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Have you ever been hit on by a gay man?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I was hit on by a gay man. I told him I don't play that way. He said he knew but he was trying to see if he could "convert" me. I told him no chance.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
I was only 19 with the GO station dude and he came out a the booth for what I thought was a friendly chat and then grabs me by the crotch.The Landing Strip guy was some sleazeball sitting in the parking lot preying on horny dudes coming out a the club .I just started swinging at him through the window and he took drove off .Maybe he had better luck at the Spearmint Rhino.Had the situations been less aggressive I probly would have just told them I was straight.
You missed out on a nice little lawsuit there.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Yes, a few times.
1st time I felt awkward (14 at the time) and didn't do anything, just went on with my school day - this was on the subway.
2nd time, I joked around with the guy we (group of us) had a few laughs, the girls had fun with it, just a good night at the club, drinkin', dancing.
The other times after, same as the 2nd time, just had fun with it, who gives a crap, take it as a compliment, no big deal.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Once when I was about five and he was my neighbour. The next time I was twenty and it was my boss at work.


Sep 3, 2004
not sure if this counts but my buddy rosco and i were fucking a few girls the other night and they said they would give us 200 dollars if I sucked his dick or vice versa. Laughed really hard and said, no problem, just add three zeros to the end of the 200 and we have a deal. Guess everyone has their price (lol)!!!

damn, still have to write a review on that one.



New member
Jan 18, 2009
The next time I was twenty and it was my boss at work.
The only job I've ever had was working at a grocery store when I was 15 or thereabouts. All old-school guys working there, middle-aged blue collar types. I remember jokingly asking the boss if he planned on attending the Gay Pride Parade that summer. He looked at me with a hint of venom in his eyes and replied, "The nerve of those people..."

I re-visited the store over 10 years later because I was in the area and needed to pick up some stuff, and one of the guys sees me and instantly goes "how are ya [my name]" as if I had never left. How the fuck did he even remember me? Strange world.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Once at Wicked we were hanging out with a young couple, she was very attractive. She whispered in my wife's ear that her husband wanted to suck my dick. Not what I was hoping for. Mrs.CD declined on my behalf. Also at Goodhandy's, but it is kind of expected there, we just said no thanks.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
not sure if this counts but my buddy rosco and i were fucking a few girls the other night and they said they would give us 200 dollars if I sucked his dick or vice versa. Laughed really hard and said, no problem, just add three zeros to the end of the 200 and we have a deal. Guess everyone has their price (lol)!!!

damn, still have to write a review on that one.

Review? They were SPs and then offered you money to do that?


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
No way- if u get hit on by gay guys it means you are transmitting positive "gay energy" and are a closeted homo!!!


New member
Jul 13, 2009
I was doing some shopping at the mall once when a guy asked me if I was interested in posing for some nude photos. Does that count?

The Saint

New member
Jun 17, 2010
I was in New York city 20years ago on business,the sales exec I was with had never been there and we had a few hours before our flight back to TO. so I gave him the 5 cent tour. We were walking down 42nd street when my buddy wanted a slice of pizza and a pop. I waited out on the side walk dressed up in my business suit when a man can along and offered me money if he could give me a blow job on the spot..We were negotiating how much when my friend came out and scared the poor guy away. It was kinda funny my friend asked what the guy wanted and I told him he wanted to suck my friend said "Ya Sure" and we continued on our tour. to this day my friend still doesn't believe my story but anything can and does happen in New york


New member
Jul 13, 2009
I was in New York city 20years ago on business,the sales exec I was with had never been there and we had a few hours before our flight back to TO. so I gave him the 5 cent tour. We were walking down 42nd street when my buddy wanted a slice of pizza and a pop. I waited out on the side walk dressed up in my business suit when a man can along and offered me money if he could give me a blow job on the spot..We were negotiating how much when my friend came out and scared the poor guy away. It was kinda funny my friend asked what the guy wanted and I told him he wanted to suck my friend said "Ya Sure" and we continued on our tour. to this day my friend still doesn't believe my story but anything can and does happen in New york
And your bottom line price would have been...?


Nov 14, 2005
QUITE the opposite. I get hit on too much. I am considered handsome by both men & women. Because of my height women think I am gay. IT IS TRUE: I even asked why they thought I was gay. They think short guys are gay!! W.T.F. Gay guys think a good chance a short guy is gay. MAN: counting down the days til my flight out to Germany for L.L. !!!!!


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
QUITE the opposite. I get hit on too much. I am considered handsome by both men & women. Because of my height women think I am gay. IT IS TRUE: I even asked why they thought I was gay. They think short guys are gay!! W.T.F. Gay guys think a good chance a short guy is gay. MAN: counting down the days til my flight out to Germany for L.L. !!!!!

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I must be too big and ugly, it's never happened to me.

I don't understand the attraction of male gayness - why settle for just two orifices?

Anyway, here's something Doug51 and dj1470 will enjoy.



Active member
Aug 30, 2001
Sure, once when I was about 11 or 12, this creepy looking old guy at the library kept staring at me. Finally, he introduced himself, said he was a schoolteacher, and asked if he could take me back to his place, dress me up in loincloths and Indian outfits and take pictures of me.

I was kinda creeped out, so I told him I'd have to phone my mother for permission, but the silly old thing said OK! I told him she said no.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
Once when I was in university, I was waiting for the bus when this guy, who appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent, came up to me to ask for directions. He was standing too close to me, with his face less than a centimetre away from mine, and it made me feel uncomfortable. Anyways, I answered his question, then got on the bus when it arrived.

After I sat on the bus, that same man stood in front of me. After noticing that I was studying on the bus (I was making notes from my 3rd year math class), he told me he studied physics. After nodding my head, he immediately after asked me for my number! I told him I don't give out my number to strangers, and changed seats. He took the hint and didn't say anything to me afterwards, and he (to my relief) got off the bus well before my stop.

Frankly, an unsettling and creepy experience. It wasn't so much his hitting on me as much as his manner and demeanour which bothered me.
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