What's a woman's prime years physically???


Jan 3, 2006
you are including girls who are 15- 18 in your comments. thats very creepy.
I posted from a physical maturity point of view. You and red and seeing it from a sexual view which IS quite creepy. Note the title of the thread, " what's a woman's prime years PHYSICALLY (not sexually)."


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Miss Croft seems to be the only woman posting in this thread who has the maturity and sophistication to be comfortable with who she is. The others need to accept reality and stop trying to fight it. Your snide little comments aren't hurting us, they are making you look insecure and petty.

Guys accept that our peak years, physically, are our late teens/early twenties - we are quite upfront about our slow march to the grave and although we fight father time tooth and nail, we don't get all sucky because a 22-year old can (usually) outrun us or fuck his girl 4X in one night without having to pop a pill.

Normally we compensate in all kinds of ways (cars, toys, women) but for the most part we are ok with growing older because it means we have more money. I can't recall a situation where a man or a group of men, in observing a younger, fitter young man, get jealous or sucky about it. We might say "shit I wish I was in his shoes again" but we are very different than women in that we are not threatened by his youth.

But the debilitating insecurities of women are certainly being put on display on this thread!!! Quite entertaining.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Miss Croft seems to be the only woman posting in this thread who has the maturity and sophistication to be comfortable with who she is.
Thanks. I'm just a realist, I guess. Not sure that I'm any more 'sophisticated', lol.

Guys accept that our peak years, physically, are our late teens/early twenties.......I can't recall a situation where a man or a group of men, in observing a younger, fitter young man, get jealous or sucky about it. We might say "shit I wish I was in his shoes again" but we are very different than women in that we are not threatened by his youth.

But the debilitating insecurities of women are certainly being put on display on this thread!!! Quite entertaining.
Well unfortunately in our society, a woman's worth is tied a lot to her physical appearance. Blame the media, blame evolution, whatever...it's sad but true. That's why aging hits women harder. It's not the same for men. Brad Pitt and George Clooney can let their hair go gray, get wrinkles, etc. and still get tons of work in Hollywood. When many actresses hit their 30's and 40's, their careers suffer because everyone wants to see the younger, fresh-faced newcomers. A model's career is usually over by the the time she's 25. There are exceptions of course.....


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I posted from a physical maturity point of view. You and red and seeing it from a sexual view which IS quite creepy. Note the title of the thread, " what's a woman's prime years PHYSICALLY (not sexually)."
yes. "a woman's prime years". girls of 15 are not women. i stand by my comment about your post
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