I have just discovered the 5 Posts Rule, and I am very happy it hasn't been applied to me yet. I understand its logic, but I'd like to point out that some of the lurkers do provide a useful service through PMs. I have known a few of them over the years, and they never posted because their favourite SPs fired clients who posted. The same SPs, with the help of the Moderator, monitored not only our imaginative and imagined names, but also the ISP addresses of the posters. So the lurkers kept silent, but they replied to inquiries via PMs, and I for one have benefited from their advice. As to my not being a frequent contributor, my opportunities for hobbying are limited by my family circumstances, and on top of that I often stick with a few favs for a while, so there are no new reviews to be produced. I'd hate to be kicked out of TERB because of that.