HOTSummer PARTY! at Diamonds Cabaret Thurs. Aug. 5 - How many will attend? -

HOTSummer PARTY! at Diamonds Cabaret Thurs. Aug. 5 - How many will attend? -

  • I am a Gal - will be there for sure

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • I am Gal - will try my best to be there ( i.e. maybe)

    Votes: 7 4.3%
  • I am Guy - will be there for sure

    Votes: 28 17.1%
  • I am a Guy - if at all possible I will be there.

    Votes: 85 51.8%
  • Have a good time everybody

    Votes: 38 23.2%

  • Total voters


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
I just wanted to thank everyone I did have a chance to meet I had a great time
Ah, you were that dancer who won a prize? So wassup? You doin' the full monty now?

Have your people, call my people & we'll hook-up for tongue twister, humpty humpin', tummy tango, and knockin' da boots, then I'd like a chance to tap the booty because it's my duty!

Welcome to our great big dysfunctional family! Stay away from Cute/Bald, he's really short and tall women 5'6 and up don't see eye to eye with him. Now, me, I'm 5'3 and hung like a tripod for a Nasa space camara;) Yeah, you know what I'm talking about!


Gold Member
Jan 7, 2002
It was a great party! Nitehawk was a cool guy! Too bad I left way too early and didn't get to see much hot ladies.... Sooooo when is the next party? My birthday is in April

Azure Ichida

+1 TERBite
Feb 3, 2010
Wow, doods. My first TERB party and my first outing to an SC all in one fell swoop. Gotta say, it was a hell of an evening. I was one of the early arrivals, so I just sat and talked with Winston for the first hour or so, good conversation. Being my first SC outing I decided to take in the sights, and it must have been destiny that the one girl in the club with glasses and the GND look sat at our table; I was nearly in love at first sight. <3 Let's just say Tori made my first lap dance quite memorable. I may have to come back to Diamonds sometime soon.

Anyways, a party well partied, and I'm totally in for any others. From what I hear I should make sure I'm free for the Christmas one, at bare minimum. :p

PS. I probably left at just the right time, as the police were pulling up as I was pulling away, lol. Anything happen after I left around quarter to 1?

Fun party. Good to meet and chat with a few posters, I had never before met.
Want to thank Scarlet6969 & Candyce who introduced themselves to me, short after I arrived and sat down.
Also met the entourage ladies, who seemed nice.
Nice to meet you too. That DJ was hilariously annoying, proved to make the gaps in conversation amusing, na?

it was good to meet you! as well nihilism! it was fun :)
Glad I at least got to say hi to you. You're a real cutie. :D

Thanks all for coming out... special thanks to all the ladies.

It was all over a little too soon thou, eh?! Wished we could have carried on just a bit longer - like about 5 or 6 more hours. <LOL>

The best part was at the end when the other birthday boy got he ass rippened on stage! Now you all know why I don't go for that. <LOL>

Just got home this minute so need a few more ... then I'll post names of winners of the draws.

Peace'nLove to All !

P.S. Too bad Tia left so soon before I could officially announce my undying love. :)
It was great while it was on, dood. Killer way to celebrate. And amen on Tia; meeting the Entourage Ladies was an awesome... twenty minutes. XD After seeing Tia and London together, I wonder how much of a discount they'd give me for booking a duo? :p

I just wanted to thank everyone I did have a chance to meet I had a great time:D
Meeting you was one of the reasons I came; I'm glad we got to talk a bit, at least. Glad there was no trouble. :) Too bad we didn't get a dance.

Ah, you were that dancer who won a prize? So wassup? You doin' the full monty now?

Have your people, call my people & we'll hook-up for tongue twister, humpty humpin', tummy tango, and knockin' da boots, then I'd like a chance to tap the booty because it's my duty!

Welcome to our great big dysfunctional family! Stay away from Cute/Bald, he's really short and tall women 5'6 and up don't see eye to eye with him. Now, me, I'm 5'3 and hung like a tripod for a Nasa space camara;) Yeah, you know what I'm talking about!
Heh. Life of the party, this one was. XD
Oct 28, 2009
That DJ was hilariously annoying
I enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and some not so familiar faces. I think the night was an overall success except for the MC, I think he took the night from a 4* to a 2.9*. I realize that we were in a strip club and its a "dirty" environment but the guy had NOOOO class and used language that I havent even heard in my 1.5 yrs in the industry lol.

Azure Ichida

+1 TERBite
Feb 3, 2010
I enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and some not so familiar faces. I think the night was an overall success except for the MC, I think he took the night from a 4* to a 2.9*. I realize that we were in a strip club and its a "dirty" environment but the guy had NOOOO class and used language that I havent even heard in my 1.5 yrs in the industry lol.
Seriously. He churned out the same four catch phrases in rotation. A man like me can only bear hearing the phrase "a butt that makes you go what" so many times. >.<


Oct 5, 2001
Yes thanks for NiteHwk for arranging things and to Winston for being our gatekeeper! A small, almost intimate crowd we were. Thanks to the ladies for making it a great night, and to the gents for being themselves. And thanks to the two guests of NiteHwk for adding to the fun - if they ever need to find me you know how LOL.
And now, heading home!


Active member
Apr 19, 2009
I enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and some not so familiar faces. I think the night was an overall success except for the MC, I think he took the night from a 4* to a 2.9*. I realize that we were in a strip club and its a "dirty" environment but the guy had NOOOO class and used language that I havent even heard in my 1.5 yrs in the industry lol.
Seriously. He churned out the same four catch phrases in rotation. A man like me can only bear hearing the phrase "a butt that makes you go what" so many times. >.<
Princess - Azure and I were chatting at one point, essentially saying the same thoughts. The DJ was trying to hard, and as each dancer arrived on stage, DJ made some comment about her behind, and another that he would like to know the lady in a carnal sense. For good measure, for every second dancer, the DJ would inform us what his penis thought of the lady.

Azure - nice meeting you as well. If I ever go back to Diamonds(never been previously, very likely will be back), I am going to settle our debate as to how few lines the DJ had. I think your statement of 4 may be right...if he could expand his repertoire to six, so that he could alternate lines for every second dancer, he would be set for life.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
My Overall impressions of Diamonds Cabaret!

The sausage fest went as predicted. About 7-9 girls showed up. Three times as many guys.

The girl at the watertrough when you arrive is WAY TOO AGGRESSIVE...she was grabbing guys on the way in. I never saw the need for that person in the doorway.

A complete asshole!! Bar None! HE thought he was the 'Entertainer'. What a loser!!! Talked way way too much. Was demeaning to the girls!! Was annoying to listen to!! Maybe he thinks he's cool, but he alone will keep me from going back there. (Overriding songs with his singing makes me wanna punch him)

Im not big on the muscle in the washroom turning the tap on and expecting a couple bucks! I can see it in classy clubs but........

The little guy in the checkered coloured shirt with white pants carrying the radio was arguing with the fat bartender all night. I was seated at the bar and man...they were snapping at each other all night. I thought they were married!!! the blonde bartender was hot!

Way Way too many apple bottoms in this place. The girls just looked tired and uninspiring, both in attitude and looks. The only girl that I would have taken for a spin was Bianca, but she seemed distant and uninspired!! Couple of the dancers were snapping and angry with the TERB girls, commenting about gettting their grass cut and other angry exchanges with each other.

Way too many sausages. I did not partake. The one girl seemed a bit drunk, and I really did not have an interest! So layed low.

Not sure this is a good venue for a TERB PARTY...and not sure I would go back in general!!

Angel Dior

Jul 14, 2010
Lol @ hof yes Im a full time sp now im not into the strip club scene too much drama for me .

@ azzure it was nice to meet you also I hope you enjoyed your first sc experience.

The 3 problems I had with the club were all the pimps ughhhh yuck...... the a/c sucked, it was so hot in there
and the winner of it all is ................... the asshole bouncer down stairs that tryed to say one of are terb friends didn't pay for there vip fee when they already had and dragged us upstairs midsong for no reason what a douche bag but other then that I had a fantastic time :D


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You were sweet Italian Angel. Nice meeting Allegra and the other Entourage girls (and Mike). It was good meeting Night Hawk (& your 2 female civie friends), Winston, Dreamblade, Fashion Boy who came fashionably late, Debbie Darling, HOF, Doug, and some nice, familiar dancers who diverted our attentions. Sorry to miss Scarlet6969.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Good morning everyone....

Yes, I actually just woke up ½hr ago… <LOL>.

Again thanks to all who came out and had a good time. Especially the ladies. Over-all I had a good time despite some of the drawbacks a couple of people mentioned that some I do agree with. I just choose to ignore – and carry on with the fun stuff. I guess having had a past life of living in SCs 12hrs day for couple, two or three years – I kind of take it all in stride. The washroom guy – I was not impressed at all. And yes the girl at the front door a bit too much for me – too aggressive for sure. A couple other things I found mildly disappointing, however I’ll just leave it at that – since like I said – overall I had a good time.

Thanks to Tia for all the B-Day hugs – won my heart for sure. Was nice to meet ALL the ladies – most of whom I have not met before. You all left just a bit too early is all. J The ladies in our party for me were much more friendly and attractive the any of the dancers there – that’s-a-for-sure!

Yes – Thanks to my friend Winston – for holding down the fort till I arrived (I had to wait for two ladies to ‘get ready’ even thou they both had weeks of prior notice – what can I say, lol.) and the ladies he invited etc. Thanks Pal.

Thanks to Doug for entertaining my two LFs while I was running around saying hi to everyone and passing out tickets etc.

!!!And now for the winners!!!!

One Free Hour @ Mirage – Dreamblade.
$100off one hour @ Mirage – Mark_fendor05
$60off ½hour @ Mirage – Fashionboy

For the ladies – one month of ‘being blue’ to Candyce and ItalianAngel – (not sure about banners – I’ll speak w/Fred about that first chance I get)

There were some other prizes – however want to confirm with all parties involved before making announcements.

I know I did say at one point that this will be the last adult industry themed party I organize – don’t forget thou many rock stars/groups announced retirement only to make great comebacks later! And given I had a good time – however have organized and been to other TERB parties that were … well just let me put it this way – we need to do another!

Peac’nLove to All – TheNiteHwk.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Lol @ hof yes Im a full time sp now im not into the strip club scene too much drama for me .

@ azzure it was nice to meet you also I hope you enjoyed your first sc experience.

The 3 problems I had with the club were all the pimps ughhhh yuck...... the a/c sucked, it was so hot in there
and the winner of it all is ................... the asshole bouncer down stairs that tryed to say one of are terb friends didn't pay for there vip fee when they already had and dragged us upstairs midsong for no reason what a douche bag but other then that I had a fantastic time :D
Good on you Angel for your stamina and hanging in there - having a good time in spite of. Enjoyed meeting you – and such a lovely outfit you had on – suites you very well – in fact when I first saw you – I thought – well at least they have one attractive dancer here. <LOL>

Oh and like I said last night – If I had you around full time – I will never think redhead again. J

Maybe we can do dinner some time. SneekyDees?

OneLove. Leslie aka TheNiteHwk.


New member
Feb 22, 2009

!!!And now for the winners!!!!

One Free Hour @ Mirage – Dreamblade.
$100off one hour @ Mirage – Mark_fendor05
$60off ½hour @ Mirage – Fashionboy

For the ladies – one month of ‘being blue’ to Candyce and ItalianAngel – (not sure about banners – I’ll speak w/Fred about that first chance I get)

Sweet Deal!
Went to my first Terb party last night and won a prize from Mirage :) Met TheNiteHwk, Dreamblade, Doug and a couple other good members that I forgot their Terb handles already. Talked to Mike from Entourage for a bit. He's a cool guy. The best person I talked to last night was definitely Porcelianprincess; Lots of stories and I somehow felt like I've known her from before although I just met her last night.

I didn't really pay attention to what the DJ was saying, but is it just me or does all strip club DJs have the same type of voice/intonation?


New member
Sep 7, 2005
I enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and some not so familiar faces. I think the night was an overall success except for the MC, I think he took the night from a 4* to a 2.9*. I realize that we were in a strip club and its a "dirty" environment but the guy had NOOOO class and used language that I havent even heard in my 1.5 yrs in the industry lol.
You are in t.o.?


Mar 17, 2005
This was my first industry party and hopefully not my last.

It was wonderful to re-connect with old friends and make a few new ones ;)

First time I have ever been cut off in a bar. She didn't cut off the vodka....she cut me off the Red Bull! But she was sweet about it and meant

Special thanks to my date for an interesting evening and to the gentleman who told me about the party via email.

Hope to be able to make the next function and meet some more Terbites!

Have a great weekend everyone

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