A new rape deterent...thoughts?


New member
Jul 14, 2009


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
It's not meant to cut as it would release blood and since South Africa has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world, that's not a good or smart thing to do.

I don't think its a good thing for women. The rapist will just beat the shit out of her or perhaps kill her. I could see a rapist doing the latter; then using his knife or weapon to open up her vagina so he can remove himself and escape.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
It doesn't attach the rapist to her vagina, just to the device. He wouldn't have to cut his way free from her.

I don't know if he would kill her either, I suspect he'd be more concerned with dealing with the pain.

He might use a broom handle first if he suspects she might be wearing one.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
It doesn't attach the rapist to her vagina, just to the device. He wouldn't have to cut his way free from her.

I don't know if he would kill her either, I suspect he'd be more concerned with dealing with the pain.

He might use a broom handle first if he suspects she might be wearing one.
I don't know what they'd do. What I'm trying to say is a rapist is not a very stable, rational person. It's someone who craves power and views their victim, male or female as a piece of flesh to be abused. Killing wouldn't be below them, especially if they end up being injured.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
whoever invented it is an idiot, unless he was able to sell it to some organization who is stupid or corrupted enough to buy it.


Well-known member
I'd be waiting for the first case of this also...

Boy meets girl

Boy cheats on girl

Girl finds out Boy cheated

Girl conjures up revenge plan to use device and then yell rape,why else would she be wearing it?!?

The other points are also valid.My guess is that the guy would lose it and do serious harm or possibly kill her.Another sad point?.He might even be able to cop a temporary insanity plea and make it stick.


Jan 31, 2005
If any woman did wear this thing 24/7 imagine what fun transpires when she meets the guy of her dreams and forgets she's got it in there.


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
Read about africa. rape is an everyday occurance. men raping girls, wifes, whatever walks. women have no rights there. their death rate will skyrocket of this is distributed.


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Jan 8, 2008
Cerb Review: "nice girl, very tight down below"

Terb Review: "she destroyed my cock with a mousetrap up her muffin"
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Active member
Jan 17, 2004
The statistics on this device do not make sense. This device requires expectation. It requires the victim to have foreknowledge of a crime occuring on any given particular day, even though, on average the crime may happen to a particular victim infrequently. It is possible to have memorable negative events occurring frequently inside a large population, while having a low probability of it happening to any one person on any particular day.

For instance: Suppose you are in a city of 100,000 people with 36,500 women (not including elderly and children). Suppose that this city has a serious problem: 10 women are victimized per day. This means the average women is victimized once every 10 years. The statistical challenge is this: on average, many women will have been victimized once, but on any particular day, the odds of being victimized are 0.01%. Planning for a 0.01% event is like planning for a car accident. Almost everyone has been in a car accident, but they happen so rarely, that it is next to impossible to avoid them on a daily basis.

Severely negative events can happen both frequently and rarely simultaneously. The impact is high. As such, the events are remembered, even though they are sufficiently infrequent that they happen rarely. In such a circumstance, a massive law enforcement problem exists, however this device does not help.

Essentially, it requires the person to expect to be assaulted on a particular day, which is clearly a challenge.

I'd be waiting for the first case of this also...
Boy meets girl
Boy cheats on girl
Girl finds out Boy cheated
Girl conjures up revenge plan to use device and then yell rape,why else would she be wearing it?!?
This will definitely be used as a defence, even if it is not true. Again, the device requires the girl to have prior knowledge. She would have to know the perpetrator in advance, along with his plans. Otherwise, why would she be wearing it? It is a significant cost to deal with a low probability event, so the logical response is to wear it only when trouble is expected.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I don't think this will do much, if it's not suppose to cut in deep enough to grasp on what's to stop the make raper to go flaccid or go in a pool of cold water and take it off himself? Since this is suppose to work on an erect penis right?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The article says that it is not supposed to pierce the flesh. Therefore, what is to prevent the rapist from cutting the "condom" in half and peeling it off unless the first statement is untrue.

Further, once the presence of this device becomes common knowledge one would assume that rapists in South Africa will act with awareness of it.


Jan 31, 2005
I agree with the point of the woman about half way down the article who said she worries that this thing just emphasizes to women that they are victims.

I suspect that it will primarily be used by women who are already victims of a past sexual assault and are dealing with the psychological trauma that inflicted on them. I think thatt it will in many ways impede their progress towards recovery by reinforcing the fear that they are at risked of being raped again at any moment, thereby limiting their ability to have healthy and normal relationships. I don't think it'll do much to stop or limit actual rape.

Worse in my mind it might encourage a woman who is dealing with the trauma of a sexual assault to take unwise action. For example, a traumatized rape victim might be motivated to try and get revenge against rapists by inserting this device and intentionally putting herself into dangerous situations, possibly with tragic consequences.

I also don't really think it will be taken seriously.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Let me get this straight...it doesn't draw blood, but it hurts and is incapable of being dislodged? Okay, lets assume it actually works as it claims. If a man is morally inept enough to commit rape, I'm pretty sure having a mousetrap on his johnson is going to cause him to lash out 9 times out of 10. The only way this would work, is if enough women wear the things to cause so many incidents that it invokes fear in these men. What are the chances?

Meat Manager

happy hands
Jan 5, 2010
Well BEING raped doesn't always mean penetration - of the vag even. It's psychologically traumatizing to have a man force himself on you, period. The girl will feel ok to know he's gonna get trapped, but the fact that he even did that to her unsuccessfully would still be there. It's a last resort measure. His dick is already going in - knowledge of the device or not.

Something like this:

Guy physically harms girl/intimidates girl into submission. She is already broken at this point. He enters her and gets his cock snapped. Guy yells at girl and doesn't know what's going on. Confusion ensues and girl will pay the price for trying to undermine a man in a country that already sees women as objects. Woman is beaten more, or left to curl up into a ball and wait for the next attack (after the guy is fixed from his misery of course). I assume the ladies only get one shot at this (one device), so after the first guy the rest of the gang can have dibs on what's left.

Good intention, debatable result.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Just wondering, if instances of a rapist getting "trapped" becomes well-known, think about what would happen if they become "smart" enough to check that the coast is clear first.


Prince Fuckalot
Mar 31, 2010
House of Virgins
2 bucks a pop. they can't even afford a bag of rice in Africa, never mind vagina protection.

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