Police in full damage control mode, they know they screwed up.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
Police in full damage control mode, they know they screwed up.
Watching City Tv now, its full damage control. I think the police were thinking and hoping that people would forgive their actions and they could blame the heavy handedness on the idiots from saturday. But we are not stupid people, you treat peacful protesters different from the black bloc type.

POLICE I hope you learned a lesson in this. DO NOT do this again. Respect my Charter rights.

Didnt do enough on Saturday and let hooligans vandalize and break windows, torch cars. So they changed tactics on Sunday they decided to arrest anyone that was protesting, no matter of violent or not. They arrested innocent people for no reason and detained people illegally.
Now people are going to be intimidated and scared to ever protest again. What i seen on Sunday does not occur in a free adn democratic country.
I heard SGT Jeff McGuire tonight say they probably made some mistakes..i would agree and when you make mistakes you pay for those mistakes. At least have the guts to apologize for those that were arrested incorrectly.


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
The police will apologize right after the terrorists involved apologize.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
The police will apologize right after the terrorists involved apologize.
Thats right, lump everyone into the same category.
people vandalized on saturday so that gave the police the right on sunday to do whatever the hell they wanted right?


New member
Feb 12, 2002
The Police did a Great job.
How did the police do a great job? They screwed up Saturday by allowing a riot to occur in the city. Cars being torched with no response?
The on Sunday they crackdown on innocent and peaceful protesters. Even media and passerbys.
But of course you are upset by what happened on Saturday, so you say to hell with it, let the police do whatever they want to control the idiots. So the police on Sunday arrest innocent people for no reason and you can justify it.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
Let me just say, when i say "Police" i am talking about the actions of the police. I know most of them were just doing their jobs. Its more that i am dismayed at the directions and commands police were given. I am sure there were a couple testosterone overload type cops who abused people because they were being macho, but most police i am sure were just doing their jobs.
It is Police command, leadership and government officials that need to be questioned the most.


Nov 13, 2003
How did the police do a great job? They screwed up Saturday by allowing a riot to occur in the city. Cars being torched with no response?
The on Sunday they crackdown on innocent and peaceful protesters. Even media and passerbys.
But of course you are upset by what happened on Saturday, so you say to hell with it, let the police do whatever they want to control the idiots. So the police on Sunday arrest innocent people for no reason and you can justify it.
There wasn't much the police could have done saturday to stop the BB without endangering the safety of the peaceful people around them. I don't get why people don't see that. Unless you think they BB were just going to lay down with their hands on their heads if the police asked nicely. Or maybe it would have been a good idea to chase people wielding weapons through crowds of peaceful protesters?


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
SO what became of the Police and their 'bad behaviour'! Seems like it all has died off.

I did see one girl on TV crying, with her crying Mom beside her.... being interviewed. She had been detained for 16 hours and could not figure out why. Yes they were upset. She seemed like an everyday girl next door hippie type. And Mom was in full support mode on TV, tears and all.

But it begs to be asked....why did the young lass come to downtown Toronto, with a gas mask, to join an unlawful assembly. With the gas mask, she clearly intended to be front and centre in the action and presumably was at the time of her arrest. That made her part of the Unlawful assembly.'

No apologies forthcoming from the Police at this point.!


Jan 31, 2005
The on Sunday they crackdown on innocent and peaceful protesters.
On Sunday the police had probable cause to believe that the gathering of people would disturb the peace in tumultuous ways, which makes it an unlawful assembly. They repeatedly ordered the crowd to disperse and only arrested people after they refused to disperse.

Peaceful protesters, journalists, and passers by who refuse a police order to disperse from an unlawful assembly are guilty of a criminal offense under section 66 of the criminal code.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
On Sunday the police had probable cause to believe that the gathering of people would disturb the peace in tumultuous ways, which makes it an unlawful assembly. They repeatedly ordered the crowd to disperse and only arrested people after they refused to disperse.

Peaceful protesters, journalists, and passers by who refuse a police order to disperse from an unlawful assembly are guilty of a criminal offense under section 66 of the criminal code.
Interesting. So what would prevent the police from calling any large gathering that became tense an unlawful assembly if they so wished?


Jan 31, 2005
Interesting. So what would prevent the police from calling any large gathering that became tense an unlawful assembly if they so wished?
The ability to explain to a judge why they thought they had probable cause to expect a tumultuous disturbance of the peace, in other words, the same thing that stops them from arbitrarily searching you whenever they find you in a public place.

Sunday came after Saturday, and they witnessed the same group of people forming into a crowd on Sunday as had engaged in riotous behavior on Saturday. That gave them probable cause to believe the crowd was forming with the intent to engage in riotous behavior again--an unlawful assembly. They dispersed it before it turned into a riot, as is their job, and in fact, their duty.

I don't think probable cause is in doubt here--after the events of Saturday, and the proclamations and behavior of the "black bloc", we ALL suspected that's what they were planning for on Sunday, and when the police saw them gathering, they acted to disperse them--quite appropriate.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
The police will apologize right after the terrorists involved apologize.
The police (like soldiers) are expected to fight terrorists with a degree of precision which is impossible in the circumstances. The greatest victories for terrorists occur when police (and soldiers) act humanly and make human errors. The police in Toronto did a great job in very difficult and very rapidly changing circumstances and should be commended.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
The ability to explain to a judge why they thought they had probable cause to expect a tumultuous disturbance of the peace, in other words, the same thing that stops them from arbitrarily searching you whenever they find you in a public place.

Sunday came after Saturday, and they witnessed the same group of people forming into a crowd on Sunday as had engaged in riotous behavior on Saturday. That gave them probable cause to believe the crowd was forming with the intent to engage in riotous behavior again--an unlawful assembly. They dispersed it before it turned into a riot, as is their job, and in fact, their duty.
How many in the crowd were engaging in that behavior? Again, most of you guys are there and I am not. I'm just curious about what actually happened.


Aug 30, 2006
On Sunday the police had probable cause to believe that the gathering of people would disturb the peace in tumultuous ways....
On Tuesday July 6, the Shriners International will be staging a parade on University Avenue, beginning in the College Street/Queen’s Park area. Since we know this event will disturb the peace, should we arrest them also? Its a very fine line ur drawing....

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
The police were the guns in this situation, the politicians were the ones pulling the trigger. I feel sorry for the cops but they knew what they were doing was wrong, but they were ordered to do it regardless.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
If you attend a protest with no intention of being unlawful you are still at risk. It only takes 1 or 2 people to start a riot.


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
The police were the guns in this situation, the politicians were the ones pulling the trigger. I feel sorry for the cops but they knew what they were doing was wrong, but they were ordered to do it regardless.
"wrong"? I don't know that. They don't know that. As a taxpayer, they should have done more. I can forgive them since it was difficult circumstances. They would be roasted if they'd hurt anyone.


Aug 18, 2009
If you attend a protest with no intention of being unlawful you are still at risk. It only takes 1 or 2 people to start a riot.
Allowing peaceful protests is a must for a democracy, otherwise you're headed down the road to facsism.
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