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Belgium bans the burqa, chador, and hijab.


Apr 24, 2005
Anytime you care to add facts, evidence or logic, so it might be discussed …
Here is a fact. Look at China, India, Japan, Europe, Russia, the U.S., South America, Africa, etc. how many women do you see covered from head to toe in a tent? What does that tell you (please use logic here)? Normal women do not cover themselves head to toe.

Here is another fact. In which countries do women cover themselves from head to toe. Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia. Do you know how women are treated in those countries? What does that tell you?

If wearing a burqa is a religious requirement, then why do only a small minority of Muslim women wear it? Is it because they force to do so by their father, brother(s), husband and/or other males?
Nov 24, 2007
so every one should be the same then. give me a break. next they'll ban saris and kimonos. Are u going to say those are security risks too. Maybe the women will hide something in the silk.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
There are 5 billion women on this planet and less than 1% wear the barqa. The only reason that the 1% wear a barqa is because they are forced under threats of death or are brainwashed into wearing one. No rational unbrainwashed woman would willingly wear a barqa.

Women emigrate to the West to escape the Taliban and everything they stand for, including wearing the burqa. The burga dehumanizes and demeans women. Anybody that supports the burqa also supports the subjugation of women. Barqas have no place in a civilize society.
you are saying "subjugation of women" like it's a bad thing


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Here is a fact. Look at China, India, Japan, Europe, Russia, the U.S., South America, Africa, etc. how many women do you see covered from head to toe in a tent? What does that tell you (please use logic here)?...
More significantly, how many Muslim women keep themselves completely covered?


Apr 24, 2005
More significantly, how many Muslim women keep themselves completely covered?
I spoke to my Muslim Iranian friends and they said that the burqa is NOT a religious requirement. (I met some of their wives, daughters and female friends and none of them wear a burqa.) Furthermore, they said that any man who forces or allows a woman to wear a burqa is a neanderthal. I also met the wife of my Muslim Pakistani co-worker and she does not wear a burqa and yes, she was allowed to shake my hand.


Aug 6, 2006
Some muslim women are so ugly and with man traits that, frankly, they could dispense with burkas, etc.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Some muslim women are so ugly and with man traits that, frankly, they could dispense with burkas, etc.
I think even diehard racists would not agree with that comment.

I personally fucked some incredibly hot Middle-Eastern and East Indian women; I am not sure what temple they go to but I am always on the lookout for a good looking Arab girl as I find them damn sexy.


Aug 6, 2006
I think even diehard racists would not agree with that comment.

I personally fucked some incredibly hot Middle-Eastern and East Indian women; I am not sure what temple they go to but I am always on the lookout for a good looking Arab girl as I find them damn sexy.
I said "some"...

Most are hot I agree.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Here is a fact. Look at China, India, Japan, Europe, Russia, the U.S., South America, Africa, etc. how many women do you see covered from head to toe in a tent? What does that tell you (please use logic here)? Normal women do not cover themselves head to toe.
Evidence for your statement about normal women, please. Don't ask for logic if you aren't going to use it yourself.

Here is another fact. In which countries do women cover themselves from head to toe. Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia. Do you know how women are treated in those countries? What does that tell you?
A question not a fact, certainly not " another" fact as there have been none yet. Do you know how women are treated in the countries where your 'normal' women live? Some well, some badly, some very, very badly. Nowhere are they treated well enough that they haven't started feminist movements because of male oppression. Why would men be different in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia? Facts and evidence please. And remember the topic is a Belgian law taking away women's rights to decide how they dress, not stuff that might happen in Kabul.

If wearing a burqa is a religious requirement, then why do only a small minority of Muslim women wear it? Is it because they force to do so by their father, brother(s), husband and/or other males?
It isn't. Many people , including Rockslinger, I believe have said so. But 'religious requirement' is a very elastic term. Lotsa Sikhs don't wear turbans, lotsa Jews go about uncovered, and my mother would never have considered going to church without a hat. I think you really mean something like 'not mentioned in the Koran'. But how is that relevant to brutal men forcing a mode of dress on women they think of as property? That's inexcusible enough, just as the Belgian law is. Free people have a right to tehir own choices, religious or not.

What's stupid and pathetic about this burqa crap is that it completely ignores the bad guys who do bad things and 'solves' the non-problem by dictating to women.

This is a stupid dress code being discussed, not the defence of civilzation! If you believe in freedom and there's even one woman who wants to wear a burqa—she grew up that way and it makes her nervous not to, maybe she loves to be naked under it, who knows or cares—shouldn't we freedom loving westerners be defending her right to choose for herself?

And if she's being forced, shouldn't that be where we put the full weight of the law?


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
I think even diehard racists would not agree with that comment.

I personally fucked some incredibly hot Middle-Eastern and East Indian women; I am not sure what temple they go to but I am always on the lookout for a good looking Arab girl as I find them damn sexy.
Hindu Temple...... Muslim Mosque


Apr 24, 2005
Evidence for your statement about normal women, please.
The evidence is right in front of our eyes. How many women do we see wearing burqas in the countries I mentioned? Extremely few, if any.

. Do you know how women are treated in the countries where your 'normal' women live?
Women definitely have more rights in Belgium than they do in Taliban Afghanistan.
And remember the topic is a Belgian law taking away women's rights to decide how they dress, not stuff that might happen in Kabul.
The Belgian law eliminate or greatly mitigate men's ability to force women to wear burqas. Question: If women love the burqa so much then why does the Taliban force women under penalty of death to wear them? Answer: Because women would not wear the burqa if the Taliban gave them a free choice.
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