don't tell me you haven't had sex in the middle of a farmers field
Well yes... I have... but it didn't end well...
Back when I was a teenager with my then GF and before either of us had our own place... we used to go parking quite often... There was this place off of Oak Park Road in Brantford that was a particular favourite of ours... it was a farmers feild with a bit of an access laneway that was obscured from the road, so kinda "private". It was a warm summer night and we spread a blanket etc. and we were just getting into it, and shorty there after another car shows up and and it pulls in beside us. We were both pretty much naked so we just pulled the blanket over us... I guess they didn't see us as it was dark with only moonlight to light the way and they backed... and rolled over my GF's foot!!!!
Fortunately the ground was kinda soft so no permenant damage was done, but we had an interesting time explaining to the doctor the next day what had happened!