Well, Parliament has the right to legislate, but the legislation has to be in accordance with the Charter. My point is that the avails, bawdy house and communicate law were just struck down because they infringed Women's security interests under s.7 of the Charter. If the govt's response to the ruling is just to criminalize more prostitution related stuff, it's an easy road for the Courts to use exactly the same reasoning as in this case to strike down those laws as well.
So a govt response which says "Oh, we'll just make it illegal to be a pro altogether. So there!" will be almost surely cut down in the same way that the other laws were,
the govt will UNDOUBTEDLY appeal. It will take 2 - 3 years for the case to go through the Ontario Court of Appeal to the SCC.
The Tories can posture as the bold, anti crime party. The issue is whether central Canada gives a shit about anti prostitution laws. The Tories win the Prairies automatically anyway. Ontario is where the elections are won and lost.