Toronto Escorts

Mall creep got kisses from a member of Cirque du Soleil


Apr 6, 2010
And her email and number in front of a crowd of people trying to talk to her! That's right!! I am so thrilled! I went from no-body in the venue to random girls / organizers coming talk to me and befriend me! Today I did 20+ cold approaches, all day from noon to midnight in street, parks, and mall then to a club. Call me creepy all you want, I finally getting results maybe it's the nice weather maybe I finally see the structure of the game clearly now. I also got 2 other numbers, one is a medical student, the other interior designer. I finally see the pattern. The higher quality the women - doctors, performers, even celebrities, the more receptive they are to cold approaches. The ones shy away without even giving me a chance to talk are usually shallow, low self-esteem, superficial types, who only go for guys for social proof and money. The women already with social proof and money seek more than just superficial values and pretty boys they want to the real man who can lead them confidently and make them feel like a woman!
So anyways, I can't find the old thread where people were calling me mall creep - the one where I posted how a woman called security guard on me after seeing me approaching two random strangers at Eaton Center. You know what I am so damn proud to be the mall creep tonight! because guys who call me creep because they don't have guts or skills to do the same. Ladies here that call me creep regardless of the fact that they are SPs, because they want to elevate their status by putting guys like me down, much like many other low self-esteemed women.


Apr 6, 2010
Damn it I can't find the original thread, but tboy and 4tees know what I'm talking about. sorry for the confusion for other people

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
And her email and number in front of a crowd of people trying to talk to her! That's right!! I am so thrilled! I went from no-body in the venue to random girls / organizers coming talk to me and befriend me! Today I did 20+ cold approaches, all day from noon to midnight in street, parks, and mall then to a club. Call me creepy all you want, I finally getting results maybe it's the nice weather maybe I finally see the structure of the game clearly now. I also got 2 other numbers, one is a medical student, the other interior designer. I finally see the pattern. The higher quality the women - doctors, performers, even celebrities, the more receptive they are to cold approaches. The ones shy away without even giving me a chance to talk are usually shallow, low self-esteem, superficial types, who only go for guys for social proof and money. The women already with social proof and money seek more than just superficial values and pretty boys they want to the real man who can lead them confidently and make them feel like a woman!
So anyways, I can't find the old thread where people were calling me mall creep - the one where I posted how a woman called security guard on me after seeing me approaching two random strangers at Eaton Center. You know what I am so damn proud to be the mall creep tonight! because guys who call me creep because they don't have guts or skills to do the same. Ladies here that call me creep regardless of the fact that they are SPs, because they want to elevate their status by putting guys like me down, much like many other low self-esteemed women.
Your original thread you are looking for was deleted because it was too creepy for the moderators to leave online.

The reason you have better response from people in the public eye is because they are used to dealing with the public, it doesn`t mean you have suddenly cracked the code. They are just being polite, the average person finds your approach creepy.

As for those you call shallow, you are invading their private space and they are pushing you away, it has nothing to do with their self esteem.

I have been approaching women all my life, I don`t need a "game" plan. I also sense when they may not want to be approached, something you have proven that you are oblivious to. I talk to women when I sense they are comfortable being approached. If you are chasing 20 or more women a day, you are using the shotgun approach and they can probably sense your insincerity.


Jan 26, 2010
You're incredibly creepy.

You spent 12 hours approaching random women. Nope, sorry, but that is creepy.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
20 cold approaches over a 12 hour day. This is an unusual life style. I'm not going to crap on you like some of the others. Its actually very positive that you can open you heart to strangers like that. But you might try and alter your approach so that you aren't doing it with strangers all the time. If you redirect some of that energy to other activities where you have the opportunity to interact with cute girls and are equally open with them, I suspect you might have even more success and avoid the label "creepy" at the same time. As the rabbit noted, with at least some of these cold approaches, you are probably going where you are not welcome. They one who put security onto you in the mall might be a bitch with low self esteem, but not everyone wants to deal with "cold approaches" when at the mall, and that is their right.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Ed Zachary!

Yesterday I was out doing an activity I really enjoy just because I enjoy it. (I'm not going to say what for reasons of privacy but do admit that it is something interesting). As an added bonus, FOUR girls approached me to talk about what I was doing. And of them, I was interested in two who gladly gave me their e-mail and phone numbers when I asked if they'd like to hang out some other time.

Going up to random girls is so mathematically unsound when you consider the possibilities that they may simply already have a boyfriend, be in the wrong mood, may be interested in dark haired guys instead of light etc.

But one thing I will concede to that I've heard a lot of Sad Sack kind of guys complain about. Toronto is particularly cold in terms of being able to strike up a chat with people at a table beside you at a restaurant, on the elevator, in line or wherever. Aside from the romantic aspects, it's just kind of sad that we have this feeling in our local society.
Hence why I moved out of the city. Now I haven't scored any numbers yet but last night at the local watering hole watching UFC114 I met about a half dozen people who just stuck up a conversation for no apparant reason other than we were there. No premise on "too old" "too bald" "too tall" "too short". Hey, even the 20 something hotties were joking around with me. Hell, even the 'milfy' waitress was interacting with me on the first night I was there!!! The only time THAT ever happened before in toronto was after I was going to the same bar, twice a week for 6 months.....

Yeah, toronto the cold. No doubt about it.

All I can say is: good on ya Zardoz. The only caveat is to make sure the numbers/emails are real and not fakes. Not like THAT'S ever happened before lol.

As for creepy or not, whether it be in bars, in public or online, there are MANY who devote all their spare time in the pursuit of pussy. Zardoz just happens to do it in public, I know one who does it EVERYWHERE he is ALWAYS on the make, even when he's with someone.

One more thing to zardoz: Hopefully it was one of those really bendy chicks. Holy crap that'd be the score of a lifetime. Have you SEEN how some of those women can move? OOOOHHH BABY........


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
I will have to also congrate ya for taking some initiative, don't listen to the "haters" on here. Those who are putting you down and calling you names are either jealous or so insecure in themselves that they can't pull this off. You are not a loser,the only losers endup feeling they should ask out anyone who is attractive, as they have something to prove. women see through that,just cos u r single, there's no obligation to have to chat up or even be that attracted to all cute women. By attracted i mean, real chemistry; not the "yes I'd shag attitude" which as men applies to a hell of a lot!

if you're hooked go for it, you'll regret otherwise. if not there will be others.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Congratulations on your success.

However, why can't you learn that just because you are successful at your endeavours doesn't mean that you're not a creep? I mean even Ted Bundy and Charles Manson were able to seduce and attract a lot of women...
Come on now, you're comparing a guy who hits on a lot of women to Charles Manson? Sorry, that's just a little on the ridiculous side don't you think?

So, I guess you're saying that anyone who is successful with women is a creep? or is it HOW he does it that makes him a creep?


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Congratulations on your success.

However, why can't you learn that just because you are successful at your endeavours doesn't mean that you're not a creep? I mean even Ted Bundy and Charles Manson were able to seduce and attract a lot of women...
lmao. This example may be tad bit harsh! For the record, I do think what the OP does is creepy. Whether or not it's Ted Bundy creepy? I don't know.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Oh what a surprise the escorts aren't fans of this guy!!! Why is that hmm? Could it be that if every guy actually approached women and possibly ended up in a healthy relationship, your business from which I'm guessing is about majority married or guys with a girlfriend would completely tank.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Oh what a surprise the escorts aren't fans of this guy!!! Why is that hmm? Could it be that if every guy actually approached women and possibly ended up in a healthy relationship, your business from which I'm guessing is about majority married or guys with a girlfriend would completely tank.
Unless no one ever gets married, ever again, or winds up in a sexless relationship (married or not), I don't think escorts have to worry. In addition, there are those who just plain love women and love to fuck...

I don't think being an escort has anything to do with this guy being creepy. 4tees...Are you an escort? You must be, if you think what the OP does is creepy. (Going by our Liverpudlian friend's logic, here.)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Unless no one ever gets married, ever again, or winds up in a sexless relationship (married or not), I don't think escorts have to worry. In addition, there are those who just plain love women and love to fuck...

I don't think being an escort has anything to do with this guy being creepy. 4tees...Are you an escort? You must be, if you think what the OP does is creepy. (Going by our Liverpudlian friend's logic, here.)
Your logic is flawed, he never said ANYONE who disagrees with him is an escort, disagreeing with what he does and being an escort are not mutually inclusive. You can disagree with the OP and NOT be an escort. But hey, you're a woman, women make up their own rules all the time so.....

(as I duck to avoid the flying debris lol)


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Like I said in the earlier thread, zardoz.

Just keep on sarging. Don't waste energy on the haters. Spend it on getting numbers that allow for calls to turn into dates that should turn into full closes.


Apr 6, 2010
yes she is a contortionist! I did not know she was in circus before I approached her, if I had known maybe it would have made me a little nervous. after we danced for a while, she had to go and ready for a performance. What performance! What a surprise! It was incredible. Then we talked outside, while people kept coming up to her interrupting us. Some guys are so clingy they wouldn't leave, the more they cling, the more she leans close to me until the guy leaves. lol... We already msged each other this morning, she is going to come back in Toronto in a couple of weeks and hopefully keep her promise to come to a party I host so I can continue where it's left off. I know it is still a long shot, but this is my first "celebrity" experience!!

Spending 12 hours in the field a day is actually good way to lose weight I did that 3 days last week including yesterday. Lost 3 lbs!! lol... I did have to take 2 hours break to eat and go to bathroom and take a nap. I actually did a lot of street approaches, girls walking by, even the ones in business suit in a hurry. I delibrately challenged myself to do the most difficult way because it really sharpens you, and when you go to easier venues such as bookstores and clubs, it feels like you own the place! Even though there was no success from street approaches, I still learned a lot from people and enjoyed most of the interactions. I usually start by asking for direction of opinion on their favorite restaurant or places to entertain friends, then I just throw whatever I can observe or from their response to banter. I don't really show my intent until I detect some interest from the girl (smiles, eye contact, follow me lead to sit down). I actually made a couple of really cool facebook friends out of this even though I sensed no sexual chemistry. One of which is a photo journalist who was waiting on sidewalk for the funeral of the cyclist killed (Sheppard i think his name was?). I talked to her about her opinions on the incident and her interest as photo journalism. All platonic conversation for almost half hour, but it was still interesting to me. It just goes to show that "sarging" or talking to strangers does not have to be creepy. It may not be the most efficient way of getting dates in this city, (unless you are Brat pitt or bill gates), but it's a actually a great way to be social and be physically active (lost 3 lbs lol)..

oh and thanks djk, I did turn 2 numbers into dates two weeks ago, the flight attendant and a French girl. I full closed the flight attendant, she was a bit older than me but increadibly fun nonetheless. she has a bf in Montreal though so I don't see her as a relationship material. I fucked up with the French girl on a date - who I actually saw her as a relationship material... I know exactly what I did wrong - failed to escalate she got bored and left early, never returned my call. I got depressed over that for a couple of days until I decided to go out sarging again... now I feel much better..


New member
May 29, 2005
Regarding the O.P., I think spending 12 hours of hitting on random strangers is not only creepy but reveals some kind of serious sociopathic tendencies.

Regarding what others said about Toronto people not being approachable I think it's because of the following. 1 - Toronto has a real problem with an over abundance of homeless crazy people and if a stranger starts randomly talking to you, they're most likely coo coo. 2 - there are certain ethnic groups in this city (which shall remain nameless) that seem really stuck up or angry and every time I have a problem, on the ttc or street, it's 90 percent of the time with one of these ethnic groups. Immigrants in general don't seem to be happy go lucky people. Ontario in general, is a bit more stuck up than the rest of the country because we are the wealthiest.


Aug 18, 2009
What looks creepy is the references to goal orientated activity. Its creepy to try to date with multiple women just to score (that's what SP's are for), including ones that you aren't interested in.

Its not creepy to love women and genuinely want to spend time/screw them.


Apr 6, 2010
No I am not into Dmitry style. He lacks social calibration. He is all about direct approach and be bold. he does not seem to have sense of humour. I keep a goal in mind, but not outcome dependent. Even if I don't achieve my goal I still try to make the interaction enjoyable and fun. Like I said sometimes even when I don't achieve the goal (she is taken or no sexual chemistry) , I still make friends with her if she is worthy.

And please if anyone is motivated by this post, DO NOT FOLLOW DIMITRY. He is the kind of person who gives bad names to guys really want to get good with women. Maybe it's also why Toronto women are a little bit more protective than the rest of population.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Ontario in general, is a bit more stuck up than the rest of the country because we are the wealthiest.
This statement is just plain silly. Ontario has been a have-not province for a number of years. Ontario's economy is in decline. There were a couple of other statements you made about ethnicity that say more about you than any particular group, but I will leave it at that.
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