More whining and complaining.I am not sure if a genuine Marxist state - where there is no ruling class but a society genuinely run by the people for the people- is possible or what it would look like but neither do you so do not close your mind
Capitalism may well be the best because everything else is worse so it wins by default
But how can we know if the USA destroys any social attempt to develop alternatives ? They do this with boycotts, the special forces and if need be the armed forces even when there is no threat
They have destroyed several DEMOCRACIES they disagreed with and I am more informed than most when I state that several wonderful and advanced societies existed before the forces of capitalism and colonialism took over and crushed them
Read some Chomsky
And yes, any major social change will cause violence as those in power refuse to share that is why they used the guillotine during the French revolution - to stop the landowners from taking back control
And yes I applaud those honest hard working money changers as they induce the flow of capitol that is the lifeblood of capitalism
What did you do today to contribute to your country's economy?
Do not embrace these commie thoughts too closely until you have lived the actual nightmare of a commie social system and wonder where your basic right to whine and complain went.