No, the headlines are real, but there conclusions are wrong, misleading, or lies.
There were maybe 500 post in maybe a half dozen threads within the last year on this subject and it was ground to a pulp. The bottom line was, if you can't believe the science from literally 1000's of sources, primary or otherwise and continue to counter them with not much more than a handful of counter arguments many of whom are suspect or exposed as flawed, then you'll never believe. You either believe in the scientific method or you don't, but it works more often than it doesn't, by a long shot. We have learned more through science in the last 100 years than mankind has learned in its' entirety. Our ability to gather and process information has never been matched at any time. The difficult part is to come up with a right answer and do it soon as we will reach a point, the event horizon, where it will be too late and we're screwed, no matter what.
My whole point in the past was that someone will always be able to point out exceptions to the findings such as the MWP, but they don't look at trends and the trends tell the real tales. As well, we have 'never' been here before, with 6 billion people and natural habitat and resources disappearing at an alarming rates, so this 'cycle' has never been experienced before. We are in uncharted waters and have to work with that in mind.