Al (the Hypocrite) Gore buys ANOTHER house - 9 million bucks, 6 fireplaces, 9 bathroo


Active member
May 3, 2006
No, the headlines are real, but there conclusions are wrong, misleading, or lies.

There were maybe 500 post in maybe a half dozen threads within the last year on this subject and it was ground to a pulp. The bottom line was, if you can't believe the science from literally 1000's of sources, primary or otherwise and continue to counter them with not much more than a handful of counter arguments many of whom are suspect or exposed as flawed, then you'll never believe. You either believe in the scientific method or you don't, but it works more often than it doesn't, by a long shot. We have learned more through science in the last 100 years than mankind has learned in its' entirety. Our ability to gather and process information has never been matched at any time. The difficult part is to come up with a right answer and do it soon as we will reach a point, the event horizon, where it will be too late and we're screwed, no matter what.

My whole point in the past was that someone will always be able to point out exceptions to the findings such as the MWP, but they don't look at trends and the trends tell the real tales. As well, we have 'never' been here before, with 6 billion people and natural habitat and resources disappearing at an alarming rates, so this 'cycle' has never been experienced before. We are in uncharted waters and have to work with that in mind.
Pretty much all of what you say has been debunked more than once. But keep on trucking if it makes you feel better - go visit RealClimate - I'm sure they'll agree with you.


Jun 6, 2009
Pretty much all of what you say has been debunked more than once. But keep on trucking if it makes you feel better - go visit RealClimate - I'm sure they'll agree with you.
How can you disagree with "As well, we have 'never' been here before, with 6 billion people and natural habitat and resources disappearing at an alarming rates, so this 'cycle' has never been experienced before'. Tell me that not true. Tell me where that's been debunked.

How can you disagree with, 'We have learned more through science in the last 100 years than mankind has learned in its' entirety. Our ability to gather and process information has never been matched at any time.' Tell me that's not true. Tell me where that's been debunked.

So what part has been debunked?
Rhetoric - environmentalist or otherwise - is not helpful in debate or in finding solutions.

Your rhetoric and dismissiveness does nothing to help public policy or find real solutions.
Oh... so now plastic bags are all MY fault? Try reading the thread again Captain no-so Fantastic... I am a huge proponent of being environmentally responsible and an active member of being outdoors and enjoying all the wonderful things mother nature has to offer- including trees.

I simply used this as an example of a typical "knee jerk" reaction that are all too common...

I simply have a problem tolerating the "religion" of the "green movement" (aka "tree huggers") and the likes of Al Gore, that are nothing more then capitalists disguised as concerned individuals taking advantage of a situation for their own personal gain.

Move along....

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
I simply have a problem tolerating the "religion" of the "green movement" (aka "tree huggers") and the likes of Al Gore, that are nothing more then capitalists disguised as concerned individuals taking advantage of a situation for their own personal gain

Dont get me wrong, I'm all for a clean environment, bio-degradable plastic, clean fuels...etc
But it has to be based on good science. Right now Global Warming is IMO way too controversial


Jun 6, 2009

Dont get me wrong, I'm all for a clean environment, bio-degradable plastic, clean fuels...etc
But it has to be based on good science. Right now Global Warming is IMO way too controversial
Hey you want to take on something worthwhile, high impact and quick returns. Try the fishing trawler/factory ship that are basically clear cutting our fish stocks. Stop drag net and purse seine fishing and you see major improvements in 7-12 years. Less complicated science and just as important.


Aug 18, 2009

Dont get me wrong, I'm all for a clean environment, bio-degradable plastic, clean fuels...etc
But it has to be based on good science. Right now Global Warming is IMO way too controversial
Your opinion, then, is wrong.
The science is good, and represents the work of vast majority of reputable scientists.

The question remains, how is it that you think the oil industry propaganda you keep regurgitating is good science?
Whereas the IPCC, on their 2007 report used:
People from over 130 countries contributed to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report over the previous 6 years. These people included more than 2500 scientific expert reviewers, more than 800 contributing authors, and more than 450 lead authors.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
As well, we have 'never' been here before, with 6 billion people and natural habitat and resources disappearing at an alarming rates, so this 'cycle' has never been experienced before. We are in uncharted waters and have to work with that in mind.
But we've observed it in other species. What happens when there are too many predators and not enough prey? The predator population decreases because there isn't enough food to go around. Those that can't find food die. What happens when an animal's habitat is destroyed? Their population size decreases or perishes completely. There is only one end to this 'cycle' for humans. I don't lose any sleep over it.


Jan 15, 2004
I'll tell you what the problem with so called "tree huggers" is... It is their knee jerk reaction to things, that cause bigger problems than the ones their trying to solve.

Case in point... years ago- there was this device everyone used to carry their groceries home from the grocery store call a paper bag. BILLIONS of them were used and then pretty much discarded since they were essentially a one use device. Cheap, and plentiful. (not to mention 100% biodegradable) Then the "tree huggers" decided it this was a horrible thing to do since these paper bags required cutting down trees to make them... so, the brilliant minds that be, got together and devised a REUSABLE plastic bag! Perfect... no more cutting trees down to make paper bags! Every one was happy... Right??!!

We all know where that story ends...
Normally I find you rather level headed CG, but why is it that 'tree huggers' get blamed cause someone solved one bad idea with another worse idea. That sounds a little twisted to prove a point.
If all products were developed based on real costs, including end of life costs, perhaps the solution would have been some kind of reusable bags. That worked for thousands of years (of course back in the day, they called them baskets).
Normally I find you rather level headed CG, but why is it that 'tree huggers' get blamed cause someone solved one bad idea with another worse idea. That sounds a little twisted to prove a point.
If all products were developed based on real costs, including end of life costs, perhaps the solution would have been some kind of reusable bags. That worked for thousands of years (of course back in the day, they called them baskets).
I didn't blame them directly... more like indirectly... but no matter.... it took us awhile... but we did get there... Not with baskets per se... but those reusable microfiber bags everyone sells nowadays...


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Ah yes, the liberal mantra, do as I say not as I do....



Jun 6, 2009
But we've observed it in other species. What happens when there are too many predators and not enough prey? The predator population decreases because there isn't enough food to go around. Those that can't find food die. What happens when an animal's habitat is destroyed? Their population size decreases or perishes completely. There is only one end to this 'cycle' for humans. I don't lose any sleep over it.
Glad to hear it you don't loose sleep.

I really don't like quitters when there is a solution.

The predator/prey cycle doesn't work here because we're omnivores and we can grow out own food, unlike any other species I can think of.

Good try though.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
But remember, there is a higher chance that climate change will make the world uninhabitable for most humans then there is a chance that you will die in a car accident.
That is an unsupportable statement. It is one thing to say that the balance of evidence indicates that warming is occuring. But to say that you can calculate the percent chance that the earth will become uninhabitable is crazy, there is not close to being enough information to do that.

Let's keep in mind that the thread was intended to be a discussion of what a piece of shit Al Gore is, not a discussion of global warming in general. I don't see why the fact that Al Gore is a piece of shit should make warming people feel threatened, or make warming deniers feel smug, Al being a piece of shit is unrelated to whether warming is real.

Finally, to me it makes no sense to say that I believe in global warming, therefore I take the bus and live in a box. There is no plausible scenario where you believe in global warming, but you can conceive that taking the bus will solve it. If you believe it is real, the only possible solution is technology, to fill human needs without making heat, and / or to live in a warmer world. So if you care about it, you should focus on generating wealth to make technology, not on taking the bus and waiting to die.


Aug 18, 2009
That is an unsupportable statement. It is one thing to say that the balance of evidence indicates that warming is occuring. But to say that you can calculate the percent chance that the earth will become uninhabitable is crazy, there is not close to being enough information to do that.

Let's keep in mind that the thread was intended to be a discussion of what a piece of shit Al Gore is, not a discussion of global warming in general. I don't see why the fact that Al Gore is a piece of shit should make warming people feel threatened, or make warming deniers feel smug, Al being a piece of shit is unrelated to whether warming is real.

Finally, to me it makes no sense to say that I believe in global warming, therefore I take the bus and live in a box. There is no plausible scenario where you believe in global warming, but you can conceive that taking the bus will solve it. If you believe it is real, the only possible solution is technology, to fill human needs without making heat, and / or to live in a warmer world. So if you care about it, you should focus on generating wealth to make technology, not on taking the bus and waiting to die.
The cooking your kids odds quote is quite supportable. Here's the link to the article about the article (original article is a paid National Academy of Science work, but there's a link to it in the article I quoted).
The author uses the worst case IPCC numbers, which are 12 degrees celsius temperature change globally with a doubling of CO2 from pre-industrial levels. He then works out which parts of the world would then have regular temperatures with high humidity (a key part of the article) where the temperatures would easily reach 35 degrees celsius. At that temperature, and humidity, a couple degrees below body temp, the human body cannot cool itself enough and unprotected outside would die. The worst case IPCC numbers are rated as 5 or 10% probability. Take a look at the article and the maps.

I don't care if Gore is an asshole or not. But the only reason its ever talked about is to use his large houses as a way of discrediting his message. Its a cheap tactic.

And lastly, I have no idea what your point is with your last paragraph.


Jan 15, 2004
I didn't blame them directly... more like indirectly... but no matter.... it took us awhile... but we did get there... Not with baskets per se... but those reusable microfiber bags everyone sells nowadays...
Not to belabor a point (but isn't that what we do so well here?) But... "I'll tell you what the problem with so called "tree huggers" is... " really sounds more like 'directly' to me.

But I agree, we did get there, or at least we're getting closer. Now maybe if we weren't filling those microfiber bags with plastic packaging weighing more than the products it encloses..then maybe we would be making real progress.

Excuse me while I go hug a couple of maples in my back yard.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Move along?

Child, please.

Oh... so now plastic bags are all MY fault? Try reading the thread again Captain no-so Fantastic... I am a huge proponent of being environmentally responsible and an active member of being outdoors and enjoying all the wonderful things mother nature has to offer- including trees.

I simply used this as an example of a typical "knee jerk" reaction that are all too common...

I simply have a problem tolerating the "religion" of the "green movement" (aka "tree huggers") and the likes of Al Gore, that are nothing more then capitalists disguised as concerned individuals taking advantage of a situation for their own personal gain.

Move along....
You make a lame argument/examples, can't discuss the issues or even make a cognizant defence of your own post, so instead you revert to childish ad hominens, excuses, factually dubious claims and a weak attempt at a shutdown.

Move along. <shaking head laughing>
Hi Pot... This is kettle...

Child, please.

You make a lame argument/examples, can't discuss the issues or even make a cognizant defence of your own post, so instead you revert to childish ad hominems, excuses, factually dubious claims and a weak attempt at a shutdown.

Move along. <shaking head laughing>
You are (of course) aware of the fact that you just contradicted yourself right...

Don'tcha just love the irony present on TERB! LOL
Now maybe if we weren't filling those microfiber bags with plastic packaging weighing more than the products it encloses..then maybe we would be making real progress.
Isn't THAT the truth in most cases... Fortunately a lot of my personal groceries come in convenient little biodegradable packages... often edible in fact.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
No contradiction or irony.

It's called fire with fire and all that.
You are (of course) aware of the fact that you just contradicted yourself right...

Don'tcha just love the irony present on TERB! LOL
I explained - with specific rationale, facts and science - why your example was a fallacy. Nothing more or less. You decided not to turn it into something else. Yup, I lowered myself to respond in kind (hence, "child, please," etc.) because I simply will not be told to "move along" by you or anyone.

My other point was that you engaged in the type of same rhetoric that "tree huggers" use to try and make their position. Neither are helpful when trying to make real change.

Sorry if you misunderstood, but really, don't sling mud if you're not willing to get a bit dirty.

Edit: Oops, just noticed that you're banned. Carry on...

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
The cooking your kids odds quote is quite supportable. Here's the link to the article about the article (original article is a paid National Academy of Science work, but there's a link to it in the article I quoted).
The author uses the worst case IPCC numbers, which are 12 degrees celsius temperature change globally with a doubling of CO2 from pre-industrial levels. He then works out which parts of the world would then have regular temperatures with high humidity (a key part of the article) where the temperatures would easily reach 35 degrees celsius. At that temperature, and humidity, a couple degrees below body temp, the human body cannot cool itself enough and unprotected outside would die. The worst case IPCC numbers are rated as 5 or 10% probability. Take a look at the article and the maps.

I don't care if Gore is an asshole or not. But the only reason its ever talked about is to use his large houses as a way of discrediting his message. Its a cheap tactic.

And lastly, I have no idea what your point is with your last paragraph.
The article you linked to starts with assuming that there is a 5% chance of a 12 degree temperature increase, and then does calculations as to what the effect would be. But it even admits that the 5% number is a worst-case estimate. It is that number which can't be calculated, which makes the rest of the calculations pointless. That does not mean that there is no chance it could happen, or that the chance is small, but it does mean that we can not calculate in the manner you described.

If you feel defensive about Gore being an idiot, that is your issue, I just said he was an idiot, I made the point that this was not a reflection on the message. You can choose any popular message, and some of the people presenting it will be idiots.

The point in the last paragraph was that the message of reducing your footprint as being most important thing to do, is a misguided message. A better message would be for people to generate wealth, and direct it towards energy efficient technology. If people did that, the problem would be more likely to be solved. Ironically, generating wealth is exactly what Gore is doing, and if he is offsetting his personal consumption by investing in alternate energy, he is doing what he should be there also. But he is still an idiot.
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