San Jose, Costa Rica


Jan 11, 2008

Went to CR. Stayed at SL a few days ago. From Friday to Friday. Cab from the airport to SL was a rip off (31 US). Took an official cab.

Goddess 1
Friday night. Met a girl from CR at KL. Dirty blond, voluptuous. She asked for 100US but agreed to 40K colones. Went back to my room. Good service. Naturals. If you like sexy chubby girls, she is the one. Repeat: Y

Goddess 2
Saturday afternoon. Met her at HDR. From Panama. Don’t remember her name. Brunette, voluptuous mix of Latina-Asian. She asked 100 US but agreed to 40K colones. Bad service. Wanted the money first. I said “no”. Very restrictive. Breast implants. Repeat: N

Goddess 3
Saturday evening. Met her at KL. Scarlet Johanson look alike. Dirty blond version (and poor). Nice outfit. Made eye-contact, chemistry. Kissed for a while and took her. Don’t remember how much she asked. Stayed all night. The following day I gave her 100 US. Service? I really can’t say. All I can say is that there was chemistry and that’s very important to me. Repeat: I did (three times).

Goddess 4
Sunday afternoon. Met her at HDR. Nice pretty girl from CR. She looked 20. Pretty face, not so great body. Agreed to 40K colones. However, we started the session and I found out she had her period. I said “sorry, I am not into that”. Went back to HDR. Gave her a small tip and she understood (cool girl). She said she is from the country side and only goes to HDR on weekends to get $. Repeat: N

Goddess 5
Sunday evening. Met a Colombian at HDR. Gorgeous girl (breast implants). Negotiated 40K. Session was OK. A bit mechanical which I don’t like. Repeat: N. She never spoke to me again even though she saw me almost every day. She lost a kind costumer.

Goddess 6
Monday afternoon. Met her at HDR. Nice pretty girl from CR. She looked 20. Nice naturals and pretty face. She was the only girl in my whole trip with a little bit of hair downstairs, which I like. Had a good session. Gave her 40K colones. Repeat: Maybe.

Goddess 7
Monday evening. Met her at HDR. Gorgeous girl from Colombia. Voluptuous, so sexy. Sat down near her. Started talking. Had 3 tequilas. Went together to KL. Had more tequilas (8 I think). Chemistry in the air. Kisses, touches, etc. Went back to my room. Started a wild, very wild session. What a girl. She wanted all. Spent three hours in heaven. Gave her an orgasm and she paid back. I will never forget her moves. Stayed all night. The following morning I gave her 60K colones plus 2K for the cab. I wanted to see her a couple of days later but she already had a trip planned to the beach. Excelent service. One of the best sessions in my whole life. Repeat Of course I will. I would even take her to Vegas, Cancun, wherever.
Note I did not have a session on Tuesday (can’t believe it). Tuesday was the slowest night. Not many girls. Mostly the same girls, the same places, everyone seemed to be bored.

Goddess 8
On Monday, I asked a gorgeous girl from CR her phone number. I called her to see her on Wednesday for lunch. She arrived at my hotel. Had lunch, had a chat, had tequilas (I think 5) and went to my room. This girl is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Gorgeous body. Very pretty face. Had a 2 hr session in heaven. Gave her an orgasm. Well, she said she had three. This was my best experience. Fell in love (well, not really). Wanted to see her the following day. She did not show up. Repeat: of course, every time I am in CR I will. Will never forget her.

Goddess 9
On Wed evening, I repeated with Scarlet Johanson look alike. Spent the whole night with her. She said she was in love with me. Gave her 40K colones.

Goddess 10
Thurs, my last day, went to HDR. Met a woman from Panama. Almost black. Voluptuous. Said to her I wanted to say good bye to my girlfriends at KL. She said OK. At 2AM we headed to my room. Worse session in the trip. Very restrictive, she wanted the money upfront. No kisses, no digits, etc. I lost the inspiration and decided to finish with a HJ on my own. She didn’t even stay for an hour. I got upset. Threw her out after I paid. She even wanted a tip for the cab! F*** her, couldn’t believe it.

Misc comments
- Had 2 girls from Colombia, 2 from Panama and the rest from CR. Women from CR are gorgeous and very friendly. Well, I found everyone very friendly and laid back. Excellent service everywhere (some exemptions).
- Most of my girls from CR are 22 and breast feeding.
- Girls from Colombia are called plastic girls. Most of them (maybe all) have implants and surgeries. They are the most business like. Didn’t like their personality in general.
- Rumour has it that girls from CR like to have fun, are the best, Second place is for girls from DR. Third, girls from Nica and Peru. The rest are business like (clock watchers). I agree.
- Great service at SL.
- Hotel La Amistad was the nicest. Awesome food and great service.
- CR gets very dangerous from dusk till dawn. Take a cab and only speak to girls from recommended places (never to people on the street).
- I like greek service with the ladies. However, none of my girls was into that. I guess it’s cultural. I guess I am going to have to go to Rio since I’ve been told they love it down there.
- Had an awesome time. I’ve found my new best resort. I will repeat as soon as I can.


Road Scholar
Feb 22, 2008
New England, USA
Nice thread, sounds like you had lots of fun in Costa Rica. One thing to remember is that all of us haven't been there, so some of us won't know what your abbreviations mean. I had to find a forum on CR and look them up so I know what you meant, its all good though :) .

SL- Sportsmans Lodge, HDR- Hotel Del Rey, KL- Key Largo nightclub.


Oct 5, 2001
Yes a good report, Cerevro. And robc, thanks for those explanations which I will elaborate on with links for the uninitiated CR travellers.

CR = Cost Rica
SL = Sportsmans Lodge
HDR = Hotel Del Rey
LA = Hotel La Amistad
KL = Key Largo Nightclub - do some reading:

for general info, check this
for info on the hobby, join this (free)

Note that ladies ask for $100US, or "cien", but our friend was savvy enough to know that a lesser amount is all they really require, 40k Colones. On the street, 50k Colones = $100US, but the actual rate is about 560 colones to a dollar, so 40k is about $75.

While our op's experience differed from mine in that I did my shopping at the SL (why not, cerevro? or maybe they were appetizers?), and rarely went beyond, mine was great too.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2003
No trip to San Jose is complete without a visit to Tango India. Probably the world's best strip club. Puts anything in Canada to shame. Any cab driver can get you there from downtown for $10.

Next trip try Jaco. Beatle Bar is packed with tons of hot pros (Colombian, Costa Rican, Dominican, Nicaraguan) 7 nights a week, and Thursday - Sunday check out the nightclubs Le Loft and Monkey Bar. I much prefer the beach for partying. With the new highway making this a quick 1 hour trip from downtown, lots of hotties visit the beach for the weekend to party and make a few dollars in the process. The girls are generally less business and more fun.

PM me if you need a place to stay, big group or small.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
More info please

No trip to San Jose is complete without a visit to Tango India. Probably the world's best strip club. Puts anything in Canada to shame. Any cab driver can get you there from downtown for $10.

Next trip try Jaco. Beatle Bar is packed with tons of hot pros (Colombian, Costa Rican, Dominican, Nicaraguan) 7 nights a week, and Thursday - Sunday check out the nightclubs Le Loft and Monkey Bar. I much prefer the beach for partying. With the new highway making this a quick 1 hour trip from downtown, lots of hotties visit the beach for the weekend to party and make a few dollars in the process. The girls are generally less business and more fun.

PM me if you need a place to stay, big group or small.
I am heading down in November. What are prices like for this place, services? Jaquzzie looks hot.



New member
Oct 5, 2009
Thanks for this info. Helps learn the lingo...

Yes a good report, Cerevro. And robc, thanks for those explanations which I will elaborate on with links for the uninitiated CR travellers.

CR = Cost Rica
SL = Sportsmans Lodge
HDR = Hotel Del Rey
LA = Hotel La Amistad
KL = Key Largo Nightclub - do some reading:

for general info, check this
for info on the hobby, join this (free)

Note that ladies ask for $100US, or "cien", but our friend was savvy enough to know that a lesser amount is all they really require, 40k Colones. On the street, 50k Colones = $100US, but the actual rate is about 560 colones to a dollar, so 40k is about $75.

While our op's experience differed from mine in that I did my shopping at the SL (why not, cerevro? or maybe they were appetizers?), and rarely went beyond, mine was great too.


New member
Feb 13, 2006
Thank you for the information. I am planning to visit San Jose, Costa Rica in Oct or Nov 2011.


Aug 23, 2006
So is there any chance of hooking up with ladies if one speaks no Spanish and is not into bar scene?


Oct 5, 2001
Many anglos go there expressly for those reasons, Magaya. The place is overrun with americanos. Visiting the Sportmens Lodge is like going to a nice neighbourhood bar, really low key and not loud. Going to the Hotel Del Rey is like entering a noisy casino, which it is. I walked in an out of the latter twice without spending a colones, but lingered in the Sportmens for hours, relaxing, watching the large screen sports and watching the inter-personal sports live. Other places have variations on the above, including a plethora of massage places. The language is a challenge, but many ladies speak enough functional english to make things work. Others are totally fluent and others don't make any attempt, just like in TO with the asian ladies. How many words do you really need to know?


Aug 23, 2006
Thank you so much Doug, for the detailed explanation. I guess I can stay in SL, go to bar for soft drinks, pick up a partner and bring her to my room, without the need to monger on the streets? Or stay at Del Ray and use it's bar.
Am I correct?
Many anglos go there expressly for those reasons, Magaya. The place is overrun with americanos. Visiting the Sportmens Lodge is like going to a nice neighbourhood bar, really low key and not loud. Going to the Hotel Del Rey is like entering a noisy casino, which it is. I walked in an out of the latter twice without spending a colones, but lingered in the Sportmens for hours, relaxing, watching the large screen sports and watching the inter-personal sports live. Other places have variations on the above, including a plethora of massage places. The language is a challenge, but many ladies speak enough functional english to make things work. Others are totally fluent and others don't make any attempt, just like in TO with the asian ladies. How many words do you really need to know?


Oct 5, 2001
NEVER pick up off the streets in SJO. Bad idea!

SL is adequate accommodation, Del Rey is like a poor motel. Both are "party central" type of places, with SL being tamer. Lots of reports on accommodation at a forum like terb. Essential research. Many stay at other hotels close by either SL or HDR, such as Dunn Inn or Amistad. I stayed at Amistad and thoroughly enjoyed my stay. It is one block from SL, a safe walk anytime, and provides that slight degree of separation between fun and your public space where you eat. Amistad has excellent food and a nice quiet bar where you can bring your chosen lady if you wish. Everybody is a friend there.

Do your research at the website I mentioned first and while there be a nice fellow, treat the ladies well and you will be rewarded, I certainly was.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
And the it close? do the ladies ply their trade there as well.. I don;t like a 'commmercial' beach!!


Oct 5, 2001
nice to be able to use and abuse people who are less fortunate!
I agree with you Scarlet, some truly take advantage of the less fortunate. But, in reality, as in the GTA where you work, a SP or a MPA is a respected worker in a legal business, with some regulations and protection. Street workers anywhere in the world are not so fortunate. One lady I saw in CR drives a BMW suv and owns two homes, of course not all are so lucky in their financial management, again as is the case here. For a SP in the business in CR the income is so far above the average that is an envied life, if only for a very few years. Take into account that the average monthly income in CR is about $400 and weigh the prospect of earning $100 per hour! That means an SP will likely attempt see one client a day max, because that's enough, and even if that isn't achieved there is always tomorrow. The ladies in Hotel Del Rey seem to have other pressures, such as lay-about spouses or a drug dependency, plus the desire to accumulate a major stash and do some traveling or gambling (on premise).


Oct 5, 2001
And the it close? do the ladies ply their trade there as well.. I don;t like a 'commmercial' beach!!
The city of San Jose is in the central valley, many miles away from any beach. However one can get to either coast for beach via shuttle buses or rental car. Having never been there I can offer only what I have read and heard. Some ladies work the beach town clubs but not the beach. In Jaco, a popular party beach destination, the bars open late in the day thus preserving a family atmosphere during the day and transforming into a party scene for the night.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
And the it close? do the ladies ply their trade there as well.. I don;t like a 'commmercial' beach!!
San Jose is about an hour and a bit from the closest beach. Jaco is the closest beach and party town, and there are lots of SPs there on weekends. But not on the beach per se, in town and at some of the bars.
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