Things that make cute-bald happy

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Apr 6, 2010
Physical advantages of shorter height
Shorter people of the same proportions as taller people have many physical advantages based on the laws of physics, and these advantages are supported by many researchers. Shorter people have faster reaction times, greater ability to accelerate body movements, stronger muscles in proportion to body weight, greater endurance, and the ability to rotate the body faster. They are also less likely to break bones in falling. As a consequence of these physical attributes, shorter people can excel as gymnasts, divers, skiers, martial artists, rock climbers, figure skaters, rodeo riders, soccer players and long distance runners. Within their weight classes they are excellent wrestlers, boxers, and weight lifters.
Shorter people are also less likely to require surgery for herniated spinal disks. In addition, shorter people are less likely to break a hip from falling. Another advantage of smaller people is that they are less likely to die in auto crashes. One study found that people weighing less than 132 pounds had the lowest risk of dying or suffering serious injuries compared to bigger people. Although height data weren't provided, it is known that height and weight tend to be correlated. Thus, lighter weight people are more likely to be shorter than heavier people. No adjustments for air bag deployment were made, although other studies have found them to negatively affect short people.

Increased longevity of shorter, smaller people
An early paper illustrating the greater longevity of shorter people appeared in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization in 1992. Since then we have presented substantial findings showing that shorter, smaller people live longer. The reason for this is that bigger bodies have more cells and these cells are subject to replacement due to wear or damage. Hayflick pointed out many years ago that most human body cells have limited capacity for duplication. Since bigger people require a larger number of duplications to reach maturity, they have fewer potential cell doublings left to replace defective or dead cells. Thus, the functional capability of vital organs declines with advanced age because damaged cells can't be replaced. A new study also showed that oxidative damage to cells increases at a higher rate with increasing height; e.g., an 18% increase in height leads to an 83% increase in cellular damage. Current gerontological thinking is that oxidative damage leads to aging and death.
A few years ago, a comprehensive study of about 300 height and cancer papers, concluded that taller people had a 20 to 60% higher incidence of cancer compared to shorter people. More recently, breast, testicular, and prostate cancer studies found taller women and men suffered from substantially higher cancer rates.

Short people are not immune to death from heart disease, cancer, and other causes. Failure to control diet, physical inactivity, overweight, depression, and anger can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, poor health and mental practices can lead to reduced longevity for people of any height.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease of shorter people
In 2004, we published a paper in the Medical Science Monitor. The paper reviewed published data showing that shorter people have lower cardiovascular disease. Data from Europe, California, Native American tribes, Japan, Okinawa, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, and India show large increases in coronary heart disease with increasing height. Our report was based on millions of deaths as well as both heterogeneous and homogeneous population samples.
Earlier studies by other researchers found shorter people have more cardiovascular disease than taller people or that there is little difference between tall and short people. A recent large study in Korea found no significant relation between height and heart disease. In recent years, researchers have also reported that increased risk of heart disease in short people may be due to higher levels of cholesterol and body weight.

Many studies from traditional societies have found very little to no cardiovascular disease among these populations which are almost always quite short and light. We believe Western studies that conflict with ours are corrupted by several factors: accelerated growth of small babies, being overweight during childhood and adulthood, lower socioeconomic levels, and bad diets. Many studies that conflict with our findings are based on small population samples involving a small number of deaths. In addition, low birth weight children that experience accelerated growth have increased risk of adult coronary heart disease and diabetes. Thus, the practice of promoting catch-up growth or overfeeding of low birth weight children can increase adult mortality of some shorter people. Another potential problem is that most researchers compare leaner tall people to shorter, stockier people, which can favor taller people and provide misleading results.

Reduced negative impact on the environment, water needs, and resource consumption
A population of 6 billion people averaging 6' and 190 pounds can impact human survival by creating more pollution and depletion of resources, such as water, energy, minerals, farm land, and oil. The reason for this is that a 6' person weighing 190 pounds is 73% heavier and has 44% more surface area than a 5' person weighing 110 pounds. (The weight difference is based on tall and short people having the same proportions.)
If the future US population increased by 20%, we would need additional 1.5 billion tons of minerals, plastics, and metals; 86 trillion additional gallons of fresh water; 180 million additional acres of farm land; and 80 million added tons of garbage. We would also produce 3 billion tons of additional carbon dioxide which is involved in global heating. And virtually everything else we use in modern society would increase since things are usually scaled to average human size.


Apr 6, 2010
summary: short people are better designed biologically. If tall is better, we'd all be extinct and Neanderthals would be walking the eartht today.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Cute Bald's da man, he's taking over the board. I can only dream about this kind of popularity. You go dude.

He should get his own section. He's like 'The Situation' of TERB.


Nov 14, 2005
OVER the past years or so new & old members asked about various dating sites & bars to meet women to solicit peoples opinion. NO ONE said it has been discussed before, GO do a search. RATHER they put in their 2 cents worth & personal experiences. Many of the same people expressed their opinions & experiences again & again on these threads. They were NEVER accused of being repetative, tiresome, annoying. I did exactly the SAME thing: gave my opionion & experiences on all those threads BUT I get flammed for doing so. Basically shoot the messanger. Quite clearly my message was not what people wanted to hear. Perhaps the truth & reality hurts a bit BUT my actions were exactly the same as other posters...... just that the message was not positive & welcoming. BUT it was the truth!!! Reality can SUCK but what is important is what you do to improve the situation. FOR 25 years I & many like me persued the common sense advice given that many of you have purposed. It was seen as really the only practicle course of action ( ie. height cannot be changed sooo MAKE lemon aid out of lemons) Sadly those of us short guys know all to painfully it really does not change things. NOW that there is an safe internal method to become average height & rid one self of the short man stigma & increase sexual attraction ....... the short man should take such action. Posters should not be flammed for giving their truthful opinion & repeating to do so is no basis for being flammed as quite a few express their opinion & experiences over & over again when these topics of dating sites & bars come up. NOTE: I never initiated a rant about being short. I only responded with my opinion & experiences to those soliciting info from the community.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
OVER the past years or so new & old members asked about various dating sites & bars to meet women to solicit peoples opinion. NO ONE said it has been discussed before, GO do a search. RATHER they put in their 2 cents worth & personal experiences. Many of the same people expressed their opinions & experiences again & again on these threads. They were NEVER accused of being repetative, tiresome, annoying. I did exactly the SAME thing: gave my opionion & experiences on all those threads BUT I get flammed for doing so. Basically shoot the messanger. Quite clearly my message was not what people wanted to hear. Perhaps the truth & reality hurts a bit BUT my actions were exactly the same as other posters...... just that the message was not positive & welcoming. BUT it was the truth!!! Reality can SUCK but what is important is what you do to improve the situation. FOR 25 years I & many like me persued the common sense advice given that many of you have purposed. It was seen as really the only practicle course of action ( ie. height cannot be changed sooo MAKE lemon aid out of lemons) Sadly those of us short guys know all to painfully it really does not change things. NOW that there is an safe internal method to become average height & rid one self of the short man stigma & increase sexual attraction ....... the short man should take such action. Posters should not be flammed for giving their truthful opinion & repeating to do so is no basis for being flammed as quite a few express their opinion & experiences over & over again when these topics of dating sites & bars come up.

The problem is you have become a one trick pony. Please find any instance of any single poster who hijacked as many threads as you did complaining and whining about the same thing ad nauseum and did not get told that enough was enough. At first I'm sure a number of members would have been sympathetic to your plight, but since all you can do is whine and complain about "poor you", you have driven most of your support away. It's like being stuck on an airplane for eight hours with a crying baby. No matter how much you hope it will disappear, it never does. Is that how you want people to think of you?

You seem to think that once you have your lengthening done, you will become a babe magnet. Why do you think this board is full of guys, guys of all heights, sizes and shapes? Because the women are fickle! When you are a few inches taller, please do feel free to tell us about your new found popularity, there are thousands of guys here of average or above average height who will tell you height does not solve the world'sproblems.

And since we all already know your opinion, having had it shoved down our throats on a daily basis, maybe you could give it a rest and just tell us when you get the surgery done.


Nov 14, 2005
CLEARLY you have not read my postings THAT say I do NOT think L.L. will make me a babe magnet BUT eliminate the short man stigma & put me in NORMAL guy status. ALSO i have only responded to those posting asking for peoples opinion & experiences with dating sites & bars. Many others have repeatedly responded over & over again on those threads with their opinion & experiences. YOU ^^^^ are just one of those people who are selective on who you prefer to hear from. I could site 7 other guys who all in the past 2 years chimmed in on those many threads. You have NO gripe with them repeatedly posting their experiences. Many of them bragging about their conquests with women. You do not complain about them because you LOVE to hear those stories over & over again. THUS it is not the repeatativness that bothers you. It is the content, the bad news you do not like. Well too bad. I am entitled as much as the next guy to post my opinion on those threads as they come up. Tomorrow if someone posted a question about dating site/bar experiences many of the same members with be posting ....... and so will I.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Tomorrow if someone posted a question about dating site/bar experiences many of the same members with be posting ....... and so will I.
Yes you will, telling us how SHORT guys have no hope of picking up in a bar, how the tables make you look like a child, how the women in the bar ignore short guys, blah blah blah......


Nov 14, 2005
^^ You do not like to hear my opinion & experience BUT have no problem hearing repeatedly from the same guys recounting their conquests. Thus you filter out the full spectrum of experience & reality inorder to shape & confirm your own version of reality. Anything that does not conform or agree with your perspective is quite clearly unwelcomed. Make no mistake about it I innitiated no thread on the topic but followed along with much of the same group chiming in with their opinions.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Physical advantages of shorter height
Shorter people of the same proportions as taller people have many physical advantages based on the laws of physics, and these advantages are supported by many researchers. Shorter people have faster reaction times, greater ability to accelerate body movements, stronger muscles in proportion to body weight, greater endurance, and the ability to rotate the body faster. They are also less likely to break bones in falling. As a consequence of these physical attributes, shorter people can excel as gymnasts, divers, skiers, martial artists, rock climbers, figure skaters, rodeo riders, soccer players and long distance runners. Within their weight classes they are excellent wrestlers, boxers, and weight lifters.
Shorter people are also less likely to require surgery for herniated spinal disks. In addition, shorter people are less likely to break a hip from falling. Another advantage of smaller people is that they are less likely to die in auto crashes. One study found that people weighing less than 132 pounds had the lowest risk of dying or suffering serious injuries compared to bigger people. Although height data weren't provided, it is known that height and weight tend to be correlated. Thus, lighter weight people are more likely to be shorter than heavier people. No adjustments for air bag deployment were made, although other studies have found them to negatively affect short people.

Increased longevity of shorter, smaller people
An early paper illustrating the greater longevity of shorter people appeared in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization in 1992. Since then we have presented substantial findings showing that shorter, smaller people live longer. The reason for this is that bigger bodies have more cells and these cells are subject to replacement due to wear or damage. Hayflick pointed out many years ago that most human body cells have limited capacity for duplication. Since bigger people require a larger number of duplications to reach maturity, they have fewer potential cell doublings left to replace defective or dead cells. Thus, the functional capability of vital organs declines with advanced age because damaged cells can't be replaced. A new study also showed that oxidative damage to cells increases at a higher rate with increasing height; e.g., an 18% increase in height leads to an 83% increase in cellular damage. Current gerontological thinking is that oxidative damage leads to aging and death.
A few years ago, a comprehensive study of about 300 height and cancer papers, concluded that taller people had a 20 to 60% higher incidence of cancer compared to shorter people. More recently, breast, testicular, and prostate cancer studies found taller women and men suffered from substantially higher cancer rates.

Short people are not immune to death from heart disease, cancer, and other causes. Failure to control diet, physical inactivity, overweight, depression, and anger can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, poor health and mental practices can lead to reduced longevity for people of any height.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease of shorter people
In 2004, we published a paper in the Medical Science Monitor. The paper reviewed published data showing that shorter people have lower cardiovascular disease. Data from Europe, California, Native American tribes, Japan, Okinawa, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, and India show large increases in coronary heart disease with increasing height. Our report was based on millions of deaths as well as both heterogeneous and homogeneous population samples.
Earlier studies by other researchers found shorter people have more cardiovascular disease than taller people or that there is little difference between tall and short people. A recent large study in Korea found no significant relation between height and heart disease. In recent years, researchers have also reported that increased risk of heart disease in short people may be due to higher levels of cholesterol and body weight.

Many studies from traditional societies have found very little to no cardiovascular disease among these populations which are almost always quite short and light. We believe Western studies that conflict with ours are corrupted by several factors: accelerated growth of small babies, being overweight during childhood and adulthood, lower socioeconomic levels, and bad diets. Many studies that conflict with our findings are based on small population samples involving a small number of deaths. In addition, low birth weight children that experience accelerated growth have increased risk of adult coronary heart disease and diabetes. Thus, the practice of promoting catch-up growth or overfeeding of low birth weight children can increase adult mortality of some shorter people. Another potential problem is that most researchers compare leaner tall people to shorter, stockier people, which can favor taller people and provide misleading results.

Reduced negative impact on the environment, water needs, and resource consumption
A population of 6 billion people averaging 6' and 190 pounds can impact human survival by creating more pollution and depletion of resources, such as water, energy, minerals, farm land, and oil. The reason for this is that a 6' person weighing 190 pounds is 73% heavier and has 44% more surface area than a 5' person weighing 110 pounds. (The weight difference is based on tall and short people having the same proportions.)
If the future US population increased by 20%, we would need additional 1.5 billion tons of minerals, plastics, and metals; 86 trillion additional gallons of fresh water; 180 million additional acres of farm land; and 80 million added tons of garbage. We would also produce 3 billion tons of additional carbon dioxide which is involved in global heating. And virtually everything else we use in modern society would increase since things are usually scaled to average human size.
I imagine that from a short guy perspective the above proposition is too long for a pick up line, and useless for any other purpose


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
All cute-bald needs is a cute girlfriend that is into him. If he already had that, then there would be no rants and no leg surgery.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
Apparently he's shorter than he thinks he should be - I can accept that. What he really wants, what really makes him happy? - check his sig. That says it all....


Nov 14, 2005
^^ I am 5'5". It is women who think men 5'5" or less, are shorter than is acceptable to be sexy. Harvard, Yale & Oxford, to name a few , did dating experiments incl. speed dating. The men were carefully selected to be athletic & good looking. These studies showed the cut off of acceptable height at 5'6.5" Anything under that & the guys got ZERO intrest from the women. This was 1 of the defining moments for which I have seen with other short guys & myself. If you are 5'5" or under you MUST do L.L. & get on or close to 5'9" if you want any decent odds in dating.
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