Toronto Passions

Caps / Habs game 7. Who will it be?


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
I know one lovely french woman that would have had 1,2,3,4 orgasms last night. Hope she was wearing her HABS dress! Sebelle;)

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
A better question HH would be can Halak pull off a giant upset.

Because he is going to have to pull off a herculean effort for the habs to win.

I remember Plekanec stating before the series that the habs had an edge in goaltending.

Game 7 will be the measure of that statement.

Maxime Lapierre and his diving is an embarrassment to the hollowed sweater of the habitants.


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
I'm a huge fan of Ovechkin, and I want him to win a championship this year to show that crosby isn't "the Man"

but i'm a Montreal city fan....dont really care for the Habs...but I love the energy the city has when the habs are doin well...(going to Montreal this I want energy!!)

I guess i'm a little swayed to montreal because that will actually affect me in real life when I opposed to satisfying some unwarranted arbitrary vendetta i have against

Still a little divided on who i wanna win..but it should be one damn ass exciting game!

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
Habs all the way!!!!
This is their last chance this decade to continue their string of at least one Stanley Cup in each decade. Winning the first round against Washington is doable, but going all the way to win the up will be one hell of an uphill battle.
As much as I've adopted Toronto as my home, I don't think I'll ever be able to dump the Habs, especially not in favour of the Leafs.

Frank Fingers

Jun 6, 2009
Pretty much everyone from the beginning was saying Cap's in 4, or Cap's in 5. Just because they win the Presidents trophy and have the highest scoring offense doesn't really mean anything in the playoff's. Washington also had the top power play during the regular season, and in exactly 30 chances against the Hab's they've scored only once. How horrible is that? Team's will play more defense orientated in the playoff's, and all Montreal has to do is play great defense and have a hot goalie and the Cap's are done tomorrow night. It's one game.

And Montreal has guys like Scott Gomez, Brian Gionta, Hal Gill and Travis Moen who know what it takes to win a cup. Washington has nobody.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012

That gets me points with Sebelle;)



Just show me the boobs.
Feb 4, 2010
There are no shootouts in the playoffs. There never have been and hopefully there never will be.
I say this will be a 2-2 game and Caps win in a shootout. I want Phoenix to get Detroit out also
FF, do NOT use apostrophes to pluralize words. I have corrected you.
Pretty much everyone from the beginning was saying Caps in 4, or Caps in 5. Just because they win the Presidents' trophy and have the highest scoring offense doesn't really mean anything in the playoffs. Washington also had the top power play during the regular season, and in exactly 30 chances against the Habs they've scored only once. How horrible is that? Teams will play more defense orientated in the playoffs, and all Montreal has to do is play great defense and have a hot goalie and the Caps are done tomorrow night. It's one game.

And Montreal has guys like Scott Gomez, Brian Gionta, Hal Gill and Travis Moen who know what it takes to win a cup. Washington has nobody.
All that being said, I firmly believe Washington will fold in Game 7. They were expected to waltz over the Habs, and now have been taken to a Game 7 they never thought they would see.

Frank Fingers

Jun 6, 2009
FF, do NOT use apostrophes to pluralize words. I have corrected you.
Thanks...I think? I always thought that apostrophe's were fine in those situation's?

All that being said, I firmly believe Washington will fold in Game 7. They were expected to waltz over the Habs, and now have been taken to a Game 7 they never thought they would see.
Well at least we agree on this!

And nice natural titties on that girl in your sig!

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
I hope the Caps win.....I will never be a fan of the Habs or the Bills.
Ashley Madison
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