Police arresting innocent bystanders for no reason


New member
Feb 12, 2002
Wow thats going out on a limb...let me make a prediction too....the majority of people posting on terb are males..........

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
The police are arresting people because they are known troublemakers, often with outstanding wants or warrants. Just 'cause you don't know the reason doesn't mean there isn't one.

But hey, don't let facts stand in the way of a good troll.
A lot of people just wanted to go home...listening to John Downs report on AM640, he stated that young men in particular with bags were being arrested. Either your facts are fuzzy, or you're coming on this board to lie to others.


Jul 5, 2003
No youhaev your information wrong, the crowd detained at queen and spadina, were innocent bystanders. the wanted people and protesters were taken away immediately. the crowd was just released without charges. people are telling their stories of not being invloved and just being rounded up. now people like you are lumping these innocent people in with the violent people from yesterday.
This situation was totally illegal, and some answers are needed. detain 200 people for 5 hours with no access to legal counsel, under arrest for no reason. then all of a sudden let them go.
Violent protesters from yesterday, sure arrest them....normal people walkign around...WTF? Fucking pigs go fuck yourselves.
You have to be a complete idiot to be in that area today. Why would someone want to take a stroll down there on this particular weekend knowing the place is crawling with police. Protesters look like everyone, so how would the cops know who the badasses are.

Everyone there deserves to be arrested for being a moron.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
CP24 is doing an excellent job of covering this particular situation at Queen and Spadina.

Good point made by a kid on cp24, the police government and media are trying to lump all protesters and even bystanders into the same group...and associate them with the violence.

many people on here, when talkign abotu these innocent people being detained say...idiots deserve what they get...as if these people are the same ones that were involved in the violence yesterday.

Police dropped the ball on this one..Stephen Ledrew is flying off the handle a bit.
This was not LEGAL
"you cannot hold people against their will outside in the cold and then say we have an operational reason for that"
"you alowed people to break windows and torch cars then you take people walking home and hold them for 3 hours"
"the police are going to have some serious explaining to do"


New member
Feb 12, 2002
Yes for sure...you ahve to be an idiot for living in the area and trying to go home.....there are houses and apartments in the area...
marshall law in canada today


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Why are police arresting people for no reason? some people seem to have just got caught up in, even journalists getting arrested for no reason.
how come they didnt arrest the idiots from yesterday doing all the damage?

alomst makes me wonder if they are using yesteerdays violence as an excuse to arrest anyone they want for no reason.

its like there are no laws there right now, how come the Charter gets thrown out...is it a Charter free zone right now?
arrested for no reason?
police blocking 200 people in, surrounding them? but yesterday police cars on fire and you dont see cops? seems very strange.

yes the people yesterday were idiots, the people getting arrested today seem like normal people....a little overkill mabey???
The cops were criticized for being too lenient yesterday. Now to make up for it they are cracking down hard. Unfortunately, most of the violent acts occured yesterday. They should have exercised more presence yesterday, and less today, but they are trying to make up for their mistake.

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
You have to be a complete idiot to be in that area today. Why would someone want to take a stroll down there on this particular weekend knowing the place is crawling with police. Protesters look like everyone, so how would the cops know who the badasses are.

Everyone there deserves to be arrested for being a moron.
People have a right to go where they please...at most many are simply observing what is happening. Nothing wrong with that. The police cannot simply blocked off people from leaving and proceeded to make arrests...which is inflicting violence on many innocent people. The police have taken their violence to new levels.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
You have to be a complete idiot to be in that area today. Why would someone want to take a stroll down there on this particular weekend knowing the place is crawling with police. Protesters look like everyone, so how would the cops know who the badasses are.

Everyone there deserves to be arrested for being a moron.
The only moron here is you.

Toronto is our city. Not the G20 delegates. Not the police. Not the protesters. Police have no right restrict the individual rights and freedoms of the citizens of this city - the police are here to serve us.

I find it funny (pathetic actually) that the majority here are so willing to give up their freedoms - and the freedoms of others - so easily.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Protesters who act violent make all protesters look bad.
Police officers who detain people without cause make all police officers look bad.

If you want to appear as morally superior, don't protest violently, and don't arrest people arbitrarily.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
By trying to make up for their mistake yesterday, they have just made a huge mistake today. the police broke the law today and need to be held accountable.
think about it cops cars torched yesterday, windows broken and no police to be found, instead they detain 200 innocent harmless people. sammy katz shoke hands with the prime minister a couple weeks ago...now he is a security threat?
people walking home and detained for 5 hours in the pouring rain. no access to counsel not infromed of the reason for their arrest.
I could quoate the Charter here but we all know this was wrong without reading the Charter.

I am outraged....just put yourself in those peoples shoes.
that was a disgusting act by Police tonight


New member
Feb 12, 2002
Captain Fantastic..you are right, most people dont care about their freedoms until they need them.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
You have to be a complete idiot to be in that area today. Why would someone want to take a stroll down there on this particular weekend knowing the place is crawling with police. Protesters look like everyone, so how would the cops know who the badasses are.
Usually the one's who start acting like badasses are the badasses. You can usually tell pretty quickly.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Let's call it like it is, most of these people were gawkers and most had cameras, they wanted to snoop and be part of the action, so they got detained for a few hours, no big deal.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
Staff sgt Jeff Mcguire you are full of shit......reasonable grounds? legally?
go stand out in the rain for 5 hours, get a feel for what it was like.

bullshit explanation..oh there we go..."we re not perfect"..."we hope the public can support us"...................they know this is looking bad.....
disordely crowd?...it didnt look like it to me.

people were brought forward individulaly and told that they were under arrest? were they cautuoned.....no....
all lies by Sgt McGuire

arrested for no reason....not cautioned, no access to legal counsel
many serious breaches of charter rights.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
McGuire "We did the best we could"
anytime someone tells you that, then something went wrong.

I would like to hear from Bill Blair on this. he sounded reasonable all weekend, really liketo hear from him about this. I actually have alot of respect for Bill Blair.

95% of all people arrested will be released without charges i imagine and probably another 3 % will have charges dropped...mabey 2% of the people arrested will actually get to court.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
Just like to make one more point..McGuire keeps saying he will not apologize.
I will bet that the Police will apologize for this at some point.


Active member
Dec 29, 2001
Those cops are idiots. I feel for the people that were caught in the group. People who were just waiting for the bus. I used to support cops, now I hate them. I think there needs to be another MASSIVE protest against the police.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
So would you agree if the police raided a strip club and held everyone inside for 5 hours without charge?
BTW some people were waiting for a street car when they were falsely arrested.
Toronto Escorts