tboy has gone to banned camp

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Yeah, I hear you fuji!

I remember some other legal expert saying that that cyclist was effecting a Citizens Arrest when he climbed into some motorist's convertible.
It's not that I don't agree but let's not pick on the guy too much when he's not here to defend himself. (Not that I think we've hit that line.)

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
LOL, really? Maybe if he could get strait the difference between the criminal code and a bylaw he would. This is the guy that thought he could assault someone because they broke a city bylaw, saying you can citizen's arrest anyone who commits a "crime". Or the difference between the criminal code and the trespass act, or any of his other crazy legal claims.
You have missed the point.

An effective litigator only has to be able to argue one point of view.

whether that point is right or wrong has is of no consequence.

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
It seems you don't have to say much to get banned. Guess being a mod allows you to power trip on those who make comments they don't like. Oh shit, maybe I'll get banned for saying that. :eek:
I'm sure he will be back again one day with a new handle.


Feb 13, 2010
Dissing the mods isn't in the rules, but it sure as hell isn't smart.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
He's joined the nicer board as well as all the other popular guys lately. It really is, the place to be!
Sorry, can't agree with this statement at all.

All the boards have equal merit as open forums, and none I've seen is any better than TERB, just different in terms of perspective, content, demeanor, tone, etc. Each board is always subject to the behaviour - good, bad or other - of it's membership, and some common members of all boards will and do behave differently on each depending on those things listed earlier. To me, there is no "best place to be" although there are some boards I wouldn't wish on Satan given their membership's behaviour, lack of class, and consistent disrespect / overt contempt for the ladies, if not each other. Terb to me at least, is just fine, although I do on occasion take exception to the negative behaviour of some members. In this, my thoughts are simple: "In the Mods, I trust." Based on their recent performance and track record, I can easily live with being a member here without reservation.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
I have nothing against him either because he's definitely an earnest person.

However, he really sticks to his opinions and facts - which are more often than not false, based on faulty logic or easily disproven - and that's when he gets himself into hot water.

I'd like to see him back someday - when he's not arguing, he adds a good deal to the board.
At times I thought he was intentionally baiting the other posters, even occasionally wondered if he were a reincarnation of Alien!

He is at his best when offering handyman type advice, at his worst when he thinks he has the upper hand in a debate, but starts to use his "childhood experiences" and personal anecdotes which don't seem based in reality.

A number of times I typed out a reply to one of his posts, only to shake my head and delete, knowing I couldn't convince him to see what everyone else could.

Yes, he can add a little colour to the party, but now that he has the mod's attention again, if he does return he will have to tone it down a little.

I believe he was advising Cycle guy on how to circumvent the cookies issue to read TERB even while banned, so I imagine he is still keeping current while at banned camp. In that case, I hope is is able to use the constructive criticism to his advantage if he ever leaves camp.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I wouldn't call tboy a troll at all.

A troll only looks for conflict for the sake of conflict.

tboy believes in what he says even if he invokes tboy logic or stretches things a bit too far to make his point.

Not that he didn't deserve to be banned for his Tourette's outburst / behaviour but I think calling him a troll is unfair.
i would agree
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