Punk kids post date rape pics on Facebook.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Damn, hope they catch the little fuckers and no juvie detention either.



RCMP officers update reporters during a press conference in Maple Ridge, B.C., Thursday, Sept. 16, 2010.

Police call gang-rape photo sharing 'disgusting'

Police say photos of a 16-year-old girl being gang-raped at a rave in suburban Vancouver are being posted on Facebook and passed around in e-mails and text messages that one detective called "disgusting."

The teenager, who cannot be identified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, was attending a rave along with several hundred other youths in the Vancouver suburb of Pitt Meadows last Friday night or early Saturday morning.

RCMP Const. Aaron Lloyd said that at some point during the party, the teen was given a "date rape" drug that rendered her unconscious. She was then taken out of the house where the main party was taking place and assaulted by five to seven youths.

Lloyd said several other teens watched the repeated sexual assaults on the girl and at least one of them took photographs.

A 16-year-old youth has been arrested and charged with production of child pornography.

"He not only took the photographs and distributed the photographs, he was clearly present (but) we can't say at this time for certain if he was or was not involved in the sexual assault," Lloyd said.

Cpl. Jennifer Hyland said the pictures of the rape have spread like wildfire through social networking sites and cellphones, despite attempts by police and the victim's family to stop them.

Hyland said many of the youths contacted by police were defiant when asked to stop distributing the pictures.

"They continue to be reposted by other youths who are receiving them and posting them back onto various websites, including Facebook, and are being shared amongst BlackBerrys and iPhones," she said.

"It is spreading like wildfire and our attempts to stop this victim from reliving this … it's just getting worse. The more we try to tell people to take it off the more people send it and post it."

Even more shocking to investigators were some of the comments posted alongside the photos, Hyland said, most of them suggesting the gang rape was consensual.

"I can't believe the things we're reading as investigators that are being posted on Facebook; the comments that are being said about this victim … it's disgusting to read what these youths are posting and it's even more disgusting that the photos are being posted on even more sites."

Hyland warned that those who post the images on Facebook or anywhere else could be charged with possession and distribution of child pornography.

Lloyd said police are interviewing several people who attended the party although he acknowledged that: "There are a number of youths and young adults who are not co-operating with us."

He said there will be more arrests in the case, but could not say when.

"We are interviewing numerous people who were at the party and trying to determine what they witnessed and what information they can provide. We are getting closer but we have not yet got to the point where we can make arrests."


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
WTF has happened to teenagers? Where have their parents gone soooo wrong in their upbringing?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
Absolutely disgusting, I hope they are caught. What's even worse is a whole lot of people are downloading/sharing these photos, that's just sickening.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
It's 14 days jail minimum for simple possession of child porn if you are an adult
Some of these people are not gonna believe what hit them


New member
Dec 29, 2007
This is just totally disgusting. WTF are the kids thinking nowadays. They need to do some hard time and learn what they did was indespicable in my opinion.


Jan 16, 2009
This is just totally disgusting. WTF are the kids thinking nowadays. They need to do some hard time and learn what they did was indespicable in my opinion.
Totally disgusting and the kids did it probably thought it was cool and funny. Our law is fucked up. If there's law that says, if you rape a girl, your dick will be cut off, I am sure none of this will happen. It is so wrong in so many level this case.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
If there's law that says, if you rape a girl, your dick will be cut off, I am sure none of this will happen.
And I am sure that the number of rape victims killed to avoid this humanitarian surgical procedure would rise dramatically


Jan 31, 2005
There's nothing new about this. Fucked up young men have been date raping and gang raping drunk or drugged young women since the beginning of time.

The only thing that's changed is now they have facebook to post it on.


New member
Jul 14, 2009


New member
Dec 27, 2004
It seems no teenager can do anything anymore without posting pictures of it on Facebook or some other social networking site - even criminal acts. Is our youth so narcissitic? What advantage is there in date raping a chick and then posting the photos on the internet? In the old days criminals went to pains to remain undiscovered and off camera. Today it seems with all these reality shows people want to show the world whatever they do all the time. Crazy.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
What in the name of all that's Holly is wrong with people like this?! Further, what is with teens being so stupid that they don't remember the last episode like this and that participants (both in the rape and in sharing the video) were convicted.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
What in the name of all that's Holly is wrong with people like this?! Further, what is with teens being so stupid that they don't remember the last episode like this and that participants (both in the rape and in sharing the video) were convicted.
The cameraman teen's logic must be: Well, I didn't rape her, I just stood next to her laughing and filming everyone come over and have their turn, then posted the pics online to share the joke with all my friends and the world at large, if anyone else was interested. What is the problem? I did nothing wrong. :rolleyes:


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
It seems no teenager can do anything anymore without posting pictures of it on Facebook or some other social networking site - even criminal acts. Is our youth so narcissitic? What advantage is there in date raping a chick and then posting the photos on the internet? In the old days criminals went to pains to remain undiscovered and off camera. Today it seems with all these reality shows people want to show the world whatever they do all the time. Crazy.
Their stupidity is a good thing. Makes it easier for the cops to catch them.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
This is just totally disgusting. WTF are the kids thinking nowadays. They need to do some hard time and learn what they did was indespicable in my opinion.
Police said many youths contacted by the police were uncooperative when asked to stop distribution of the photos. They continue to be distributed through social networking sites such as Facebook, and on Blackberrys and iPhones.

"One of the reasons we called this press conference is we cannot contact the numbers of people doing it. It is spreading like wildfire. And our attempt to stop this and this victim from reliving this and being victimized… it's just getting worse. The more we tell people to take it off, the more they post it.

For the ones who keep posting the pics after the police ask them to stop: put them in the stocks outside City Hall for an hour, take photos, post those photos online.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
Kids today are a whole different ball game. They live through an omnipresent online existence. Facebook is a way of life to them and a centerpiece of their communications. They also want to capture everything. It is so funny to see these kids at events basically watching a live performance through the 3 inch screen on their iphones while they capture the event to later post online to their friends. Meanwhile they are literally missing the big live picture unfolding right in front of them. They live just to capture and post. As for the rapists, well you cannot get a more rock solid case since the evidence can easily be tracked and found. They did the prosecutor's work for him.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
I'm so glad I'm not on Facebook.

No need to stumble across this and deal with the bullshit afterwards.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
What the fuck were these idiots thinking ? Boys in a large metropolitan city could not find willing sex partners ? They had to force someone ? As someone already posted "Where are the parents" ? Do they not have mothers and sisters ? I would really like to know how they are going to 'justify' this to their parents and other family members. I wonder if they are having second thoughts today ?

When they go to prison the "do unto others ..." karma should come back and bite them. Put someone in charge of them for awhile, maybe then they will understand what they did.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
I believe we can not only blame these things to happen because of bad parenting
it also includes the environment that these kids grow up
and I think that's the advantage and disadvantage of social network sites -you gain friends and enemies through it.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Their stupidity is a good thing. Makes it easier for the cops to catch them.
Absolutely. It is tough having posted but video taping the crime isn't new among our retarded youth. I saw in the US when they caught a gang of young thieves who took turns hamming it up on tape as they committed the theft. As a parent I'd be almost as ashamed about their stupidity as I would be about the crime.
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