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New member
Jan 3, 2002
My SO is getting severely pissed at me. It seems that I have a propensity for snoring. She threatened to move to another bedroom.
I searched the web today and there are all kinds of "gadgets" and "specialty pillows" that claim to do the trick.

Has anyone out there have any first hand experience and can advise what will diminish/eliminate my nocturnal activity?


New member
Jul 13, 2009
My SO is getting severely pissed at me. It seems that I have a propensity for snoring. She threatened to move to another bedroom.
I searched the web today and there are all kinds of "gadgets" and "specialty pillows" that claim to do the trick.

Has anyone out there have any first hand experience and can advise what will diminish/eliminate my nocturnal activity?
Speak to your doctor... you may have sleep apenia which can be vary in degrees of severity. My doctor referred me to a sleep clinic where I did an over night sleep study and, now, I sleep with a CPAP machine. It makes a huge difference in how rested I feel and... no more snoring!


New member
Oct 27, 2009
The CPAP machines are quite invasive. I've had good success with mouth guards. Speak with your dentist, there are some excellent and really comfortable solutions out there. They aren't cheap, but worthwhile. You should probably do the whole sleep clinic thing, but unless you have a weight issue (i.e. could lose a bunch) there really isn't much you can do as far as dealing with it permenantly.


New member
May 19, 2006
I bought one of the specialty pillows for $150. I like the pillow but it did not reduce the snoring much and, since it is harder than a normal pillow, the wife does not like it hitting her.

I also did the sleep test thing and ended up with a CPAP machine. I did not like it and the snorkel thing made things tough for the wife so that too is in the closet. But, 4/5 folks I know including the previous poster seem to love their CPAP's.

There was a dental thing that kept your throat open, about $2000. I was interested but apparently it wears out after a couple of year but I am still interested.

The "My Snoring Solution" on Yahoo is a total scam.

I looked at throat laser surgery, about $1000. I was willing but the doc insisted on sleep apnea test first (which I took) and ended up with the CPAP thing instead. Right now, that is the route I am looking at taking.

The reality though is that before I try any of those, I should lose 40lbs, that is my real problem. There would be obvious other benefits as well. But I am still trying to buy my way out.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
The CPAP machines are quite invasive. I've had good success with mouth guards. Speak with your dentist, there are some excellent and really comfortable solutions out there. They aren't cheap, but worthwhile. You should probably do the whole sleep clinic thing, but unless you have a weight issue (i.e. could lose a bunch) there really isn't much you can do as far as dealing with it permenantly.
Have you ever used one? It only took me a couple of nights to get used to it and it doesn't bother me at all anymore. My breathing was stopping 38 times every hour before I went on the machine. As you may know, there are several things that can cause sleep apnea... weight being one possible cause (it was not in my case). On the other hand, excessive snoring does not necessarily mean OP has apneia... that's just what prompted me to go in for the study.

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
The reality though is that before I try any of those, I should lose 40lbs, that is my real problem. There would be obvious other benefits as well. But I am still trying to buy my way out.

Since I lost weight my snoring has almost completely disappeared. And I sleep better. Double bonus.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Sleep on your belly.

Or sleep with a woman who will smack/kick/punch you as soon as you start snoring. You won't sleep, but you won't snore either.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Have you ever used one? It only took me a couple of nights to get used to it and it doesn't bother me at all anymore. My breathing was stopping 38 times every hour before I went on the machine. As you may know, there are several things that can cause sleep apnea... weight being one possible cause (it was not in my case). On the other hand, excessive snoring does not necessarily mean OP has apneia... that's just what prompted me to go in for the study.
Fair enough. To amend, It is my understanding that CPAP machines can be quite invasive. Second hand information. From people who have used it, the feedback I've heard that they can be a pain, plus having the machine around, portable or not, the potential acne etc.. If it works for you, that's fantastic, it just wasn't for me. The dental appliance solution I found on the other hand worked great for me.


New member
Apr 11, 2005
You need to discuss your condition with your doctor. He/she will likely have you go to a sleep lab for a full analysis of your sleeping habits. It is likely that you have sleep apnea. Before investing in the equipment there are specialists that can make recommendations as to the right machines that will work for you.

You really should not ignore your condition. It could be serious.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
My SO is getting severely pissed at me. It seems that I have a propensity for snoring. She threatened to move to another bedroom.
I searched the web today and there are all kinds of "gadgets" and "specialty pillows" that claim to do the trick.

Has anyone out there have any first hand experience and can advise what will diminish/eliminate my nocturnal activity?
Sleep on your side. No really. There's actually this firm from Quebec that invented a nightshirt that had a soft foam ball on the left and the right side just enough to encourage people to sleep on their side... Apparently it works wonders. Beyond that, if your snoring is waking you up, get yourself booked at a sleep clinic and (to be blunt) look at losing a bit a weight.

But, basically, sleep on your side.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
My SO is getting severely pissed at me. It seems that I have a propensity for snoring. She threatened to move to another bedroom.
I searched the web today and there are all kinds of "gadgets" and "specialty pillows" that claim to do the trick.

Has anyone out there have any first hand experience and can advise what will diminish/eliminate my nocturnal activity?
if she is in the other room you can get an outcall


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
3 maybe hours before you go to bed eat a ton of foods that give you gas and drink draft beer up until bed time.

My bet is the snoring will become a very small issue.


Active member
May 3, 2006
Since I lost weight my snoring has almost completely disappeared. And I sleep better. Double bonus.
Since I got divorced my snoring has almost completely disappeared (nobody has complained anyway). And I sleep better. And I get more sex. Triple bonus.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Who pays the bills in your house? If she is serious about moving to another bedroom, you should get serious about letting her know how many other women would be happy to be in her shoes..... If she doesn't get the hint, then surprise both of you by getting that other lady who would be happy to usurp your bitchy SO.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Try those nose strips that you see the football players wearing, they open up the nasal passages and help with snoring. I've used them and it seems to work. Can't think of what they are called. Or just get rid of the wife problem solved! lmao


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Since I got divorced my snoring has almost completely disappeared (nobody has complained anyway). And I sleep better.
Sadly I know whereof you speak, although it was but one nail in the coffin. Went to the Sleep Disorders Clinic - you don't have sleep apnea you just plain snore, she didn't like that. I was prescribed an anti-allergy medicine it does do something but didn’t solve the problem nor did breathrite strips.

So, I’m afraid I’m a real bundle of joy :(
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