. That's realistic--subways are expensive, if we want them, we WILL have debt.

It's only Ford who is saying he can not only build new subways AND generate huge surpluses AND cut taxes all WITHOUT cutting any services.

That's just plain fantasy--he's need to keep a money printing press running 24/7 to come up with this imaginary money.


Jan 31, 2005
You forgot to quote a few things for example "after his four year term" and a few others, rather you grouped everything into

don't misquote the article and accuse the man adopting his opponents losing startegy against him :)

(i'm heading out now my bud wants to checkout Elaine at BBE so i'll get back to this later)
Sorry if that was misleading, I am happy to make it crystal clear:

Ford is saying that in each year of his term there will be a surplus, and by the end of his term the surpluses will have added up to $1.67 billion dollars, and that he is going to do this while cutting taxes, while building a lot of very expensive subway lines, and without cutting any services whatsoever. He says he guarantees this.

When challenged to provide an example of one single big efficiency that will contribute to the surplus in the first year of his term Ford has no idea. First he cited a different line in the budget (attrition) and then he basically just shrugged off the question.

All this coming from someone who already has a reputation as a compulsive liar.

In case it's not obvious to you, it's obvious to me that there is just no way in hell that's possible. None whatsoever. Maybe if he said he was going to cut taxes while finding efficiencies that would be plausible, but add in billions in subway construction for which there is presently no funding whatsoever and the claim that he will have a surplus becomes a raging joke.


Jan 31, 2005
The Province hasn't stumped up any money for any of these subway expansion schemes. The province has only agreed to fund Transit City, which is comprised mostly of light rail transit and additional streetcars. That doesn't mean the Province wouldn't negotiate something different if it's reasonable, I'm just clarifying.

Neither Ford nor Smitherman's scheme has any commitment for funding from the Province, and Ford's scheme requires significantly more cash than the Province has ever agreed to--it would require a large funding increase from the Province for you to say the Province will pay for it.

The reality is if it's implemented it will require either higher taxes or more debt. Certainly not possible to have such huge spending programs and still have budget surpluses. Ford's lying. I would say dreaming--but I recognize a compulsive liar when I see one.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Smitherman's plan on getting $100 million from the province is practically that, though.
Smitherman is full of shit....Ontario province in the hole for aprox $20,000,000 billion dollar deficit. So he expect the province to hand him 100 million dollar. He must be still doing drug ... it is fucking up his mind ...hmm expecting fucking ontario province to hand him 100 million dollar to the city he is a wacko delusion homosexual drug addict. I defintely recognize a delusional complusive bullshitter who will fuck up the city of Toronto. He already waste 1 billion dollar on eHealth.


Jan 31, 2005
Ford's fiscal plan playing voters for fools

Rob Ford is nothing if not ambitious. If elected mayor, he would do the following: cut taxes, slash spending, eliminate the city’s annual budget shortfall, cut its debt load in half, rebuild its rainy-day fund, keep property-tax hikes within the inflation rate, hire 100 more police officers and still have millions left over for things like better child care and helping the disabled. What is more – and here’s the really amazing thing – he would do all of this without cutting any of the city services that Torontonians depend on.

“I will assure you that services will not be cut. Guaranteed,” Mr. Ford told incredulous reporters after he released his detailed fiscal plan on Friday. “Ladies and gentlemen, it can be done.”

Ladies and gentlemen, it cannot. Telling voters they can have everything – lower taxes, lower debt, reduced spending and better services – is playing them for fools.


If Mr. Ford were the straight-shooting fiscal conservative he claims to be, he would tell city voters: Look, our finances are a mess. It’s time for tough medicine. We’re going to have to lay some people off and cut some services. Once the books are back in shape, then we can talk about cutting taxes and reinvesting in services.

Instead, he says they can have it all. Ladies and gentlemen, don’t believe him.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Hey PA, you do know that Rob is expecting the province to fork over even more?
Show me the proof which Fords says he will get the province will actually fork over more money then bullshitter delusional wacko homosexual drug addicts Smitherman.
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Active member
Aug 30, 2009

James: What I like about Rob Ford
Published On Fri Oct 08 2010

Rob Ford has his faults, some grievous enough to render him unworthy of holding the city’s highest office he now seeks. But the city councillor is not leading the polls in the race to be Toronto’s next mayor because he’s a bumbling fool, as so many pundits maintain, barely hiding their contempt.

In fact, there is enough to like about Rob Ford, and the terms of his endearment offer a glimpse into the municipal world that embraces his candidacy.

Ford, a rough-around-the-edges guy whose unbuttoned suits would make Armani cringe, has developed an almost cultish following because he does what so many refuse to do — take on the city’s power structure and orthodoxy. I like that.

He practises retail politics. He goes ward to ward, gets his hands dirty, personally attends to phone calls, and leaves behind an eternally grateful citizen. That sometimes angers delinquent or slow-responding councillors who resent his intrusion into their ward. Tough. Citizens appreciate the service.

A mayor can’t possibly answer individual phone calls from all Torontonians. But that ethic at the top of the city hall chain of command would be contagious.

Ford doesn’t have to define himself during this campaign. Over 10 years as a city councillor his message hasn’t deviated: Keep spending in check. He owns the brand.

Starting with his own office budget, Ford famously spent $2 of the allotted $53,000 tax dollars one year, even as many spent near the limit and most spent about $40,000. That created many enemies among the big spenders. Some argued he was using his own money to run his office and tried to force him to use tax dollars.

The result? Now Ford must file the spending amounts with the clerk, even if he uses his own money. But all this has done is reaffirm that Ford spends much less than his counterparts, no matter whose money it is. And the legend grows.

Critics argue that the potential savings from office budgets is so small, the impact on the $9.2 billion budget is negligible. Critics underestimate the value of symbols. If councillors routinely waste thousands of dollars on the purchase of espresso machines, bunny suits, expensive Christmas cards, unwarranted cab rides to Woodbridge late at night — all under the guise of serving constituents — what else are they wasting, constituents wonder.

Ford has routinely proposed across-the-board cuts in grants to community agencies and arts groups, for example, a move that saves only small amounts. He’s failed to corral enough votes, but the rejection never deterred him. Such persistence will be required if he’s to use the mandated powers of the mayor’s office to change the culture. If the budget is to be tamed, it will take someone with the single-minded determination of a Rob Ford.

Consider that since 2003, under David Miller, city spending has jumped 44 per cent, to $9.2 billion — a hike of $2.8 billion, more than triple the increases of the previous six years. Annual property tax hikes? 3, 3, 3, 3.8, 3.34, 4, and 2.9 per cent.

Despite consecutive above-inflation increases, Toronto’s property tax rate is still lowest in the GTA. But that’s because Torontonians face an additional land transfer tax, vehicle registration tax, billboard tax, garbage disposal fees, water bill increases of 9 per cent a year, transit fare hikes, and more.

Worse, these hikes occurred even as Toronto received massive amounts of money for its operating budget through the gas tax, GST rebates and annual subsidies from Queen’s Park. So when citizens see clear examples of waste, they rebel. When councillors give themselves a pay raise and use their office budgets as a slush fund, they play right into Rob Ford’s agenda.

City council has no fiscal credibility. Ford may not be able to “stop the gravy train.” There may not even be a gravy train. But an aggrieved citizenry may be willing to give Ford a chance to root around and find out.

Ford will not yield the $1.7 billion savings he envisions. But he believes he can. And when he says he will push for it to happen, his claim is believable. Even if it falls short, the recalibration will have begun. Many are banking on it.
Toronto Escorts