Completely mind blowing video shows just how huge the universe is!

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
...If you've ever seen astronuts horsing around in space, when they release a liquid it forms into a sphere also.
The liquid attracts itself into the shape of least area


Self Imposed Exile
Apr 21, 2006
I think what we have to do is forget "who created the universe". That is the basis of all religions, it isn't a matter of "who" but what. What created the universe? that is what they're trying to figure out with the big bang theory. Supposedly they have calculated what has happened up to one millisecond before it happened. What came before? No one knows.

A more dramatic version is found at the beginning of the movie Contact with Jodie Foster. It is set to more practical/understandable/fathomable standards.

With the vast distances, you can see why they say even travelling at the speed of light isn't sufficient, why worm holes and "bending space" would be necessary to travel anywhere.
I remember seeing this in the theater. i was lost in thought for awhile and missed some of the dialogue in the move


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
!00 billion galaxies each with 100 billion stars in the known universe. More stars than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of Earth. Makes my head hurt trying to grasp it all.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
!00 billion galaxies each with 100 billion stars in the known universe. More stars than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of Earth. Makes my head hurt trying to grasp it all.
and if there isn't any other life out there, wouldn't that be an awful waste of space? (one of the best lines ever written).

The thing about the "contact" intro, I was on a flight to mexico and they kept stopping and restarting the movie because people kept complaining that the sound was messed up. I finally (after the fourth time) stood up and said "you're listening to radio signals as they're transmitted. The farther you get from earth, the older the transmissions get because once transmitted, they never stop".......then they let the movie play.....

It is kind of eyeopening when you see earth floating in this mass emptiness. I mean, it is like a liferaft in the middle of the pacific: if you were on one and only had a gallon of drinking water, would you shit in it?

I seriously think the eggheads at NASA know something we don't which is why they're in such an all fired hurry to get to Mars......


Jan 31, 2005
I seriously think the eggheads at NASA know something we don't which is why they're in such an all fired hurry to get to Mars......
They know that we need to get off this rock before we get hit by an astroid and go the way of the dinosaurs.

In terms of things that will wipe out our species the two greatest threats to our existence are us ourselves, and astroids. The scientists have made things so much worse on the first hand by inventing nuclear weapons that they are now trying to atone by solving the second problem.

Only half joking--Earth is a single point of failure.


Feb 12, 2003
Ahh no big deal all we need is some DC-8's with rocket powered engines. All Hail Xenu


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Damn bro, there's got to be aliens out there somewhere.
It's almost a certainty. But given the distances involved it's almost a certainty we'll never be in contact with them.

I love the theoretical large-scale framework of the universe they showed. It's our attempt to rationalize and put limits on it. Why does the universe have to have limits?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
It's almost a certainty. But given the distances involved it's almost a certainty we'll never be in contact with them.

I love the theoretical large-scale framework of the universe they showed. It's our attempt to rationalize and put limits on it. Why does the universe have to have limits?
I don't know so much that they put limits on it, but in a manner to put it in context.

As I said, unless they can perfect the folding of space, the distances are too vast as you say. I mean, a billion years to get to some of the galaxies? And some are moving away from us at the speed of light?

This brings more credibility to the BSG "jump" that they had to do to traverse great distances.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Probably, since everything exerts gravity ...
In a vacuum (which is what space is) when you squirt water, it forms into a sphere or ball. I think it forms into a ball even with gravity and air so it stands to reason.....If you've ever seen astronuts horsing around in space, when they release a liquid it forms into a sphere also.
The water forms a sphere inside the spaceship, where there is air pressure, do to the force of the water's surface tension, not its gravity. Outside the spaceship, in a vacuum, the water would boil away, turn into a gas. If it was very cold, as in outer space, the water could be brought together to form a solid, but not a liquid.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
You're right Kbear, my bad.....I was more referring to inside the spaceship as opposed to outside.

I wonder though, in a vacuum here on earth, would the water still boil away to gas? Or would the gravity once again cause it to form into a sphere?

If water boils away in space, I wonder, how do ice giants, ice asteroids etc form? wouldn't the water, even in frozen form, boil away?


Jan 31, 2005
You're right Kbear, my bad.....I was more referring to inside the spaceship as opposed to outside.

I wonder though, in a vacuum here on earth, would the water still boil away to gas? Or would the gravity once again cause it to form into a sphere?

If water boils away in space, I wonder, how do ice giants, ice asteroids etc form? wouldn't the water, even in frozen form, boil away?
The gas giants are not made of water. Water in space either forms a gas or a solid because it's either really hot or really cold. It's only on planets that you get the warm temperatures where water forms a liquid.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Gravity is an extremely weak force, you need a lot of something, like planet, to get any significant gravitational force.

Here on earth, in a vacuum, the water would turn to a gas. Ie. Go through a state change from liquid to gas. It could never form a sphere on earth as gravity would want to crush it flat, and because it is warm, above 0C, the water would not want to form a solid, freeze. Water can’t exist as a liquid in a vacuum. Water's boiling point falls as you drop the surrounding air pressure. Water boils at different temperatures here on earth depending on the altitude, and surrounding air pressure. Higher altitude, lower air pressure, lower boiling temperature.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
As for it going flat, I should have explained, I was thinking like dropping it from a long vertical tube which contains the vacuum so the water could have chance to form into a sphere without any interferance of air pressure to shape it as it falls. (kind of like a rain drop in a vacuum).
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