Family is angry over having to pay insurance bill for letting their dog out


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Poor dog especially having to go like that in his senior years, but that family is 100% at fault and should pay and be declared idiots!! Dogs belong inside of a house or outside on a leash supervised by their owner, not roaming the streets.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Poor dog especially having to go like that in his senior years, but that family is 100% at fault and should pay and be declared idiots!! Dogs belong inside of a house or outside on a leash supervised by their owner, not roaming the streets.
Agreed. It's not "wrong" that they have to pay the bill, although it might be sad. But they are completely at fault for letting their dog roam where it has access to roads, no matter how "accustomed" it had become to the area. I never did like State Farm before I switched, although I thought it was just my agent. They kept increasing my rate quoting a "nationwide increase in rates" as the reason and justifying it with "top-notch service" all with a superior attitude. I was thinking, so long as you pay any claims I might need, I don't give a damn how easy you are to work with. I now pay half the insurance rate I was paying at State Farm with all the same coverage and actually find the new place easier to deal with.

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
If they loved the dog as much as they say, then he would not have been out on the street without a leash. Fuckin idiot's.

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
I love dogs, and if I ever hit a dog while driving the owner better run because I am going to put a beat down on them so badly for putting me in the position of killing their dog!! stupid fucking people

b d


New member
Apr 7, 2010
If they loved the dog as much as they say, then he would not have been out on the street without a leash. Fuckin idiot's.
Agreed. If they really loved the dog, they would have had his safety as paramount. It really sucks when a dog dies because people are too stupid and irresponsible as pet owners to keep the dog leashed or kenneled. Very unfair to the dog, and to the person that winds up hitting the dog.

big dogie, I like the way you think! lol If someone went after them for being so irresponsible, I bet that would be the last time their dog was running around loose.

It's too bad that shit like this happens, it's so preventable.


Active member
Feb 24, 2008
Stupid dog owners, I wonder if they let their baby roam outside in the streets too. However, State farm is being cheap here. Isn't insurance for when accidents happen? Thank god I don't have state farm.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
If a child runs out in front of the next car I guess it is OK to blame the parents and make them(or their insurance) pay to repair the car.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
A local bylaw requires pets to be on a leash when off the owner's property, but the Flemmings said Jake had become accustomed to roaming outside the family's home.
I think the problem was that the Flemmings had become accustomed to letting Jake roam outside the family's home. I expect Jake could have made the adjustment of being taken for a walk by the owners.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Some people think their dogs are their children. Treat them better than their fellow humans.
As a dog owner, I'll agree.
There's a saying "the more people I meet, the more I love my dog".
With animals anything they do is unconditional and they're 100% loyal no matter what.
People on the other hand......(will stab you in the back or treat you like dirt for whatever reasons).


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
If a child runs out in front of the next car I guess it is OK to blame the parents and make them(or their insurance) pay to repair the car.
Yeah actually, it IS ok to blame the parents. Children, dogs, pets of any sort shouldn't be allowed to run free. Kids especially if they are too young to do so unsupervised. I recently heard a news report that someone backed over their baby. Now this isn't the first time I've heard of this, a family I knew way back in the day did the same thing. I mean, how stupid do you have to be?

Dogs should be leashed or in a fenced in yard, kids should be supervised or taught to look both ways before crossing the street. When I was growing up a few blocks from Yonge st I wasn't allowed on Yonge EVER. To get to a buddy's place was about 10 blocks via side streets or 2 blocks via Yonge. I went up Yonge once and wouldn't you know it? I got caught. I was grounded for a month. Funny, into my teens whenever I walked on Yonge I got all apprehensive....


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I think the problem was that the Flemmings had become accustomed to letting Jake roam outside the family's home. I expect Jake could have made the adjustment of being taken for a walk by the owners.
Bingo. In fact, I'm sure the dog would have preferred a walk, leashed and by his owners side rather than wandering aimlessly. My dog loves to go outside and hang out in the kennel set up for her. But she goes absolutely ballistic with happiness and excitement when she sees me starting to get ready for one of our walks. She perks up when she sees me put on a pair of yoga pants or athletic shorts...gets up and starts wandering when I put socks and my running shoes on...and starts to jump around making little high pitched sounds when I grab her collar and her leash. What dog wouldn't relish the time spent walking with their most favorite person in the world?

Saying that "Jake had become accustomed to roaming outside" is a total cop out. What dog calls the shots anyways? The blame rests squarely on the owners shoulders for being too lazy to take their dog for a walk or set the dog up with a dog-run or line outside where they can be safe.

I'm sure, as well, that Jake would have gladly made the transition from wandering around alone to spending time walking with his owners.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
i own two dogs. i have owned dogs all my life(sometimes i think they own me) but you have to be responsible for your animal! you can't just let a dog run without supervision. the dog could attack someone walking along or the car driver could have swerved ,hit a tree and died etc etc etc they are responsible and dumb!
state farm could maybe have approached this in a better way but in the end the owners are at fault AND THE POOR DOG PAID THE PRICE
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